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Winter Anime 2021

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Kemono Jihen -- That was a pretty satisfactory ending to the Yui case and the series overall. Kind of a bummer that we didn't get see Kabane meet his parents, but maybe there will be a second season if the ratings / streaming numbers were high enough. I'd keep watching. 



On 3/26/2021 at 10:20 AM, Psycho666Soldier said:

Honestly, the next part is when shit starts getting better, but you've seemed pretty meh on the series in general, so I'm not really sure anything coming up will appeal to you more than what's come before. 


I liked the finale because mostly due to knowing what comes next, so I was extra hype about the ending.  Plus, I really enjoy that conversation between Senku and Tsukasa.  But eh :shrug:

I've had my fair share of complaints but I'll probably continue with it whenever it comes back. This season has me feeling a bit burnt out on the show and story, but I'll still give it another shot after a break. 

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Wahhhhhhhh same! I really hope they do a season 2, this was so much fun to watch! 

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1 minute ago, Anelle said:

Wahhhhhhhh same! I really hope they do a season 2, this was so much fun to watch! 

I read somewhere that the manga has been selling well, so I think that bodes well for a season 2. But it's probably more up to the TV ratings and streaming numbers for the anime to decide if a second season would be profitable. Here's hoping!

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From what I read the studio behind the anime tends to do one and done seasons that give you a good taste of the story but it's not impossible! I will keep hoping!

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So apparently there will be a part 2 of the AoT final season (winter 2022)! I'm still hoping for a movie finale though :lurk:

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I had a feeling when it said tbc and normally the seasons have been over 20 eps in the past. Not surprised. 

Overall this should be interesting.


Kemono Jihen


The stones fused!!!!!

Koooooooon why you gotta be dumb!!!?

YAAAY Adventure!!


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4 hours ago, Anelle said:

So? apparently there will be a part 2 of the AoT final season (winter 2022)! ?

That's a long wait! :-/ But it's been apparent for a while now that 16 episodes was not going to be enough to cover the rest of the story, so it makes sense that there is another part yet to come. 

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I got Lee to watch Jujutsu Kaisen and now he's on board :shiny:

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He's already a big fan of Gojo and I'm just like YESSSSSSSSSS

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Bit of a weird ending for Wonder Egg Priority :confused: As I've said at least once or twice now about this show: I'm not totally sure what to think! :lolgrin: Feels like there should be an episode 13 or an OVA to follow... but there was also a "Thank you" at the end of the episode so that makes it feel like a definitive ending... :thinking2: I need to watch it again tomorrow. 

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Hmmmmmmmm that was a little unsatisfying. I still very much enjoyed it but that was not a satisfying end.... and if it's one of those "well the point is it's unfulfilling" then BOOOOO I hate that shit lol shut and finish your story


According to google there will be a special episode in June, so maybe we'll get more of a satisfying conclusion for everyone.

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Yeah, unsatisfying is a good way to describe it. I hope the news re: a special episode is accurate. Maybe it will be included with a Blu-ray/DVD release.

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It's accurate, there's a PV for it and everything! There were a lot of production problems and it sounds like they just grabbed up the first slot they could to get the special out because their air time was used up. Seems like the recap episode wasn't supposed to happen initially but did due to all the issues. Some of the team were hospitalized, stuff like that. It's actually pretty incredible that we got what we did in this show!


June 30th 12am JST is the broadcast date for the special

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Yeah, hard to imagine they would plan a recap episode into a 13 episode stand-alone anime :rotfl: I am already excited for this special. I should set a reminder for myself or something though, because I'll totally forget about it by the time June rolls around :lurk: 

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Naturally they had to do a parallel world....because why not, and because of that I was fucking half right about the art teacher. Ah well. :sweat:


I am glad that there's going to be a special. Because otherwise I was hoping for some kind of post-credit goodie that would have at least led us into what to expect if this was going to have a S2. 

While I did enjoy that episode, it felt semi rushed with that ending. 3rd unsatisfied in echo of you guys. 


Whelp after last ep of Horimiya and SK, I can dive fully into my Spring season list after today. ?

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Horimiya is 100% my anime of the season for the winter, no doubt about it. That was a pretty fantastic final episode. I would have appreciated just a liiiiiittle bit more of the silly stuff, but that's only a minor complaint. The more serious parts were great too. And at least Hori's dad made one final appearance :rotfl:

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Seriously I almost cried through most of that last ep.  :crying: Horimiya is so fucking wholesome.


last ep of SK was really well done but I kinda wish they took out the whole investigation on Adam side story. Felt so out of place when how they tied that off. 

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I need to do Horimiya fan art just to express my love T_T


i'm also finally gonna start into SK, i've been meaning to but pain levels have me so unfocused lately. But I wannaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


i'm also finally catching up on re:zero :lol: only *checks* SEVEN episodes behind now jesus I have been distracted

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And??? :shiny:

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Reserving thoughts for when I catch up because I'm lazy but been a while since a new opening! (or since we saw the opening at all, lmao! not gonna lie, I've been very down with them dedicating OP and ED time to more story)

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3 hours ago, Tassifox said:

last? ep of SK was really well done but I kinda wish they took out the whole investigation on Adam side story. Felt ???so out of place when how they tied that off. ?

I thought the final course was a little too over-the-top but it was pretty rad anyway. Love the emphasis on how fun skateboarding is :shiny:  I agree that the side-story about the investigation into Adam seemed unnecessary, but it was nice to see...

Adam come as close as he could to apologizing to his sidekick and keeping him in his job, and of course everybody else's stories more or less get wrapped up. One thing I would have liked to see though was for Adam to tell his crazy aunts to shove it and quit his job, and just have fun skating with the guys. Oh well.

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I don't really have much to say other than I am so glad Subaru is not relying on return by death anymore because things are picking up! Go forward! Emilia had a big breakthrough! I'm so proud!


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I legit hope there's another season because there's still so much that needs to be answered. 

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I'm sure there will be, the series is insanely popular. It might take a while for 3rd season to happen but I think it will

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So Lee and I just started watching SK8 today! Only one ep in, we'll watch it gradually since he doesn't really like to binge watch and I'm gonna just watch it as his pace but the first episode was a lot of fun! 

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SK8 was lots of fun, I hope you and Lee enjoy it!

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it's been on my list i was just too overwhelmed to keep up with it during the season, but we were sitting there going "we need something that's just fun" and I was like OH SHIT I HAVE JUST THE THING

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Wonder Egg Priority Special



really? REALLY?


*14 hour foghorn fart noise*


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I was wondering why this thread updated but this makes sense now. Lol. I'm watching WEP now. *joins Nelle in fart ensemble*



Seriously WHY MUST THEY WASTE TIME RECAPPING?!?! FFFFFFFFFFF at least it wasn't an entire ep of recap and we get SOME new info. 

Fuuuuck Kaito doesn't remember her! Wtf!

But at least the girls themselves retain their memory.



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At first I was like :shiny: because I thought it would be a double length special episode…

Then I was kinda bummed because it was obvious that part of it would be a recap…


But then I came to terms with the recap and appreciated it because my brain is like Swiss cheese and I can’t remember fuck all, so the recap was actually pretty helpful… also I loved seeing Ai doing the, “Now I’m really mad!!!” thing again twice :shiny:


Okay, things are going good, now we’re getting to the really good part…


Then the second half / special episode part… kinda stunk :-/  Truly a non-ending, use your imagination to fill in the blanks sort of thing…


But… Ai’s back!!! That last visual smoothed it over for me. I’m confused, but Ai’s back and that’s pretty much all I needed to know I guess :lolgrin:


It’s a shame how WEP ended (two times now :rotfl:) but it’s still a thing of beauty to me and I enjoyed it, warts and all. 

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