Tassifox 418 Posted September 30, 2019 Alright who's with me? I put both the official prompt list and the other one because I'm gonna be weird and do both. 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
Psycho666Soldier 286 Posted October 2, 2019 Ohhhh, ok. So it's kind of similar to NaNoWriMo. I meant to ask what exactly Inktober is. My drawing is shite, so I won't participate, but I'll be happy to see what you produce. Great start so far! 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
dr. b 492 Posted October 2, 2019 I have always wished I could draw better, but things never come out on paper how they look in my head I'll follow along to see what you come up with! And maybe do some doodles in the margins of my notebook during quiet moments at work ISO Share this post Link to post
Tassifox 418 Posted October 2, 2019 You don't have to be a good artist to do inktober, and I see a shit ton of versions like Thinktober, Witchober, Drawlloween etc to where I don't think it really matters as long as the person is having fun and it gives expression. This is also an excuse for me to keep drawing since I lack the motivation to unlike how I used to be before. Day 2 Mindless + Crow 3 ISO Share this post Link to post
Revolver 27 Posted October 2, 2019 So do you take one word from each list randomly and make an illustration out of it? ISO Share this post Link to post
Tassifox 418 Posted October 3, 2019 This^ So each # is a day. So if I am going with 1 of the lists above as an example. Day 1- Ring, Day 2- Mindless, Day 3 Freeze etc. and I have to draw something with that. Either literally, figuratively, whatever. EX: One of my favorite artists JollyJack drew a jellyfish for Mindless. And basically I have to do it in ink. be it just black outlines, markers, what have you. -Draw it -Post it -Hashtag and repeat I'm just being weird and upping the ante by combining 2 prompt lists because there's always a few different versions each year and I thought it would be fun. But again, don't have to be a good artist, and there's no rule saying you can't express it in another fashion, one friend of mine is making small haiku's for each word. NELLE! I KNOW YOU COMMENTED ON MY FB POST ABOUT THIS WHERE YOU BE!?......probably taking care o possoms ISO Share this post Link to post
Galeigh 308 Posted October 3, 2019 Shit I forgot to do this, was planning on contributing. imma be late, but will post soonish. ISO Share this post Link to post
Tassifox 418 Posted October 3, 2019 Other nice thing about this is you can draw/post at your own pace, whether it's daily or marathoning it. The point of this is to be consistent. I just woke up so I'll get day 3 up and loaded soon ISO Share this post Link to post
Jane 100 Posted October 6, 2019 Love the scarecrow! She's very Anne of Green Gables with her red hair. I always consider doing Inktober but for the past couple of years the autumn is nearly always when I either have deadlines or need to start gearing up the projects that are going to run through the winter (with ever-increasing pressure up to January and then to March/April). So heaping extra, unnecessary pressure on myself to draw and post isn't the best idea. This year I am kind of doing it - but I'm not following prompts or even doing it publicly. The goal for Inktober is generally to produce and share artwork, but all the work I've been producing lately has been paid (yay!) work for someone else, which I inevitably have to be brave enough to share at some point (and then get told, often several times, what about it needs changing before it's officially finished). So I thought "how can I get something out of this?" and the best way I could see was to draw purely for enjoyment - no prompts or brief from anyone, no pressure to show it to anyone. "Do what you love for a job..." has some truth in it but it also kind of wears you out and means you forget sometimes why you love it in the first place (especially as I work largely digitally now, so less drawing on paper). Drawing just for myself for half an hour or so each day is probably the best thing I could get out of a challenge like this, at the moment anyway. I might post some of them on social media down the line but if the expectation of doing so is there then it instantly changes how I feel when I sit down with my pen and paper. Having said all that, I might post some here sooner as this place isn't properly connected to my work like most of my other social media is. 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
Tassifox 418 Posted October 6, 2019 YAY! DO IT JANE! Day 5: Build and Hallway, Not one of my better ones but meh. I'll have day 6 up soonish I had a busy Sat so I didn't have a chance to post. 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
Anelle 794 Posted October 6, 2019 Ahhh I know I said I was gonna put in real effort this year but some really fucked up shit is happening in my life and I know I can't stick to anything. Day 1 I did a shitty doodle just to say I did it, even though it wasn't what I had in mind for the prompt at all but TA DA also please note the file size is 666 kb thank you also please note I am loving all your stuff so far, I can't wait to see more! 2 ISO Share this post Link to post
Tassifox 418 Posted October 7, 2019 I LOVE YOU NELLE! I'm sorry shits coming up and hope it gets cleared out soon. Day 6: Husky and Clock Day 7: Enchanted and Card 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
Galeigh 308 Posted October 9, 2019 I started on this to catch up (will post pics after inking) but I am skipping days 3 and 5 for finalization cause I hate what I came up with. So far day 4 has been the most fun, with 2 a close second (zombie crow head drawing) ISO Share this post Link to post
Tassifox 418 Posted October 10, 2019 Day 10 Pattern + Mermaid: plaid is a bitch..... 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
Tassifox 418 Posted October 14, 2019 Playing catchup Spoiler Day 11 Snow and Rat Day 12 Dragon and Dragon Day 13 Ash and Classroom ISO Share this post Link to post
Tassifox 418 Posted October 15, 2019 Day 15 Legend and Mad Scientist ISO Share this post Link to post
Tassifox 418 Posted October 17, 2019 Day 17 Ornament and Spinning Wheel ISO Share this post Link to post
Tassifox 418 Posted October 20, 2019 Y'all are getting tired of me ain't ya? Day 18, Misfit and Candle Day 19 Sling and Sarcophogus ISO Share this post Link to post
Tassifox 418 Posted October 23, 2019 Day 20 Tread and Run Day 21 Treasure and Crystal Day 22 Ghost and Sword Day 23 Ancient and Snow White (totally didn't end up how I wanted but meeh) ISO Share this post Link to post
Tassifox 418 Posted October 28, 2019 Fuck just when I think I catch up fine in one area....*grumbles* Day 26-28 Spoiler ISO Share this post Link to post