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dr. b

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Does your store also do the one-way traffic thing in the aisles to control the flow of how the customers move? There are arrows up and down all of the floors of every supermarket here, have been for months, and still most people don't notice them. Doesn't really bother me much, but I have seen a couple people get "arrow-rage" and chew somebody out for walking the wrong way down an aisle :rotfl: 

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I will admit to being a bit of a jackass about the lines :rotfl:  If it seems people aren't noticing them then I'll say something like "oh i see the marker, yeah we're going the right way" a smidge louder than is necessary. Only did it a couple of times in the early days but yeah lmao. I'm THAT BITCH. I never actually got mad or confronted anyone though, and most of the time it would just give people a lightbulb moment, but yeah. Jackass. 

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  On 11/16/2020 at 4:23 PM, Anelle said:

I will admit to being a bit of a jackass about the lines :rotfl:  If it seems people aren't noticing them then I'll say something like "oh i see the marker, yeah we're going the right way" a smidge louder than is necessary. Only did it a couple of times in the early days but yeah lmao. I'm THAT BITCH. I never actually got mad or confronted anyone though, and most of the time it would just give people a lightbulb moment, but yeah. Jackass. 

I will admit that I have once or twice been tempted to ask somebody, "These arrows are confusing eh?" but so far I have kept quiet. I do find it a bit astonishing how so many people seem to still be oblivious to them :lol:

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The one time I actually got mad was at some old lady doing the aggressive old lady at the grocery thing... is that a universal type thing or just fucking me? Where some old biddy stays like right up your butt for like 2 aisles because she's somehow decided she needs to be exactly where you are when you are already there and when you move on realizes no wait, she needs to be THERE right now and it goes endlessly until she actually needs to decide on something and pauses or you escape to the other side of the store 


and by got mad i mean I gave a clipped "please give me space" and just left to shop produce so I mean...not very exciting but up ya butt grannies are still out there waiting for me so maybe in the future i'll just throw hands with grandma in the spice aisle

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I'm more often worried that an old lady will get mad at me if I don't give enough space, but I guess it depends on each person. Some olds folks are hyper-aware of how they are more at risk and are superduper cautious, while others seem to be completely unconcerned about it. For a while our grocery store was doing special seniors shopping hours from 7am-8am everyday and you could only go in the store if you were a million years old, so I hope all the "at risk and really worried about it" old folks shop during that time.

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The grocery store here gave up on the arrows a couple months ago? I would always get super annoyed when I'd see people ignoring them, but with what we know about the virus at this point, it's not something to really get bent out of shape over unless it's one of the old people that Anelle is talking about. It's definitely not just you. XD


I'm the guy who if there's an old person inching along down the aisle, I'll wait at a distance until I can pass them with a decent amount of space, so when I have one that's riding my ass it gets to me pretty fast. If it keeps happening, I'll usually just zoom out of the aisle and circle back around if I still needed stuff from that aisle. :rotfl: 

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  On 11/16/2020 at 3:04 PM, little birdy said:

Does your store also do the one-way traffic thing in the aisles to control the flow of how the customers move? There are arrows up and down all of the floors of every supermarket here, have been for months, and still most people don't notice them. Doesn't really bother me much, but I have seen a couple people get "arrow-rage" and chew somebody out for walking the wrong way down an aisle :rotfl: 

Pfft that is the ONLY thing I think that was stupid to do only because unless you have someone stationed at each end of every aisle or rope it off in a way to make them go one way like fucking Ikea. It ain't going to be followed. :koffing: Fuck even I can't follow it when I have Scan Maintenance shifts because of the order I have to go when pulling old tags off and putting up new ones. We had some customers that would rage during first lock down, had to peel off the arrows at one point when our floors were getting waxed. Then put new arrows and other stickers on and most of them have ripped up on their own accord so pretty pointless now. Some people try to be honest about it though, but then like Nelle said, you have the folks that are totally unaware about space and personal bubbles. So loss loss situation there.

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I've only seen one store with arrows and it was honestly annoying as fuck because it was not a grocery store where you can easily do up/down through every aisle.  It was a fucking TJ Maxx and the arrows were an incomprehensible fucking mess (which is what you'd expect at a TJ Maxx tbh).

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I've only seen it in Wal Marts so far. I don't think anyone gives a shit about enforcing them (or anything really, considering they work at Wal Mart).

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Work was actually kinda okay yesterday. Friday was the worst of it from what I told some of you folks on Discord. Sat and Sunday were a notch less circus shit and just busy af but with a couple people willing to come in early and a football game it made it tolerable. We had our limits posted at the checkout and the aisles from Friday night and I was shocked that most people were behaving about them (especially the TP) and we still had plenty of wipes and stuff when I left around 4pm yesterday. Meanwhile I'm seeing in my feed how surely enough everywhere else had run out in no time, like wtf are other places just not enforcing them like they should?/Didn't get a load when it happened?/Or just that many panic shoppers? I seriously don't get it when again, we're not that big hard core lock down this time. Legit the only 2 things that heavily are supposed to effect in this 4wk lockdown is food places not having indoor dining and people can't have big groups for fucking Thanksgiving. And if you are going to have people over not in your household, keep it to five people and make sure they quarantined for 14 days or had a negative results 72 hours before that. IT'S NOT THAT HARD.

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It just seems like people are panicking again. So fucking dumb. We're due for a big grocery run and I don't wannaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa but the delivery selections are weirdly narrow for a lot of things and even then prone to just being out so we get incomplete orders all the time. Frustrating, but what can you do?


Buying a fuckin' bidet was the best money we've ever spent :rotfl: I bought a big ass sam's club sized package of tp like a month or so ago because it was in stock and i figured the next panic was looming, but that'll last for ages along side the bidet. 


We're doing a thanksgiving thing and I'm fucking dreading it. It's small, and we've all been isolating, but ugh. It's literally the last chance we have for a holiday where lee's granddad will be with us, by next year he'll either have passed away or will have declined so much mentally he won't know any of us from the rate things are going. Last part's already happening, so my in laws are frantic to have this and I get it I just.... wish we weren't. I wish a whole lot of things weren't happening this year though.


On the lighter side, we're not cooking food together like we usually do and have arranged to pick up catering from Cracker Barrel and grandmom is excited because she thinks that's very fancy. :rotfl: Lee and I took care of that, and we wanted to get it from a place we've been dying to have thanksgiving catering from for years (woodfire grill place that does amazing things) but that was legit TOO fancy for the family's palates so CRACKER BARREL IT IS

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  On 11/19/2020 at 11:07 PM, Anelle said:

It just seems like people are panicking again. So fucking dumb. We're due for a big grocery run and I don't wannaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa but the delivery selections are weirdly narrow for a lot of things and even then prone to just being out so we get incomplete orders all the time. Frustrating, but what can you do?


We have this problem too. The website for our grocery store is missing a ton of stuff that we KNOW they have at the store and it's not like ours is some fancy super big grocery store either. We live in a town of 4k people. We have a tiny ass grocery store compared to most that doesn't carry a lot of what the bigger ones do. :| 

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  On 11/19/2020 at 11:07 PM, Anelle said:

We're doing a thanksgiving thing and I'm fucking dreading it. It's small, and we've all been isolating, but ugh. It's literally the last chance we have for a holiday where lee's granddad will be with us,

I get the dread. If everyone from your family has been being safe and isolating, plus not all cooking together and whatever other precautions you all take before and during dinner I hope it works out okay for ya.  I should talk with my mom about possibly doing a window visit if they're still doing it with this weather for my grandmother since we won't be doing Christmas this year.

I had today off (thank the fucking gods) and we still have TP and stuff when I left yesterday morning and it was load day. And it was pretty quiet for the most part until near the end of my shift around 11a so hopefully people are actually trying to listen to this lockdown a bit. I work through the next 4 days and have 1 day off the day before Tday so let's hope it's decent. Also I've heard from friends that have bought bidets the first round earlier this year that it was best investment they've made.

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  On 11/19/2020 at 11:07 PM, Anelle said:

grandmom is excited because she thinks that's very fancy. :rotfl: Lee and I took care of that

I know what you meant, but at first I was just imagining you and Lee arguing with her about how Cracker Barrel isn't fancy.

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I mean, I started to object to her once years ago when she was talking about how Red Lobster was way too fancy but then I remembered this lady's diet at the time was like 65% frozen burritos. She definitely doesn't fit the stereotype of the fantastic cook grandmother but we love her all the same :rotfl:

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Latest update on holiday restrictions. Which is no surprise. Soooooooooo being done with people.  :nono:


On a side note we have a new device at work for screening when we clock on. Just a podium that we or a vendor press a button, agree/disagree whether we are feeling any said symptoms, then line up with the camera and sensors so that it takes our body temp and confirms we're wearing a mask. Takes a photo when we clear it and prints it on a sticker to wear on us when we start our shift. Pretty simple and I kinda like having something to prove to me and customers that our staff are being safe as we can be.

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there's a poke place we get takeout from that has a similar thing, it's like a lil tablet on a stand that scans your face and shit for mask and they've had it for months, they got on that shit QUICK but the problem is every time we go in for whatever reason it does not register any mask I wear and starts yelling and the employees are always just like yeah you're fine we can see your mask so ?????????? 

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Yup, exactly that style of thing. Our only issue we seem to have is reading the temps for some staff, like coming up slightly lower than normal like 94ish or so. Or if you have thick bangs it won't read the forehead so one of our baggers I was holding his up to show him how to use it and the photo had my hand in the shot. XD

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i honestly assume it's because i'm so fucking pale that it doesn't register my skin as existing and thinks my mask is just an uncovered face

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Ontario is still very COVID-y. I think we're doing worse than ever up here in terms of case counts, though perhaps not as many people are dying because the situation at old folks' homes isn't quite as dire as it was in the spring. But still there appears to be way more infections and community spread than when the whole province shutdown in March... and we're kinda just carrying more or less like business as usual. A few schools in our school board have declared outbreaks recently. So far I don't think there have been any confirmed cases at my daughter's elementary school. Here's hoping it stays that way.

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My wife's grandmother's brother passed away today. He had covid and was quite old, but i think that he had other issues as well. I've never met him so I can't say for sure. But that is the closest I've been to someone that died from covid. 

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My condolences to your wife and the family. I hope it wasn't too painful for him.

Mom's been texting me today and apparently my grandma on her side and the rest of the residents in her home are on big time monitoring because a couple of their staff have tested positive. She's in her own room now vs having a room mate which, yay she gets some peace and quiet but she's been a bit more confused on a couple things.
Word is we're supposed to be getting vaccines in WA state between the 14th and the end of the month. I hope it's true.

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Well we are awaiting the results of Desi's test, and I will be going in tomorrow for mine just in case. 


Both our work buildings have had multiple confirmed cases the past month so it wouldn't be a huge surprise. 

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me and lady rulk tested positive on the weekend. So far I appear to be asymptomatic but it's taking a good toll on her. 

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That's a bummer, get well soon you guys. Sounds like it's become a pretty rough situation out there in Alberta (not that were fairing any better in Ontario).

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  On 12/15/2020 at 1:21 AM, Rulkster said:

me and lady rulk tested positive on the weekend. So far I appear to be asymptomatic but it's taking a good toll on her. 

Sorry to hear that.  Hopefully she gets through without too much more strain. :(

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  On 12/15/2020 at 1:21 AM, Rulkster said:

me and lady rulk tested positive on the weekend. So far I appear to be asymptomatic but it's taking a good toll on her. 

Sending prayers, best wishes, spirit bomb energy etc so you guys get through it healthy :(

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Dude get well fast! Wishing all the good juju your way.

Our Gov announced that the vaccines have arrived in our state so hopefully they become available soon once they get through the higher priority places first.

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Yeah Albertas numbers are terrible atm. 1 in 50 people have it or have recovered from it.


Thanks for all the well wishes, she's already starting to feel better it looks like so the worst is over I think.

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STOP GETTING SICK YOU FUCKS I CAN'T STAND THE STRESS (only sorta joking, of course I don't want y'all to get sick like this ever)


Lee and I both went for our annual physicals today and our doc made me feel a bit better about covid stuff, not in the sense of she made me feel like it wasn't scary but she was very validating about the concerns while keeping positive and I was just so starved for that over doomscrolling on twitter that it felt significant to me. 


I really hope everyone here heals well and is able to stay healthy. I love y'all.

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Stumbled on to this article via twitter: Texas Wedding Photographers Have Seen Some $#!+



The wedding photographer had already spent an hour or two inside with the unmasked wedding party when one of the bridesmaids approached her. The woman thanked her for still showing up, considering “everything that’s going on with the groom.”


When the photographer asked what she meant by that, the bridesmaid said the groom had tested positive for COVID-19 the day before. “She was looking for me to be like, ‘Oh, that’s crazy,’ like I was going to agree with her that it was fine,” the photographer recalls. “So I was like, ‘What are you talking about?’ And she was like, ‘Oh no no no, don’t freak out. He doesn’t have symptoms. He’s fine.’”


The photographer, who has asthma and three kids, left with her assistant before the night was over. Her exit was tense. The wedding planner said it was the most unprofessional thing she’d ever seen. Bridesmaids accused her of heartlessly ruining an innocent woman’s wedding day. She recalls one bridesmaid telling her, “I’m a teacher, I have fourteen students. If I’m willing to risk it, why aren’t you?” Another said everyone was going to get COVID eventually, so what was the big deal? The friend of the bride who’d spilled the beans cried about being the “worst bridesmaid ever.”


After the photographer left, she canceled her Thanksgiving plans with family, sent her kids to relatives’ houses so they wouldn’t get sick, and informed the brides of her upcoming weddings that she’d be subcontracting to other shooters. A few days later she started to feel sick, and sure enough, tested positive for COVID-19. She informed the couple. “But they didn’t care,” she says. They didn’t offer to compensate her for the test, nor did they apologize for getting her sick.





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holy fucking psychopathy batman

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What in the actual fuck? :eek3: 


The level of selfishness there is fucking unbelievable. :O.O:

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The photographer who got sick after shooting the COVID-positive groom said her experiences throughout the pandemic have left her a little depressed. She recalled one conversation from that wedding, before she left the reception. “I have children,” she told a bridesmaid, “What if my children die?” The bridesmaid responded, “I understand, but this is her wedding day.”


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“I’m a teacher, I have fourteen students. If I’m willing to risk it, why aren’t you?”


Like c'mon people, this wedding is really important!!!



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For some selfish people it really is "that" important. I mean we've seen enough renditions of bridezillas. I heard about this awhile ago and yes it's all kinds of fucked up.

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You can postpone your wedding.  No one is going to die because of it.  Seriously.  This is just the dumbest shit ever.

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  On 12/15/2020 at 1:21 AM, Rulkster said:

me and lady rulk tested positive on the weekend. So far I appear to be asymptomatic but it's taking a good toll on her. 

Ouch, I feel you. Desi has been down for the count for almost a week now. She cam back negative but we're pretty sure it was a false negative given her symptoms and how long they have lasted. She is going back in friday. My own results haven't come back yet.

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yeah so it wasn't covid. Desi had 2 different infections, a GI bleed, Strep, and other issues whose symptoms matched up with covid. Currently Desi is in the hospital recovering from all that shit.

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JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. Tell her I love her and wish her to get better immediately ;;

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  On 12/20/2020 at 5:14 PM, Anelle said:

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. Tell her I love her and wish her to get better immediately ;;

Ye this

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Yikes. Get well soon!

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I am at the hospital right now. She is in surgery. I will let y'all know how it turns out. 


Edit: just got notified that she is out surgery and in the recovery room. It was successful.

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SURGERY???? man. SWIFT RECOVERY WISHES i don't even know what to do but scream in the void i'm glad it went well

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Really glad to see she got in and out of surgery successfully man.  Tell her I already miss her screaming in the background on Zoom calls and hope she's better soon. :bawling:

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May I ask what the surgery was for? If the answer is no, that's perfectly fine! I was just shocked to see it!!!

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  On 12/22/2020 at 12:39 AM, Anelle said:

May I ask what the surgery was for? If the answer is no, that's perfectly fine! I was just shocked to see it!!!

I would guess to fix the GI bleed. Hope she recovers quickly. 

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Dude I wish her speedy healing. That's a lot right before Xmas

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  On 12/22/2020 at 1:37 AM, h2ojunkie said:

I would guess to fix the GI bleed. Hope she recovers quickly. 


that makes sense, the initial post made me think it'd already been addressed so i was very surprised

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Oh yeah he was talking about it the other night.  They knew it was there but had other shit to take care of so they could get her into surgery.

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