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dr. b

Self isolation, social distancing, sheltering in place, whatever else you call it

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Ontario will soon be dropping proof of vaccination requirements and most capacity restrictions. I think that will be fine. The percentage of the population with two doses of the vaccine is pretty respectable. And they've said that masking isn't going anywhere just yet. That would be premature. I certainly won't mind not having to show my proof of vaccination when I want to get into places. It's kind of just a nuisance.


I have no patience or tolerance left for the people protesting against vaccine and public health mandates though. Just cut it out already...

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56 minutes ago, dr. b said:

And they've said that masking isn't going anywhere just yet. That would be premature

You would think right? Nah, not us Muricans. We've got talent for premature ejac shots.


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We're all gonna get there eventually I guess, so maybe it won't hurt to get a head-start. Out in the open air, I've never bothered to wear a mask. Seems unnecessary. Maybe in a big crowd? But even pre-pandemic, I avoid crowds and large groups, so I'd never find myself in that situation anyways :rotfl:  Indoors, I think it's probably reasonable to forgo a mask if you keep a good distance from other people. Like, at my company's warehouse, we've got about 15 staff in a very large shop. The Health & Safety rep doesn't give them a hard time if they pull their mask down when working independently. There's tons of space. But when a few guys are working close together on something, they're expected to wear a proper mask. Recently I've been seeing the odd person going around the grocery store without a mask on. Looks kinda weird at first because I haven't seen that in while, but it doesn't really bother me. I'm happy to keep wearing my mask though.

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5 hours ago, dr. b said:

Been a while since I bumped this thread… The situation with COVID is much improved… Now the problem is the people protesting against vaccine mandates and other things :| 


Anti-mandate protest outside B.C. high school leads to confrontation, protester hurling insults at student




I was reading a blow by blow of the trucker convoy protest thing last night on twitter. Seems like that god a little wild. :rotfl: 

A Porno-Metal Song About Gay Cowboys Is Disrupting the Anti-Vax Trucker Convoy

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I haven’t been following things too closely except for what I hear on the CBC radio news when I’m driving. Somehow they have not mentioned anything about Ram Ranch :rotfl: Kudos to these folks for messing with these dummies in the convoy. Cops aren’t doing shit so it’s time for everybody else to do something about it. 

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I know eventually things will get better to where we can ease up on stuff. I just don't think now is the time. If our numbers were better i would more confident about this. But i'm pretty sure it's gonna just spike things again. Around here a lot of people don't respect personal space even on a normal aspect let alone during this whole pandemic. 


Like i said though. At this point with the west coast wanting to steamroll through the chickens before their hatched, i'm just gonna pretty much gonna keep doing what i have been when i'm either at work or when i go out. 

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2 hours ago, Tassifox said:

i'm just gonna pretty much gonna keep doing what i have been when i'm either at work or when i go out. 

Yup, that's pretty much all that any of us can do. I'm happy to continue wearing a mask regularly even if other people don't want to anymore, and if I don't feel great about going somewhere (crowds and all that) then I just won't go. 

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I definitely spoke too soon. Apparently our Gov is gonna give (forgot what time it was) gave an announcement that our indoor mask mandate will end on March 21st and requirement of proof of vax for major events will end on the 1st.  I actually feel a little better about the date as a lot of people were predicting next week for it on the 28th. And local places can still have the authority to enforce either masks or vaccination requirements as they see fit. (eat it fuckasses)


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27 minutes ago, Tassifox said:

And local places can still have the authority to enforce either masks or vaccination requirements as they see fit.

I think most provinces in Canada will end up saying the same thing. It's basically just passing the buck onto municipalities or individual business owners, because the provincial/state governments don't want people to be mad at them anymore :rotfl: Anti-vax types are going to get real cranky if certain places still ask for proof of vaccination even after the government stops mandating it. Hopefully it doesn't create more divisions within communities :-/ 

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Oh there's already plenty of divisions within communities and we didn't need a pandemic for that. :koffing:

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>Nearly a quarter of convoy donations came from British Columbia


I am not surprised at all :rotfl:

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Huh. According to leaks, a pretty big chunk came from U.S. donors. After that, I would’ve assumed people from Alberta and Saskatchewan would have given the most donations. That’s a lot of money coming from B.C.!

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Started to get a scratchy throat over the weekend and work up this morning with a sore throat. Did a home test and I'm positive :(

It just feels like a sore throat with a bit a drainage and stuffed up ears. So the vaccine and booster are working. Wife and kids tested negative. So I am isolated in the master bedroom and I set up my work laptop on the bathroom counter. There is a lower section between the two sinks without a cabinet, works surprisingly well with my computer chair ?

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have you considered just not having covid?


jk jk, I hope it stays mild and is over quick!!! don't join any zoom meetings whilst on the terlit

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Force of habit, I locked my computer before getting up to go to the bathroom...only once though ?

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I just realized that while it was a general joke, I was referencing something you might not have seen so allow me to amuse you (maybe) with the reason I caution you about terlit zooms---


From a topic on reddit titled  "What's the dumbest mistake you've seen an incompetent co-worker make?"



I worked for a non-profit that hired a guy in fundraising purely “for his rolodex” and they couldn’t care less about any of his job functions as long as he kept bringing more rich people to fundraiser parties. Well when the pandemic hit and we were forced to go remote, it became clear how incompetent he was with technology, and how he’d been coasting for years in the office by sticking to phone calls instead of email, etc. We had our first major online fundraiser coming up and I warned my boss that this dude had no idea how Zoom worked - never muted himself, camera up the nose, treated it like watching a YouTube video. But again, he was the guy inviting all the rich people to the event, so they didn’t want to “lecture him about a computer program” and “hurt his ego”.

Then in our massive 200+ person zoom event, he set his laptop on the bathroom counter and proceeded to take a shirtless, nasty old man dump complete with grunting, splashing, and squelching. It was so loud it drowned out the speaker. They had to end the event early because they had no way to mute him and it kept going for a full two minutes with no sign of stopping. I nearly threw my laptop out a window that night.


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I'm a weirdo and listen to reddit videos at work. This topic is one of my favorites and never gets old :xd:

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