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Attack On Titan

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It starts up again folks!



They've plugged up the hole!
Lol Armin's in charge of a squad now
Titans in the waaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllssssssss
Well shit......Hairy titan leader is there.

Is it me or did that feel reaally short?

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S3 E50


That slow build up to showdown, Levi just throat-stabbing Reiner i-fucking-mediately, the Beast Titan booping with a bunch of Titans of his own and THEN EPISODE ENDS FUCK

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Just means we'll have something to look forward to next ep!

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We're in for so much good shit this season, oh man :mosh: 


Urge to spoil things for the anime-only's rising... :nailbiting2: Ma did you ever start reading the manga??? 

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Dude how can he NOT!? Although I know I'm a few volumes behind where I'm currently at.

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OK I'll just keep quiet about things 'til they happen then


9 hours ago, Tassifox said:

Dude how can he NOT!? Although I know I'm a few volumes behind where I'm currently at.


I'm a couple chapters behind, haven't read the new ones in a few months... I should get caught up.

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Ep 51


- Nope, the intro is just not growing on me.
- The Titan runs are getting worse :lol:
- Totally boxed in
- God, Erwin is such a badass commander. Totally assesses the situation, creates a counter-strategy immediately, and even freezes fucking Reiner in Armored Titan mode, stares him dead in the eyes without flinching.
- "Hey Levi, go kill the Beast Titan."
- Reiner transferred his consciousness to his body, otherwise he'd be dead. I'm not sure if we knew Titans could do that before
- Eren makes knuckles up with Titan Crystal :nod:
- Levi noticeably huffing and puffing taking down "easy" Titans
- Erwin on Griffith's mountain of corpses
- Why did they animate Reiner's armoured taint?
- God damn, Reiner tossing Eren around and face-punching, not going down easy
- Thunder Spears to the eyes awwwww yeah
- Don't you fucking dare end there, anime
- Reiner def survived, even if the preview is some kind of flashback, he said he was going to use "that", implying he had something up his sleeve.

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Erwin :salute:


Next few episodes are gonna be nuts

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- Oh man, they fed Marco to a Titan to hide their secret (I remember some dude named Marco), but they're just kids themselves or Stockholm Syndrome'd so it's fucked them up too, and Reiner's the most fucked up of all
- And reminded us that Annie existed
- Did we know his name was Zeke? I think some of the conversation implied that's Reiner's father
- That weirdo Titan talking, dammit :rotfl:
- And ofc their real motivations are girls, fucking nerds :lol:
- Yeah, Reiner is definitely not dead, even with his face exploded
- Conny and Potato Girl still crying about having killed their comrade
- Oh my fucking god, throwing Bertholdt in a barrel and then using him like a catapulted bomb
- And he stops just short so he doesn't kill Reiner
- Arminnnn trying to fuck with Bertholdt like Hange would, but it's not working because Bertholdt has become more determined, knows what they're trying to do, and is also buying time for Reiner himself
- And Bertholdt can hang with her
- Reiner's down so the armour can protect him (Holy shit that skeleton face :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: )
- Oh god, he's going to transform as high us as he can and bomb them all
- I'm assuming Hange squad didn't die because we didn't see it, but GOD DAMN
- And now he's carpet bombing them with burning buildings and they have to fight him or he'll pincer Levi Squad
- Erwin and the Beast Titan trading tactical advantages

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I think this was the first time the Beast Titan's name was mentioned in the anime. It happened similarly in the manga IIRC. Just a random name drop and then they moved along. But we will eventually see Zeke's background story, which is very interesting. Not sure if it will fit into this season though.  


Love that killer instinct from Mikasa :shiny: I still don't but Bert being able to hang with her, but I suppose they did do a lot of training to become warriors...

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At first I was thinking Bert was gonna fuck up on the plan. Now things are intense. DAMN BOI

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Dude the end of that ep



The charging into the equivalent of cannons on horseback. Fuck. 


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Urge to post spoilers rising... :uhoh: Can't it be next week already!? :nailbiting2:

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Ep 5







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Ep 54


Jesus Christ :rip:


Levi FUCKING UP the Beast Titan, Armin burning to death while Eren fittingly takes down Colossal in Human Form, Mikasa Rocket Launching Reiner out of his own body. God damn :rip:

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Take that Bert you fucker! :blasted:


This was one of my favourite parts of the manga for sure.


Now what are they gonna do with that syringe of Titan serum? :nailbiting2:

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About time they actually do something in the show. Took them 3 seasons ?

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On 5/27/2019 at 4:46 AM, little birdy said:


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Now what are they gonna do with that syringe of Titan serum? :nailbiting2:



Totes gonna somehow give it to Armin. I betcha ANYTHING that he's using what's left of his will to live to keep him "nearly dead" and make Armin a titan. They SPECIFICALLY said as long as your some kind of percentage alive and not "all dead" the serum will work. I WANNA BELIEVE ARMIN WILL BE NEXT TITAN


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I already knew what was gonna happen and all, but it still felt pretty damn dramatic. We're gonna see the sea, Armin! 


Might have been cool if they could have found a way to stretch that out over two episodes though. It would have been a week of fierce #TeamArmin vs. #TeamErwin debates.


FINALLY the basement is coming up. I love how much it gets teased throughout but it takes forever to get there :lol: 

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Totally forgot that there was another episode recently!



Fuck! Both Erwin and Armin are barely alive~ I understand Levi's reasoning but FUCKFUCKFUCK! Aaaaaaand of course there's no way to split the serum
Levi's gonna try and split the serum. HE'S GONNA TRY SOMETHING


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Ep 7




After the credits flashback: Um.......Was Eren's father some kind of Jewish heritage? I know that's awful to think but the gate to the wall they aren't allowed to go out of kinda reminded me of a concentration camp setting.....


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EP 8~~!!!



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I remember being pretty mind blown after reading this chapter of the manga. That's a fairly long time ago now so some details about what happens next are a little fuzzy, but I definitely remembered what happened in this episode. What a revelation.


The warriors that attacked the island were actually fellow Eldyians. The relationship between Zeke and Eren. Grisha's whole story is nuts. Dina turns out to be the smiling titan that are Eren's mum at the start. Titans are basically devil magic. So much to take in all at once.

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Seriously for real. I was expecting some mind bombs but holy crap.....

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I legit thought that was gonna be the end of the series until I saw the "to be continued" at the end. Thank god cuzzzzz there's still some things they gotta deal with.

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No worries there, still more story left.

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I want Eren and co to stomp all over the Marley, thereby becoming the enemy they grew up hating so much

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I think Eren of all people kind of realizes more than any of them that this may be the case. When he was mumbling on when they finally got to see the Ocean and it's all "well we're here, but this isn't freedom. Will it be when we get here?" Originally it was just: This is the enemy, we beat this and we're golden right? Then learning that this was so much bigger than any of them are, I think Eren had a lot to think over that year gap.


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Finally got around to watching the last special, which was all I needed to finish it.


My opinion on the series has mostly stayed the same: extremely cool story and setting up until the timekskip and then excepting a few strong character moments (set up by the original season...) and a few cool fight scenes, it just kind of all fell apart for me. They looked at such a cool concept and setting and for some reason decided "needs more WWII."


Pieck-chama though ??

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14 hours ago, Vic Boss said:

They looked at such a cool concept and setting and for some reason decided "needs more WWII."?

"Lest we forget" :rotfl: 


There were some good moments leading up to the ending mixed in with all the meh, but I agree that it could have been something so much better.


I was pretty hyped for the final showdown when all the past titans were popping out. Seeing them all come back in manga was great, but it fell a bit flat in the anime. That was a let down.

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