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[Manga Chat]

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I cannot stand Zensho. But I also loved that he could not help but vote for Maikeru. Props to him for being honest with the art. Also good on the author for swerving like that. It would have been so easy to take it the other direction and make Zensho a cookie-cutter villain. That would have been a bit spicier at first, but ultimately more dull and predictable. 

Part of me just keeps waiting for Akane to fall flat on her face. I am dreading it but thankfully it hasn’t happened. Y’know, not that it’s been easy for her all the way, but often in these kinds of stories the main character has to endure more hardships and dramatic failures before really succeeding. I hope she slays in her next performance! Keep the good vibes rolling. I’m also hyped to see the boss show what he’s got. 

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Been trying to plow through Elusive Samurai, but I was more behind than I thought.  I was back in chapters released in March :lol: I just finished 156 and have about 11-12 more chapters to go


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I won’t spoil any of the stuff coming up in Elusive Samurai. Lots happens. 

Did you read the latest Kaiju No. 8 chapter from a few days ago? That was a long gap between chapters! 

I’m still not convinced they’ve got No. 9 beat, but I am cautiously optimistic!

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Been listening to heavy music all day today, so I took a detour to catch up on Kaiju No. 8. Man, this series still has some of the best action art and monster/character design of anything going right now. They also do a good job of making the back and forth twists and turns feel epic and well-timed:



If this doesn't destroy No. 9 or at least force him to retreat, I'm gonna be a bit upset.  This feels like a peak of power that Kafka and the squad shouldn't be able to push past with some other surprise appearance or technique yet. As is, those, this whole battle has been so epic, and this last stretch with Kafka and Ashiro teaming up has felt like such a great payoff for the character development up to this point.


On 7/2/2024 at 11:59 AM, dr. b said:

I’m all caught up on Undead Unluck now. I really enjoyed the most recent arcs. The Unchaste (Kururu) chapters with Fuuko’s parents making an appearance was very nice. They nearly have the full squad assembled now!


Next up on the reading list is Kaiju No. 8. The anime was solid but I like the manga more. Wish I hadn’t slept on it this long. I love the style. It’s relatively simple. Very clean and easy to read, easy to follow the action. I really like the character designs. I also appreciate that the dialog is more concise. E.g. compared to Undead Unluck which I just binged. Some pages in that one can feel more like a novel, with so many rules and things needing to be explained in depth. 

Just kind of reading back on some of the posts I ignored for potential spoilers, and it's interesting to see my gut feel on the anime for Kaiju No. 8 resonates. I haven't watched it yet, but the previews just made it feel somewhat less engaging than the way it's presented in the manga.  Would you say it's still worth giving a shot, or have you been convinced of just following the manga rather than the anime?

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I liked the anime well enough. I watched it with my 13-year-old, so I guess taking in the episodes together with her added a little something extra. The comedic elements of Kaiju No. 8 come across very nicely in the anime. And the action and voice acting were solid. But, I dunno, the anime failed to capture _something_ that came across better in the manga. I'll continue watching the anime if there's another season, since it's always fun to see big fights animated. I'm not sure they can do anything in the anime to one-up the manga though. The manga is just so good.


Yesterday's batch of new chapters in Jump had so much good stuff going on :shiny: 


Spy x Family #103

This felt like a bit of a return to form. Prior to the flashback chapters about Henry and Martha, I was beginning to lose interest just a bit. Not entirely sure why. This chapter seems to have resonated more with me.


Elusive Samurai #168

Legit thought Takauji might be going down for a nano second. Then I realized that it's too early to end, even though it feels like they are on the way to a big finish before too much longer. Akiie



Sakamoto Days #178

Kinda funny how easily they got Kindaka on board, but I suppose that was to be expected. I'm not sure I'm super hyped to see Sakamoto fight The Order as his training. There should be some fun moments, but I don't want these chapters to go on for too long before we get back to the good stuff.


Akane-banashi #122

An excellent performance! I'm so happy :shiny: The last panel was very cool and I'm stoked to see Master Shiguma's performance.


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I started reading the OG Dragon Ball manga the other night. Man it’s been a long time. I’m only like 12 chapters in but I’m absolutely loving it. The simple beginnings of the whole DB story. Obviously I love much of everything that came after in DBZ and DB Super, but I have a strong appreciation for — and feel very nostalgic for — these early chapters. 

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I think it's still arguable that the initial DB run before it introduced the Z era is better than Z. I'd say it's all consistently amazing up through the Cell Saga, but there's a certain depth to the combat and conflicts that isn't always there with Z fights.


I actually have never read the manga other than select random chapters that I bought individual comics of or I read at a friend's house as a kid, so I've been wanting to actually start from the beginning now that Toriyama passed.  I wanna go back and enjoy HIS full artistic vision.  Plus I know he's legendary for his action page layouts.

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I've got up through Ch. 163 with Elusive Samurai. This war with Moronao has been great. Loved how it started with pure chaos with both sides countering rapid advantages.


The moment when Moronao got surrounded by the double Akiie trap felt so big. These battles have been giving me Dynasty Warriors vibes with the big swing war tactics. I also absolutely loved this page:




  • Shiny 1

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And now I'm all caught up



God, I want Moronao to die so bad and I'll be pretty upset if he doesn't die from his wounds.


Also, Jesus, Ch. 165 and some of those panels where Takauji was just slaughtering through the army intense. Stoked that through it all, Tokiyuki was able to turn it around and force Takauji to retreat. That was an awesome moment. But it's going to be sad no longer having Akiie and Nanbu.


I suspect the next chapter is gonna be a heartbreaker.


  • Shiny 1

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9 hours ago, Psycho666Soldier said:

I think it's still arguable that the initial DB run before it introduced the Z era is better than Z. I'd say it's all consistently amazing up through the Cell Saga, but there's a certain depth to the combat and conflicts that isn't always there with Z fights.


I actually have never read the manga other than select random chapters that I bought individual comics of or I read at a friend's house as a kid, so I've been wanting to actually start from the beginning now that Toriyama passed.  I wanna go back and enjoy HIS full artistic vision.  Plus I know he's legendary for his action page layouts.

I definitely endorse reading the manga. It’s great. 

It makes me feel like a tiny bit of a hipster, essentially like a hardcore music fan saying “They’re early albums were better!”, but I am totally on board the “Dragon Ball was better than DBZ” bandwagon. Not that I dislike DBZ. I just really really like the early parts of the story better. The Saiyan Saga that DBZ begins with is arguably my next favourite arc. I think most cite either the Frieza or Cell sagas as the best of the best… but the Saiyan saga was really special IMHO. 



5 hours ago, Psycho666Soldier said:

And now I'm all caught up


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God, I want Moronao to die so bad and I'll be pretty upset if he doesn't die from his wounds.


Also, Jesus, Ch. 165 and some of those panels where Takauji was just slaughtering through the army intense. Stoked that through it all, Tokiyuki was able to turn it around and force Takauji to retreat. That was an awesome moment. But it's going to be sad no longer having Akiie and Nanbu.


I suspect the next chapter is gonna be a heartbreaker.


Yeah man some of these moments have been brutal :rip: :crying2:


I also think the next chapter (or couple of chapters if the moment gets stretched out) could be a tearjerker. I’m still bummed about Akiie. Too soon. But these moments have made me more willing to believe that Tokiyuki will ultimately win. I’ve been worried for a while that it may be a bad ending. I’m still scared to read the real history online since these characters are based on Japanese historical figures :lol: But after all this hardship , Tokiyuki has got to come out on top right???

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Akane-banashi 122


It's kinda nice to just see her have a great performance without much tension or extravagant fanfare where she just looks like a high level performer. Definitely got me hyped for Shiguma's performance even more.


Spy x Family 103


Agreed on the return to form. It felt like Spy x Family was so good at having all these little slice of life moments that also felt impactful from a character development perspective. I think part of the issue is the last few times they did these kind of chapters, they were the really short in-between chapters that only last a few pages so you can't get absorbed in it.  While this didn't feel like a HUGE impact character development wise, it just...felt right?


Gonna read all of this week's chapters of the series I've been caught up on, catch up on Beat & Motion and Show-ha Shote , and then I think I'm gonna finally tackle catching up with Shoji Null and Wild Strawberry.


There's also a lot of other new series from the last couple months I want to give a shot.


Did Jiangshi X end up getting cut? It didn't grab me too much so I dropped it early.

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Agreed on all points re: Akane-banashi and Spy x Family! :nod: 


You will like what’s going on in Beat and Motion. Guaranteed. That reminds me, there is a new chapter of it today. Yay! New Shojo Null today too. It’s only got a couple chapters left. It’s been an interesting and sometimes weird series. I have enjoyed it overall, but I’m also glad that it’s not running much longer. It seems like the author has the ending planned out fairly well. 


I never picked up Jiangshi X. I can’t recall seeing it updated anytime recently. Guess it got cancelled a while back. 

I haven’t really touched any of the most recent new series. I am curious about a couple. I’ll wait for Shojo Null to finish in a few weeks before adding another to my reading list. Let me know which new ones you think are good!

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Caught up on Beat & Motion



Catching up on Beat & Motion, and man, Chapter 32 got my eyes feeling a little wobbly.


I said this, and the next couple chapters didn't get any better. I don't know what it is, but this has been one of the most touching love stories I've ever read. I love that it hones in on both protagonists making each other believe in their dreams stronger and how that translates into people that truly care deeply about the other. I think maybe it just also hits home as a creative and feeling a lot of things that Tatsuhiko has felt about his art. I don't know how far this manga intends to go, but it feels like the next chapter might actually have a confession in it, and I can not fucking wait.


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On 8/23/2024 at 4:21 PM, Psycho666Soldier said:

Just finished chapter 218 of Undead Unluck.


She said the thing!!!

Just a couple of hours until the next chapter drops!!!





6 hours ago, Psycho666Soldier said:

Caught up on Beat & Motion


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Catching up on Beat & Motion, and man, Chapter 32 got my eyes feeling a little wobbly.


I said this, and the next couple chapters didn't get any better. I don't know what it is, but this has been one of the most touching love stories I've ever read. I love that it hones in on both protagonists making each other believe in their dreams stronger and how that translates into people that truly care deeply about the other. I think maybe it just also hits home as a creative and feeling a lot of things that Tatsuhiko has felt about his art. I don't know how far this manga intends to go, but it feels like the next chapter might actually have a confession in it, and I can not fucking wait.


Yeah, this has been a really special story for sure. The characters are all so likable and relatable in their own ways. Feels good to read it.

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Today's chapters!


Jujutsu Kaisen #267

5 chapters left! The Culling Game has been dragging on and on. Recent chapters, the final showdown with Sukuna, have admittedly been very solid... but overall this arc has not been amazing. I am happy to see the end in sight. Also the end of this chapter had a very exciting re-appearance by a certain fan favourite character :shiny: 

Despite being down on The Culling Game arc on the whole, I still look forward to seeing it animated eventually. I wonder if it will come across better animated. The Chimera Ant arc in HxH was not exactly a fan favourite originally, but it was incredibly well done in the HxH 2011 anime and I think that changed a lot of people's minds about it. Maybe the same will happen with The Culling Game in JJK.


Undead Unluck #219


Heeeeeee's baaaaaaack!!! Should be a good showdown with Unruin. I think things are going to get really hectic with the Master Rules now free to cause trouble.

When do they use Remember, I wonder? That's the card that was jammed into Undead's forehead in the previous loop... right? Does Fuuko jam it back in there, or does it get used differently this time around?



The Elusive Samurai #169


Akiie :salute: :salute: :salute: 

Feels like we're on a crash course now with Takauji and ultimately the end of the story.

The "Intermission" chapters were chapters #111 to 114. I figured that was the mid-point in the story. Not sure if that's the case, but if my assumption was right then there are still quite a few chapters left for the author to play with before bringing the story to its conclusion. 

As they are fleeing now with Akiie going down, it feels like the next few chapters will show the team getting to safety, re-grouping, planning for their final attack. I dunno. Maybe there's more to it than that. I hope so! I'm still loving this story.


Akane-banashi #123


There were some really well drawn panels in this one. What a treat. When Shiguma gets serious, it's clearly very badass! I guess his rakugo "superpower" is to be such a captivating storyteller that he practically hypnotizes the audience. I wish I was in the audience, man.


Sakamoto Days #179


Sakamoto straight up got wrecked by... Scruffy? Didn't catch his name yet anywhere :lolgrin: Time to get back to your true form, dude. Running the store is fun and all, but right now you gotta get strong to save yer family.

Handheld sandblasters as weapons is a bit ridiculous, but I like the author's big imagination even if it's probably not the best idea ever. Don't think anybody else has come up with that before! :lol: 


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I think the true strength of Sakamoto Days' action is the over-the-top aspects that they try to somehow ground with whatever logic, because nonsensical or not, it almost always pays off satisfyingly for the action. I feel the same way with the sand-blasting.


Great round of chapters this week.  Very excited to see what comes next for everything.

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Thought there was going to be a new chapter of Chainsaw Man yesterday but apparently it doesn't actually come out until next Tuesday. Thanks for nothin' VIZ :badrazz: Are you caught up on Chainsaw Man? It hit a low point for me a couple months back, but the more recent chapters have been more compelling so I'm kind of back on the bandwagon. 

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Chainsaw Man is also on the docket.  It is one of the ones I was pretty far behind on, but not quite as bad as some.  I'm working on Show-ha Shoten first and then Chainsaw Man will probably follow


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With Show-ha Shoten!, all the goings-on in this big competition have been fun to follow. I still struggle to make sense of the comedy that these kids are doing. But that's a cultural difference that I assume is not easy to explain. The translators would have to add so many little notes under the panels, it wouldn't work :lol: But outside of not really finding their comedy funny, there are a lot of likeable characters, and the interpersonal relationships between the different comedy groups are interesting. I like a lot of the characters so I don't even know who I want to win anymore. Can't they just all win!?! :lol: 

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New Kaiju No. 8 today!



Looks like the battle is won and we're getting some deep lore tease that's really got me intrigued. But perhaps the victory came at a price?


I'm guessing Kafka isn't dead, but maybe the old being in him is being awakened by No. 9 and he's gonna start going crazy? Or at least they're gonna be hinting at that.  Either way, consider me intrigued.


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16 minutes ago, Psycho666Soldier said:

New Kaiju No. 8 today!


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Looks like the battle is won and we're getting some deep lore tease that's really got me intrigued. But perhaps the victory came at a price?


I'm guessing Kafka isn't dead, but maybe the old being in him is being awakened by No. 9 and he's gonna start going crazy? Or at least they're gonna be hinting at that.  Either way, consider me intrigued.



The battle is won… or is it? :thinking2: All those kaiju that seem to be pouring out of No. 9 are concerning! Maybe it’s not actually over yet.

Kafka can’t possibly be dead unless this story is ending really soon. I’m curious to see how he comes back from this. Will he be stuck in his kaiju form or will he still be able to turn human? Maybe he runs wild and they have to subdue him. Gotta figure that Mina would ultimately be the one to bring him back to reality if that happens. 

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Only one chapter left for Shojo Null. This weeks chapter had a lot packed into like 16 pages. It seems there is a time skip now, then the final chapter somehow will resolve everything..? Or it will be a more open-ended type of ending. I dunno. I’m curious to see how it wraps up. 

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Caught up on Show-ha Shoten


I feel like the facial expressions and the way the antics are drawn makes it feel at least funny in a way where you can see why it's funny to other people. But then I think of some recent gag mangas I liked where a lot of the humor is dialogue based and it usually lands as a bit funnier so *shrug*


But yeah, the characters really make the story. I know Rising were never really bad guys per se, but getting their backstory really made you into their routine. I also am stoked that Sprech took the lead, and low-key would like to see them win, but there's fierce competition lined up after them.


And Chainsaw Man too!


Wow. They actually went there with Denji ejaculating. It's weird how much it works for this manga. Honestly, most of what I caught up on(basically everything after Nayuta was initially captured) was more engaging than the last few chapters I remember, but it also might have helped that I was binging them. Either way, there is some page-framing gold in a lot of these chapters, and the most recent one that was all silent because mouths had been erased was awesome.


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So tempted to use the jizz smiley to react to that one :rotfl: :eek: 


It's a fun coincidence that you mention facial expressions in Show-ha! Shoten before also commenting on Chainsaw Man. I love the many weird, sad, dejected, wacky, awkward, and just plain messed up faces that Denji makes. That guy wear's his heart (and his stupidity) on his sleeve :lol: Just one glance at a panel and you know exactly what is (or isn't) going through his mind. 


I totally agree that the-thing-that-happened-with-Asa is so perfect for Chainsaw Man. It would be cringey or feel forced almost anywhere else. Not in Chainsaw Man! 

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3 hours ago, dr. b said:

So tempted to use the jizz smiley to react to that one :rotfl: :eek: 


It's a fun coincidence that you mention facial expressions in Show-ha! Shoten before also commenting on Chainsaw Man. I love the many weird, sad, dejected, wacky, awkward, and just plain messed up faces that Denji makes. That guy wear's his heart (and his stupidity) on his sleeve :lol: Just one glance at a panel and you know exactly what is (or isn't) going through his mind. 


I totally agree that the-thing-that-happened-with-Asa is so perfect for Chainsaw Man. It would be cringey or feel forced almost anywhere else. Not in Chainsaw Man! 

The irony is that when you see Denji going through issues like "I always think with my dick," you know it's like an actual existential crisis for him, not just him being silly.  You can tell Fujimoto likes trying to get to the bottom of his characters' true feelings 

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Spy x Family #104 was a fun little adventure with Damian and his buddies. I like his butler. 

Akane-banashi #124 - Master Shiguma’s performance continues to be great. I’m really curious to see how his story ends!


Kagurabachi #47 - You might want to check this one out if you haven’t yet. It seems to have some staying power. They’re embarking on what feels like a rather big new arc in this chapter. Sweet colour title pages this week too. 

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Shojo Null #33 (final chapter) - There were some beautifully drawn panels in this chapter. I was satisfied with the ending. Not too many loose ends.


Chainsaw Man #176


The series is starting to get exciting again..! Asa is getting serious. I'm super curious to see where it goes next chapter.


Choujin X #55 - This series has been consistently really good (IMHO) for quite a while now. There is so much detail in the story and I love the style. The current arc feels like it will ultimately be the last, but it's going to be pretty long and drawn out. 


Beat & Motion #39 :shiny: :heart: 


:lol: at Nico getting frustrated with Tasuhiko 

I was fuckin' beaming by the last page of this chapter. I love these characters and it's such a feel-good love story.


Got the new Show-ha Shoten! queued up for later today to read.

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I'm caught up on all the Sunday manga, though don't have any specific comments that don't just amount to "Yeah, this is still good" for pretty much all of them, so will hold off until at least next Sunday.


Gotta read the most recent of the ones you just mentioned, but that's on hold because I've been binging Dragon Ball the last week and am now 14 chapters away from finishing that.

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Dang that’s fast. I started reading Dragon Ball a couple weeks ago but haven’t had much time to really binge it. I’m ~30 chapters in. It’s awesome. I love how short-but-not-short the chapters are. Toriyama could pack a lot into 13 pages!

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I had a day where I said fuck work and was reading at my desk, and then I literally just spent the rest of the evening at home reading. I think I started that day halfway through the first tournament and just found myself wanting to blitz through the Red Ribbon arc. The time flew.  Like you said, even though a lot of the chapters are only 13 pages, between the dialogue and how drawn in to the individual panels I am, it feels like a lot is going on.


It's pretty awesome to see how great at depicting motion in his art, and I just don't think you can fully appreciate that watching the anime, so I'm glad I went this route.

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I did end up reading Beat & Motion:



THEY FUCKING DID IT! It was actually pretty great seeing Nico's frustration at not being confessed to yet and the way it finally did come out. So touching. And god, so many emotions implied with every still panel of their faces. Not sure how much more they continue now that they've kissed, because I feel like these kind of manga tend to end around the time the love becomes official, but it would be cool to see this go on a bit longer exploring what their love looks like as their careers advance.


Holy shit, and Chainsaw Man:


My eyes widened and I mentally gasped when Famine mentioned the Gun devil as her child. I don't remember if she revealed that before? But holy shit did it pop me.


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The Elusive Samurai #171


That was unexpected! It was an interesting character reveal of Emperor Go-Daigo. He'd been faceless and basically personality-less for all this time. I really enjoyed the peak behind the curtain in this chapter. I legit felt proud of Tokiyuki for figuring out the solution.


Akane-banashi #125 -- No spoilers, but Master Shiguma is an absolute boss :golfclap:


Sakamoto Days #181


I think this jail arc is going to be a fun one. I was not expecting the JAA's fortune teller to be a princess, that feels a bit cliche, but oh well. Shin is the prince so it's all good!


Undead Unluck #221


I wonder how long the "final fight" is going to last??? I have always appreciated this series for the quick pace. Nothing ever gets stagnant. But if we're closing in on the final showdown then I won't mind if they drag it out juuuuuuuust a bit.

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Finally ready the most recent Elusive Samurai:


I agree, the reveal was kinda shocking. I didn't expect him to look so welcoming and cordial after all that time they personified him with the glowing eyes behind the shade. Really shows the complexity of the characters in the series. And yeah, it was a great moment for Tokiyuki where he was finally acknowledged by the Mikado and basically told "Do whatever the hell you want." Great stuff.


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I’ve been reading loads of Dragon Ball the last few days. Just finished the Red Ribbon and Fortuneteller Baba arcs. Goddamn I love the original DB. Time to get into the next tournament!

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12 hours ago, dr. b said:

I’ve been reading loads of Dragon Ball the last few days. Just finished the Red Ribbon and Fortuneteller Baba arcs. Goddamn I love the original DB. Time to get into the next tournament!

It's so good, dude. I ended up finishing about a week ago and I've moved on into Z territory now.


The Red Ribbon was originally as far as I got with the anime a long time ago because the files I downloaded had corrupted subtitles around the episode where he's training with Karin, and I checked and every episode after that had the same issue. So it was nice to finally see the Fortune Teller Baba arc. 


It's really funny that out of all the things the manga has, they feel the need to censor the cusswords. Every time they say, "Fooey!" I have to laugh.

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I find “Fooey!” kind of charming, and I think it fits fairly well with how juvenile the sense of humour is in DB. I guess it’s kinda funny juxtaposed against all the panels of naked Goku :lol: (“Damn!” or “Shit!” would not have been so bad really.) But even the other maybe-not-so-kid-friendly things like the sex jokes, naked Goku, etc. are all relatively tame and childish. I think it works to keep the language clean in the translation. 

I don’t know if I’ll continue on with DBZ. Maybe just the Saiyan saga, which is low-key maybe my favorite arc of DBZ overall. I’m well into the Piccolo arc now in DB because I couldn’t sleep last night, so it won’t take long to finish. 

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2 hours ago, dr. b said:

I find “Fooey!” kind of charming, and I think it fits fairly well with how juvenile the sense of humour is in DB. I guess it’s kinda funny juxtaposed against all the panels of naked Goku :lol: (“Damn!” or “Shit!” would not have been so bad really.) But even the other maybe-not-so-kid-friendly things like the sex jokes, naked Goku, etc. are all relatively tame and childish. I think it works to keep the language clean in the translation. 

I don’t know if I’ll continue on with DBZ. Maybe just the Saiyan saga, which is low-key maybe my favorite arc of DBZ overall. I’m well into the Piccolo arc now in DB because I couldn’t sleep last night, so it won’t take long to finish. 

It honestly wasn't too bad until near the end where they say it more frequently. But I agree it does fit the general aura of that part of the story.


I'm mostly going through Z because I've never read the manga all the way through, so I wanna see how it plays out in that form. Plus, just watching Toriyama's art continue to evolve. 

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I finished DB last night. I’m glad I read the manga. It’s a masterpiece. I love the last arc especially. All the matches in the Piccolo Jr. tournament were fun as heck. I have found I really prefer the simpler DB to the increasingly more complicated Z and Super. More martial arts and less energy blasts. Energy blasts and special moves feel more impactful when they’re used more sparingly, like when Ten busted out his first Kikoho. I also love the special items Goku uses early on like Kintoun and Nyoibo, and all the silliness. (Really wish Lunch had continued to be a recurring character in Z. I forgot how hilarious she is!)


I started reading the Saiyan arc in Z last night but I dunno… I sort of just want to read the original all over again! 

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New stuff this week was solid. 

Kaiju No. 8 #115

Pace was dragging a bit but having Hoshina and then Gen jump into the fray really refreshed things. I like the dynamic between No. 10 and Hoshina, and I am curious to see how he’ll be able to cooperate with Gen.


Choujin X #57

No spoilers since I don’t think you’re following this one anyways… Just wanted to say that I think you should get on board! This final arc has been epic. I’m loving it. I love the art style throughout. Ishida is a great artist and storyteller. Feels like we’re getting close-ish now to the final showdown. 

Chainsaw Man #178

Forgot about all the children that are supposed to die. It’s a bit gross. Here’s to hoping that Denji can avert that somehow.

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I've been digging the prison arc for Sakamoto Days so far. This chapter in particular was really cool, seeing how Shingo has developed both his powers and his compassion from the beginning do the series.


Chainsaw Man #178


I know this manga isn't shy about Denji not exactly being a good guy and not really caring about things like avoiding casualties, but yeah, willing feeding knowing it will direct kill kids seems like a line he wouldn't cross, even in this pure Chainsaw form.


What a collection of panels this week though, huh?


Elusive Samurai #172 & 173


The color cover for 172 was insane. Had me kind of mesmerized for a minute.


Was sad to see Yoshisada die, but holy shit did he go out with a a bang! His last ditch slaughter had some of the best panels I've seen in this comic, at least from a pure standpoint of violence.


173 was mostly setup, but I'm very hyped for what might be the final showdown worth Mima.


Also, kind of a random thought, but I would love a Dynasty Warriors-style Elusive Samurai game.



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23 minutes ago, Psycho666Soldier said:

Also, kind of a random thought, but I would love a Dynasty Warriors-style Elusive Samurai game.

I would absolutely love an Elusive Samurai themed hack’n’slash game! :shiny:


re: the latest Elusive Samurai chapter:

I hope Tokiyuki can overcome Mima by winning her over to his side. Gonna be kinda sad if they have to cut her down.


Agreed the current arc in Sakamoto Days has been pretty good so far. 

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Also, Kaiju No. 8 was hype as usual.


Akane-banashi #126 & 127


I honestly really enjoy these smaller moments in between the big events, especially when they're wrapped in these paramount character development moments. It felt really satisfying to hear Akane say she's already tightened the loincloth of her heart 


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The Elusive Samurai #174


Shizuku nooooooo :uhoh: :bawling: 

Spy x Family #105.1


Been a while since we had one of these goofy little mini chapters. I like it! Becky picked the wrong people up see that movie with :lol: Also, Yor asking Martha about kissing :rotfl:

JJK #271 (finale)

The ending was not bad but it was not great either. Kind of forgettable :-/ I’m holding out hope that the Culling Game arc will come across better animated, if/when it gets animated. It certainly has its moments in the manga, but it was not a consistently engaging and compelling arc IMHO. 

Undead Unluck #224


This final Ragnarok is off to an epic start! I love the pace this story moves at. Already hyped for the next chapter.


Sakamoto #184


Happy that Shin figured things out on the fly. That was unexpected from Hard Boiled. Also, what a weird character that dude is :lol:

Of course the girl’s prediction still somehow comes true! :lol:

Onward to B2!

Absolutely killer action this week in Kagurabachi #51 :shiny:

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Show-ha Shoten! #34


I thought this was a fantastic chapter. It got a tad dark for a hot minute there, but it obviously wasn’t going to get too heavy. Both characters gained so much more depth. Yet another team that I want to win. Why can’t they all win :crying2: :lol:

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Beat & Motion #41


Goddamn Nico is the best :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: 

Two years is too long of a lease dude. Then he drops the M-word outta nowhere at the end! :lol:

Kinda feels like there could be a bit of a time skip coming up. Maybe a montage of panels showing Tatsuhiko and co. working on their project, Nico working on her stuff, and then -boom- two years have mostly passed. Maybe not though. In any case, this continues to be one of my favourite series in Jump right now!

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Hunter x Hunter is back in the weekly rotation!!! :mosh: I don’t know how long it will last until the next hiatus but I’ll enjoy every chapter all the same! Already hyped for the next one :shiny:


The Elusive Samurai #175


Hell yeah Tokuyuki is gonna save them both! Miwa isn’t actually evil. And the squad (and me :bawling:) would be absolutely gutted if Shizuku wasn’t around anymore. Only thing to do is save them both :cool: Also nice save from Yuki to bail out Tokiyuki when he was in the water. Yuki is a pretty solid dude for a twisted killer :rotfl:


Akane-banashi #129


I knew it was going to smoothly :uhoh: Master Shiguma better be alright!

Very curious to see what Akane does with the framework of Shiguma’s art. 


Undead Unluck #225

This is so hype. Julia vs. Apocalypse! Everybody’s gotta hold it down until Unjustice awakens. Next chapter should be exciting.

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A little behind on some stuff. Might try to catch up a bit today. But I wanted to shout out one of the newest series Hakutaku. Third chapter dropped today, I really liked the first two chapters. It's about becoming a video game coder.


Good art, very interesting characters, and it feels like it has the right level of charm and style as all the best anti-battle shonen. Hard to say if it'll hold up, but it hasn't disappointed yet.


I think once I get caught up on the last couple rounds of the usual series, I'm finally gonna move to the second chapter of Kagurabachi and burn through that.

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Nice :highfive: Kagurabachi gets really good!


I have held back on trying any of the new series that debuted in Jump over the last few weeks. Don’t want to make my weekly reading listtoo long. But JJK and Shojo Null finished recently so I guess I have some openings. JJBA Stone Ocean only has about it a dozen chapters until it ends too. Dandadan will definitely be next in my list. Then maybe Hakutaku next. Your description of it sounds good. 

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This week's chapters. Lots of good stuff! 


Spy x Family #106


This one felt kinda ominous. Something bad gonna happen soon? And to who exactly?


Sakamoto Days #185


The whole concept of B2 is pretty ridiculous, but as with most ridiculous things in Sakamoto Days, it works. Speaking of ridiculous, how about this new guy!?! He's cool AF. What a way to make an appearance.


Undead Unluck #226


The last page was touching. Apocalypse is a butthole but this chapter made him so much more likable! As usual, things are progressing at a very fast pace.


The Elusive Samurai #176


Tears of joy :bawling: I would have been crushed if Shizuku had not come back. And Tokiyuki saves Mima, and puts her loser dad in his place too! What a boss :bandit:


Kagurabachi #53


Killer colour cover pages! There are some absolutely sick panels in this chapter. Chihiro is stone cold. Give me the next chapter already!


Akane-banashi #130


Lovely colour cover page. Akane’s face on page 9 :lol: :rotfl:

Then things really turn dark... Master Shiguma noooooo :crying2:

And now he's dismantling the Shiguma school!?!?!? And taking on Akane as his student!? Bombshell. I kind of hate it.

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