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dr. b

Self isolation, social distancing, sheltering in place, whatever else you call it

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I seriously have no words anymore. I am glad for the twins sake that they made it through okay. Your friend is truly fortunate and i hope this experience has made her think over some of her previous choices. (Although i see that slim chance). 


I had more typed here about another mutual friend of me and bestie, but honestly that one is a bit more complicated so i deleted all that. And part of that isn't fully relevant to this. But i legit snapped at him for the first time ever in our friendship because of words that were said that i know in a different mind set, he wouldn't say it. And i was done. Very done.

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To be clear, I'm not entirely sure what her stance on vaccines are, because she's not someone I would pin as being antivax. She's not been outspoken over it either way, but by the time she would have qualified for vaccine was around the time she found out she was pregnant and I assumed she did not get the vaccine out of concern for that (even though pregnant people can and should get the vaccine) 


I've had to re-examine my friendships with some people over all this. I haven't had a moment where I snapped at anyone yet but I've come close. It's all exhausting. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.

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To be fair to yer friend, I think there are plenty of very reasonable, pro-vaccine women out there that are reluctant to take the vaccine during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. People want to see more evidence that the vaccine will not somehow negatively impact the babies. There hasn't been enough time to study that yet, I don't think. People are being told it's safe for pregnant women, but I can understand why they might want to scrutinize that more carefully.

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That's reasonable but after reading accounts from staff about the numbers of pregnant women with devastating effects and outcomes in hospitals I think it's more reasonable to trust the vaccine. The data that supports them getting it is there. 

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I hope it all goes well for em. Vaxxes or not, no one deserves this shit.

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Christ just...I hope everyone ends up okay.  I just want this shit to be over.

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We all do. But all the idjits out there are certainly not going to make it easy. 


Just like some peeps w kids have posted here, i've already been seeing posts from teacher friends that they have 1 or 2 (or several) kids with covid in their classes. My Scan manager's sister and her family got hit with covid. My Deli manager's husband who works in a car shop had to shut down 1 of his locations because 3 of his staff got covid. 



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They’re still struggling out in Western Canada. Government still isn’t doing a heck of a lot in response :uhoh:




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At that rate you guys are gonna end up like Idaho declaring resource crisis

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Oh yeah, Alberta needs external help for sure. I saw in the news a week or so ago that BC already said they cannot help with ICU space, and Alberta's other neighbour (Saskatchewan) is doing no better. They might be medevac'ing patients from Alberta to Ontario. When Ontario was hurting really bad during one of the previous waves, other provinces gave us support... so I guess we have to return the favour now.


Meanwhile, over in Quebec, thousands of nurses could be suspended on Oct. 15th for refusing to get vaccinated. Not sure how their healthcare system is going to manage losing that many nurses all at once.


Fun times! The situation isn't so bad in Ontario right now... but I can only imagine what things could be like if/when it gets worse again.

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It still dumbfounds me how so many people in the medical field are choosing to not be vaxxed when THEY WENT TO MEDICAL SCHOOL AND LEARNED THE BASICS OF HOW THE BODY WORKS. So why?????? As if i already didn't have issues about doctors already, but seriously why go into a career like this if you don't believe what you have learned from it? 

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Lmao, all aboard the Covid train. :wall:

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I can't tell if you mean that you got Covid, or if you're just making an lol. :uhoh:

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I got Covid, and yet I wish that was the worst news I got today...

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I'm fuckin' destroyed...Ioved her so much.

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That is terrible news. I don’t even know what to say anymore… I’m very sorry for your loss. 

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I am so, so sorry KK. If you ever need to talk, reach out, either of you.

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@Galeigh I am so sorry to hear this man.  I don't even know what to say.  Please let us know if there's anything we can do for you.  My heart breaks for you. :(

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@Galeigh @Deszae i'm so sorry. Like they said, please ping us if you need anything, even just to talk. *big hugs*. I've had so many friends lose family in this last month alone (both covid or non covid related) and i just even fathom that feeling of loss. My deepest condolences. 

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I'm so so sorry :( 

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Jesus christ. I'm so fucking sorry, y'all. That's just devastating.

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Made my appointment for my booster shot. Have it set up for just before my vacation this month so i can relax if it kicks my butt again. 

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Just want to say thank y'all for the outpouring of support from everyone here ? I haven't been social much and just been using the internet for games and cat videos. Right now, our goal is to get the final Christmas present for her husband: an English Bulldog pup. Not an easy find, but we're trying.

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Some rocks were tossed through windows at a local pharmacy and restaurant the other day. They had anti-vaccine logos painted on them (like the 'no smoking' logo but with a needle instead of a cigarette) and some well-thought-out slogans like: "Fuck you commie", "Snake oil", and "Card carrying commie" :rotfl: I guess somebody was angry because they were asked to show proof of vaccination... what a stupid world we live in:facepalm: 



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8 minutes ago, Vic Boss said:

The Boomers are getting rowdy

:rotfl: Yeah I'm very curious if there is security camera footage. It will be kinda funny if it was some cranky old boomer, like a 75 year old who doesn't look like they could throw a rock across the room, much less through a window.

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........fuck those people. One of my friends who works in a Starbucks jn downtown Seattle posted how they have to reduce their hours and close up their Dine-in cafe locations because of all the threats and acts of violence they've been getting for mask wearing and other things. 


Fuck. These. People. 

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I got my pfizer booster shot today. We'll see how it makes me feel but i'm hoping that it just makes me feel sleepy for the most part. 

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Sending you both love, Galeigh and Deszae. :( There aren't any words that are enough, but I hope you all have time to take good care of yourselves, and that you find the pup for her husband. I'm sure it'll be a comfort to him, even if the pup does take a while to find. :heart:

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Well, My Grandad passed away today. The only good thing I can say was that it wasn't Covid.

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That seriously sucks my condolences Galeigh, :(i hope he went peacefully and without pain. Sending hugs your way. 

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I'm really sorry to hear that @Galeigh.  God it has just been nonstop for you lately.  :(

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I'm truly sorry, KK.

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Well, fuck. My condolences. I ain't got much else to add other than fuck, that sucks.

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@Galeigh damn...Sorry again.




My wife and I both got Pfizer initially and got boosters from Moderna over the last 2 days. My kids get their second shot tomorrow. So hopefully we can start doing some more normal things again.

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I got my booster a week or so back as well; original jags were AZ but got Pfizer for the booster, no bad effects that I can tell. :thumbs:

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22 hours ago, Lucy said:

I got my booster a week or so back as well; original jags were AZ but got Pfizer for the booster, no bad effects that I can tell. :thumbs:

I'm going to try and book mine today, but I expect it'll be Jan when I get it - Woofie's got his a few days before Christmas, so we're hoping that he won't be too badly affected to enjoy the days off! :uhoh: 2nd dose was less bad than 1st, so fingers crossed.

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I'm not old (or essential) enough to be eligible for a booster yet  :cool:  :old:    

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California's re-instituting a mandate for the next two weeks starting tomorrow. Even people who are vaccinated are having to wear masks. I don't know if the numbers are such that it's necessary, but it's nice just the same.

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I'm beginning to feel a little more worried about the COVID thing again because of what's happening with omicron :uhoh: I thought I got off this rollercoaster ride a while back... :sigh: 


Numbers are going pretty crazy here in Ontario.

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Mia had posted on our discord that the Dutch are on Holiday lockdown because of the spike in cases too. We're certainly not out of the woods. :crying:

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So as if we weren't short handed already. This holiday week has been fucking nuts and we're stretched even more thin because my front end manager tested Positive for Covid Wed Morning. 

We've also had a hit in our Meat dept and Bakery in this past week but i wasn't too worried since i hardly have any contact with those dept. My manager not so much. We had a shift together Monday, he started feeling symptoms on Tues and had a fever of 103 by wed morning when he was tested. So i was able to squeeze in a rapid test later Wed night after work. (I have had no symptoms since monday but i wanna see my folks tomorrow so better safe than sorry.) Thankfully i came up negative and i know the nose teat is only a few second but FUCK it's so uncomfortable!!!

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Over 9000 cases reported today in Ontario. We’re blowing precious record highs out of the water right now… Fun times. 

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It's only going to get worse from here on out. OR is ending their mask mandates and ATM, WA is ending their OUTDOOR mask mandate on Friday. Which makes me wonder how soon they'll throw the indoor mandates out the window from being pressured.
I feel like our numbers here in cases hasn't dropped enough to warrant this yet because we're only 66% of total population here vaxed but. :shrug: I don't think much more is going to convince the idjits out here that vaccinations fucking work so at this point all me and my friends can do is protect ourselves best as we can and those we love and make good choices.

King county still requires proof of vax in establishments as well as masks so so at least going to things there has been alright.

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