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Vic Boss

What Weekly Wrestling Do You Watch?

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I watch a lot, but the asterisk or caveat is that I watch nothing live. Everything is DVR'ed or VOD'ed, I skip commercials, down-time between matches, most post-match brawls, most entrances, and matches or segments that I know are going to be bad or feature a people I'm not interested in.


Non-weekly Japan/Indies:


New Japan: I try to watch every match of every show, and have even tried to keep up with the subtitled post-match comments.

All Japan: Generally I just watch Triple Crown, Heavyweight Tag Title matches, and a handful of Heavyweight tournament matches. I try to watch other matches involving the Heavyweight Division but don't always get around to it.

PWG: Usually around BOLA time I feel the need to catch up on them, but they only run like 8 shows per year and five of them are on two separate weekends, so it's never too much of a chore.

AAA TV Tapings: Sometimes I'll check out the TV tapings on Twitch, only show I watch live, they generally last 3ish hours, but that includes them always starting 30 minutes late.




WWE Raw: Can take as much as 2 hours if I don't skip anything, as little as 20 minutes if it's a bad show. It's been closer to two hours ever since Heyman came on board.

CMLL Puebla: A CMLL B-Show in a C-building. Generally only 20-30 minutes, the main event or semi-main if the right combo of people are in it or titles are involved.




WWE SDL: About an hour and a half max, 20 mins minimum. I've been hitting about an hour lately, still too much Elias and Shane McMahon and they are maximum skippable.

WWE 205 Live: This is more an honourable mention because I maybe watch one or two matches from this show per month. It's a comatose brand that they need to pull the plug on and then transfer the talent over to UK and NXT.

CMLL Nuevos Valores: Generally only 20-30 minutes again, sometimes a little more. A C-show in an A-building that's meant to feature midcarders and younger talent higher up the card than normal. Usually the worthwhile midcarders are in the semi-main or main event only.




WWE NXT: I think I'm around 30 mins with this. I feel like the second boom period is slowly declining and my interest in it is too, but I also think they're going to have re-tool this because you can't challenge AEW with half of a developmental roster.

WWE NXT UK: 20-40 mins, sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more. This is a show where I highly prefer some acts and then don't even bother with the rest.

AEW TV (Future): I'm predicting that I'll be watching less UK and NXT because of this.




But then again, nothing's on here and nothing will be on Tuesday when the Fox switchover happens, so I might just do NXT here too.




WWE Main Event: I maybe watch two or three matches per month on this (and they're usually 5-8 minute matches at most), every once in awhile there's someone I like on the Raw roster who's underutilized on this.

CMLL Super Friday: Rarely the whole show, on average between an hour and an hour 20. CMLL's A show in their A building with their A effort, usually watch 3-4 of the 6 matches.








RoH: Probably a match or two every other week. They're down in the dumps.

Impact: About an hour 20, rarely ever skip a segment. Consistent favourite week-to-week show over the last few years.

2 CMLL Shows: Thecubsfan will upload a weekend show and sometimes a Guadalajara show from the previous Tuesday about here. I treat these shows as skippable because weekends are ridiculous for wrestling, but on a quiet weekend I'll probably check out a main event or semi-main.

AAA Worldwide: If I miss that specific TV taping on Twitch, I'll watch their youtube show. I'll skip some opening matches but it's such a different style from everything else that I tend to watch the whole thing.

Nacion Lucha Libre: Alberto Del Rio started up a promotion to try and challenge CMLL and AAA. I usually at least keep an eye on the match lineups because guys like Bandido will show up on it. I've probably watched two matches over their first month of TV.

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Currently: Nothing. Don't have the network and am not interested enough to go to other places to watch it online. Last wrestling thing I watched was Takeover.

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18 hours ago, Death Rider Mox said:

?post??-match brawl??s???

This is almost the exact opposite of me.  I'll skip a match I have no real interest in seeing, but always tune-in to the post-match brawls.


I still tune into RAW and SD weekly.  I usually watch RAW in the background while doing something else(though it's been grabbing my attention more) and SmackDown while I'm at work.  Unless WWE takes a serious plunge in quality or talent, this'll probably never change.


I usually watch NXT weekly, but recently I've tried to wait until my girlfriend is ready to watch with me.  That has turned into trying to cram almost an entire build for a Takeover the week leading up to it.


I usually try to keep up with NJPW, but I don't really bother with the Road-To shows unless there's a match I really want to see.


I don't really follow anything else these days other than AEW.  Just not enough time in my life between work, school, and all my other hobbies.

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In an AEW world


Non-weekly Japan/Indies:


New Japan: Still watching everything, including most of the backstage comments

All Japan: Still watching important Heavyweight and Heavyweight Tag matches only

PWG: Slackin a bit, probs should do this on weeks when Japanese tours are off

AAA TV Tapings: Also stopped doing this, but might check it out again now that Rush is on one of their big shows (but I'll see it on their Sunday shows anyways)




WWE Raw: I fast-forward through probably 95% of it. Main-roster WWE has a way of making me not care about pretty anyone, so it takes a weird match-up or an interesting looking promo to get me to stop and pay attention.

CMLL Puebla: Haven't been watching as much as I probably should, usually just the main events and/or title matches these days. CMLL losing Rush (and therefore the Los Ingobernables), Dragon Lee and Atlantis winding down has left their main event scene heel-heavy and a bit drained, and they rebuild slow.




CMLL Nuevos Valores: Same as Puebla, haven't been watching as much as I probably want to, mostly just main events/title matches. I'm more likely to check out other matches on this because at least it's Arena Mexico

NWA Powerrr: I usually watch all of this. Their roster isn't very good but the matches don't last long enough to expose that anyways, and I think Studio Wrestling crowds might be the best for cutting promos, there's an interplay between wrestler and crowd that you don't really get even on indie shows.

AEW Darrrk:  I'm more likely to skip these matches because the lower end of AEW's roster are not very good and the matches can get way too sloppy.




WWE NXT: High Quality but I also find this show really skippable. Sometimes I watch all of it, sometimes I only watch a few matches. The week-to-week storylines don't matter tooooo much since the booking is so simplistic that you cant basically catch up on everything in Takoever packages. I think this also has the wrong combination of corporate PC/PG-ness and looking low-budget for a WWE product. AEW really exposes them on both fronts, watching Dynamite first really hurts my enjoyment of NXT and I tend to not want to put off watching AEW if I can help it. I really miss this being a 1 hour show too.

AEW Dynamite: This is the show to watch for me. Production-values, brightness, characters, promos. They tightened up on a lot of the indie-ness and lack of rules last week, which I think is their biggest weakness, so here's hoping it gets even better.




WWE NXT UK: Super-skippable unless certain guys are on it (Imperium, British Strong Style, Zack Gibson, Wild Boar, and I think might be forgetting someone)




WWE Smackdown: Like Raw but even less likely to watch it now. Weekends are so wrestling-heavy that I hate starting it off with a WWE main-roster product where I don't care about most of it, so I tend to not.

WWE 205 Live: Shit's dead to me but if they're in Full Sail again then maybe I should give a look.

CMLL Super Friday: I watch more of this than the other CMLL shows, but I do skip more of this than I probably should.








RoH: Rush matches, maybe Marty Scurll or PCO matches. There's only one or two full matches at most on RoH every week, this promotion should probably just die at this point.

Impact: Rarely ever skip a segment, still the best non-Japanese show at recycling their roster and building new stars from scratch.

2 CMLL Shows: Mostly only title matches or rare singles matches, weekends can be so full of wrestling that this and RoH are the sacrifices if something else is on.

AAA Worldwide: I mostly just watch this instead of their TV tapings now, usually the full show but once in awhile I'll skip an opener.

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