Vic Boss 612 Posted November 26, 2019 Almost 4 minutes of Jim Cornette swearing from his podcast ISO Share this post Link to post
Vic Boss 612 Posted December 3, 2019 I'm acks interested in this AOP storyline. Seth being a nerdy prick and the AOP acting like The Shield did for CM Punk. If it's me... The AOP are actually working for Aleister Black, and Seth still turns heel because he's a dick but he was right ISO Share this post Link to post
Nick 38 Posted December 8, 2019 Sin Cara, Luke Harper, and The Ascension have all been released. ISO Share this post Link to post
Psycho666Soldier 286 Posted December 8, 2019 Happy for all of them, especially Harper. They'll get more satisfaction elsewhere. Harper in particular could find himself in a great position outside WWE. And I think Sin Cara/Hunico has a lot to offer at least ring-wise. I don't think Ascension will do much of worth, though. 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
Vic Boss 612 Posted December 8, 2019 Ascension would probably do fine in some Japanese organization. Hunico might be useful in lucha, WWE made him a bigger star than he was otherwise going to be. Brodie Fucking Lee has the world at his feet. ISO Share this post Link to post
MT 917 Posted December 8, 2019 It's about time they granted Luke his release, he's been asking for it for months now. This video is at the end of Botchamania 400, but it's good enough on it's own to warrant posting by itself, especially if you've been a WWF/WWE fan for years. ISO Share this post Link to post
MT 917 Posted December 11, 2019 Three-disc nWo box set quickly expands to 17 useless discs 2 ISO Share this post Link to post
Vic Boss 612 Posted December 14, 2019 Vince McMahon was sitting in the back jerking off, to which Vince exclaimed "That's how fucking good that was, pal" Holy SHIT ISO Share this post Link to post
Garlic Junior 136 Posted December 21, 2019 Kinda sucks how everyone forgot that The Ascension were genuine badasses in NXT and genuinely cool guys on that Punk'd show they did ISO Share this post Link to post
Psycho666Soldier 286 Posted December 21, 2019 Eh, I liked The Ascension when the shitty dude who used to date Charlotte was there. I always liked Viktor, but felt they never really clicked as a team. I honestly think had their been an actual tag division while they were champs, they wouldn't have been praised as much. Then again, maybe if they had actual competition, they would have been pushed to better matches. ISO Share this post Link to post
Psycho666Soldier 286 Posted December 27, 2019 MSG House Show Spoiler(Doesn't matter, but just in case): Spoiler ANDRADE IS YOUR NEW UNITED STATES CHAMPION! Happy for the dude. He's long deserved some main roster gold, but I'm glad they held off for a bit. I would say odd they didn't have this moment on TV, but I'm good with it. I like house show title changes. There's also this tweet that has video, and you can tell how excited he is to win. ISO Share this post Link to post
Vic Boss 612 Posted December 27, 2019 They've been worried about MSG lately, the house show numbers have been down and NJPW/RoH running it this year. I bet that'll be the house show to go to over the next few years, especially since AEW will probably try to run it at some point just for the clout. 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
Vic Boss 612 Posted December 31, 2019 I wish Raw was 1 hour, maybe two if there was no Smackdown. There's like 1 hour of decent to good stuff and then 2 hours of filling time on Raw. 2 segment matches that only need to be 1 segment, 1 segment of promo-time that only needs to be three minutes, etc etc. I dig the Seth Rollins stuff right now, I like the squash-match format when it's not going two segments. A fast-forward through a lot more than I want to just because it's too long. 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
Vic Boss 612 Posted January 15, 2020 Kind of wish that was an hour or two longer. Attitude Era stuff gets a bit boring because there's only so many times you can hear the same stories over and over, but Hunter having more personal insight into Vince as a family member makes him looking back on shit like that really interesting 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
MT 917 Posted February 17, 2020 Takeover thoughts Cole/Ciampa was great, up until the ref bump. Then it sorta went downhill. Not happy about the Gargano turn, but at least we'll potentially get the end to the Gargano/Ciampa feud at Wrestlemania's Takeover. I actually liked the Nox/Kai match until the interference. Rhea/Belair was fantastic, as was Lee/Dijakovic. Lee/Dijakovic may be my match of the night. Balor/Gargano just did nothing for me, which is sad to say since i'm a fan of both those dudes. Johnny not selling all the leg work Finn did to him just killed my enjoyment. Also, i'm not mad that Dunne/Riddle won, but Riddle didn't hold onto the tag rope when he made that final tag. I'm sure nothing will come of it though, but that was another awesome match. ISO Share this post Link to post
MT 917 Posted February 19, 2020 Cedric Alexander's luggage got stolen 2 ISO Share this post Link to post
Psycho666Soldier 286 Posted February 20, 2020 Part of me wonders if WWE has chilled on people smoking weed recently with the rise of legalization. They've been making plenty of jokes about Matt Riddle, and Dawkins has made a very blatant joke on TV before. Maybe they're just capitalizing on previous personalities, or perhaps the talent just knows how to avoid getting caught on tests. But really, I feel like if they're not baked while they wrestle, what's the problem? ISO Share this post Link to post
Blackjak 57 Posted February 21, 2020 I think I read somewhere that it's just a fine now and Riddle has no problem paying it. Edit: Triple H even make jokes about his plane to Portland smelling bad. Apparently it's a $2,500 fine. 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
Psycho666Soldier 286 Posted February 21, 2020 That's awesome. It's too bad this wasn't a thing when Air Boom was around. That was actually a solid tag team that really started finding its stride right as Evan Bourne got suspended. I went from thinking it was a lazy tag combination to being pissed that their reign ended so abruptly. ISO Share this post Link to post
Vic Boss 612 Posted February 25, 2020 That weird moment when WWE steals an AEW gimmick, but then goes and does it better ISO Share this post Link to post
Blackjak 57 Posted February 25, 2020 Which one are you referring to? Monday Night Messiah and his disciples? Compared to the Dark Order? ISO Share this post Link to post
MT 917 Posted February 28, 2020 Super Showdown spoilers Good to see them finally give the title to that young upstart *checks notes* Goldberg? God. Fucking. Damn it. Edit: LMAO ISO Share this post Link to post
Eizan 126 Posted February 29, 2020 Does...Cena put Wyatt over this time? ISO Share this post Link to post
Vic Boss 612 Posted February 29, 2020 Not if Vince has anything to say about it ISO Share this post Link to post
Psycho666Soldier 286 Posted February 29, 2020 I officially cancelled my WWE Network subscription. I've been the positive, yet skeptical WWE fan for too long, and with a proper Western alternative, I don't see the point anymore. I'm skipping WrestleMania this year and pirating NXT. Spoiler I'm actually not even mad about Goldberg having the title. It's just the circumstances and timing around it. I didn't even want The Fiend to win the title yet(if ever), but they made it work and I was in. If this was even an inkling of the idea before, why bother putting Wyatt in this position? I'm even cool with the potential for Wyatt/Cena redemption...but again, didn't need the title or this garbage interruption to get there and water things down. There are a couple cool things going on at 'Mania so far, and I hope all my boys and girls get what they deserve and have an excellent showing and WWE rights their wrongs. But for now, I'm done tagging along until they get it right with their booking. 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
Blackjak 57 Posted March 1, 2020 10 hours ago, Psycho666Soldier said: I officially cancelled my WWE Network subscription. I've been the positive, yet skeptical WWE fan for too long, and with a proper Western alternative, I don't see the point anymore. I'm skipping WrestleMania this year and pirating NXT. Reveal hidden contents I'm actually not even mad about Goldberg having the title. It's just the circumstances and timing around it. I didn't even want The Fiend to win the title yet(if ever), but they made it work and I was in. If this was even an inkling of the idea before, why bother putting Wyatt in this position? I'm even cool with the potential for Wyatt/Cena redemption...but again, didn't need the title or this garbage interruption to get there and water things down. There are a couple cool things going on at 'Mania so far, and I hope all my boys and girls get what they deserve and have an excellent showing and WWE rights their wrongs. But for now, I'm done tagging along until they get it right with their booking. But... you're still making picks, right? ISO Share this post Link to post
Psycho666Soldier 286 Posted March 1, 2020 Don't worry, I already knew you'd ask. I'm still making picks, and probably commenting on results. And I can see being conned into watching WrestleMania just because I usually get together with friends. But I'm just kinda over watching the regular product right now. 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
MT 917 Posted March 9, 2020 EC spoiler Wish AJ/Black had a non-Undertaker ending to it. They could've done the exact same thing they ended up doing, but after either AJ or Aleister had won and nothing would've changed. Anderson and Gallows come in to beat the shit out of Aleister after the match (either man could've won, doesn't really matter), Taker could've come in and done his thing, and nothing would've really changed outside of the match getting a real finish. But that would make too much sense, so of course they didn't go that route. ISO Share this post Link to post
Vic Boss 612 Posted March 9, 2020 My sister was watching Smackdown and Dynamite from last week back to back and I figured out why I hate legends in WWE and like them in AEW. AEW: The legends are there to back up the guys of now and add to it. They're managers, talkers, posse-members, there to be an extra set of fists if and when shit goes down. Or they're guys like Jericho and Dustin, who can still go. WWE: The legends are there to remind you that WWE used to be good, the wrestlers there are to act like marks and mega-fans for them, and if they can still wrestle, they're mostly there to beat everyone despite being past their prime. Fuck 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
Vic Boss 612 Posted March 16, 2020 Looks like they shut down Mania in Tampa, it'll be broadcast from the PC with essential personnel only God damn, this is going to be weird ISO Share this post Link to post
MT 917 Posted March 16, 2020 I'm half tempted to get the Network again just to see how weird it's gonna be. ISO Share this post Link to post
Psycho666Soldier 286 Posted March 17, 2020 Leave it to a global crisis to make me tune back into WWE ISO Share this post Link to post
Vic Boss 612 Posted March 17, 2020 Promos were a lot better on SDL and then again on Raw. Making eye contact with the camera, not having to awkwardly pause for crowd reactions, not getting "What"ed or random chants. I'm not sure if they're less scripted than normal or it's just the good promo guys talking but it feels like they are less scripted. Mebs just keep doing this ISO Share this post Link to post
MT 917 Posted March 19, 2020 Wrestlemania will now take place over two nights ISO Share this post Link to post
Vic Boss 612 Posted March 19, 2020 Good a time as any to experiment with it ISO Share this post Link to post
Vic Boss 612 Posted March 22, 2020 Wow, sounds like they're pre-taping Mania this year ISO Share this post Link to post
Psycho666Soldier 286 Posted April 5, 2020 Obviously they owe a lot of that shit to Matt Hardy. But admit it: that Boneyard Match was the shit. 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
MT 917 Posted April 5, 2020 Taker makes his Wrestlemania entrance (fixed) ISO Share this post Link to post
Vic Boss 612 Posted April 5, 2020 I don't want to see Taker wrestle in the ring anymore but I can absolutely get it up for more Boneyard matches. Also really liked Bryan/Sami and Shayna/Becky (ending was a bit flat, but at least it was actually flat this time) Taker: *Tosses Gallows off a shed roof* Gallows: OOF Me: ISO Share this post Link to post
Garlic Junior 136 Posted April 6, 2020 Well, that was stellar, all told. Ending of the ladder match, Becky/Shayna and Brock/Drew only parts that suffered for the lack of crowd. The "outside the ring" matches really carried the rest of the show on their back. Opening tag and women's 5 way were excellent. Everything else was good-to-fine. ISO Share this post Link to post
Garlic Junior 136 Posted April 9, 2020 As great as Mania was, that Raw sucked. I'm ready for wrestling to be over for a while. Bring it back at Summerslam ISO Share this post Link to post
MT 917 Posted April 14, 2020 Orange County Mayor Confirms WWE Was Deemed An Essential Business By Governor’s Office ISO Share this post Link to post