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WandaVision (Disney+ 2021) [SPOILERS]

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As a fun side note, the nickname her mother had in the picture of her at the SWORD headquarters is one of Monica's super hero names she's had over the years. 

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Yup, the character we got introduced to when she was a kid. So this is her adult sized and the actress will be in the next Captain Marvel.
I missed the part about the 3 weeks ( I was watching it right before work early morning) So ya, roughly a month after people blip back sounds about right.

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Seen some interesting (if a bit cospiracy theory-ish) rumblings about them starting to set up for the next "big" villain with this show. Specifically, the running theory is that it will be Mephisto which tracks a bit with what we're aware of at the moment. The reasons for this are many and myriad, including the fact that apparently every single clock, radio and dial is missing the number 6 (have not had a chance to verify, but that is certainly something to note in general if not for this specific purpose).


More concrete reasoning that I thought of though is more based on the general sense of what they're appearing to try and build here and going forward using precedence from the comics (spoiler tagged just in case since it's some heavy comic info that could relate directly to how the show plays out) : 

The most obvious being that this ties in almost directly with some of the story they're using for this show. The birth of her children and subsequent "deaths" spun out of a series called "Vision and the Scarlet Witch" in which she used magic to conceive her children who turned out to contain fragments of Mephisto's soul that had been scattered, the loss of her children to reunite the fragments being the catalyst for her breaking reality. This show tying to the next Doctor Strange movie (another magic user who has had multiple confrontations with Mephisto in the comics), and with the next Spider-man, (who has also had multiple encounters with Mephisto, including one of the most infamous ones that directly tied to being the reason his true identity was no longer known by the public at large (which is a current concern after the last movie) seems to point pretty heavily in this direction. Obviously they'd be insane to go all in on a 'Brand New Day' adaptation, but they can still make use of the general plots therein.


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That's genius. Fuck, I'm so hype. Genuinely not been this excited by Marvel since the OG Iron Man and Thor movies.

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Hah, they brought back Pietro, but he's been "recast" as the X-Men movies version of Pietro. I got a good laugh out of Wanda trying to escape the conversation with Vision by rolling credits. Wondering why Monica seems to be upset with Captain Marvel, saw someone wonder if it's because she wasn't there when Monica's mom died? Also, Wanda's fucking scary when she's angry, holy shit.

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Okay that's 2 for 2 on my friends guesses.

1 being Vision's corpse being manipulated

2. Pietro. But was not expecting Xmen version but also not surprised that it's this one because we now have the Multiverse into account. 

Wanda and Visions fight. Damn. He maybe reanimated but he's certainly got his got his awareness up and ready.

Also how the kids wondered why Dad was at work and debating the difference of what day it is with Wanda. Do they have some awareness of their own? I laughed when they called her out by asking to bring Sparky back from the dead. 


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This episode. Holy shit.


And yeah, the idea that she "recast" Pietro by taking another one from the Multiverse to take his place...


6 hours ago, MT said:

Wondering why Monica seems to be upset with Captain Marvel, saw someone wonder if it's because she wasn't there when Monica's mom died?

Wondered about this as well. Though I think what you said might be my guess for why?


And I guess it's not surprising that two little kids aren't going to play by the rules of the show.

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The kids made it very clear that they have a mind of their own. 


Also Hayward is totes Sus. He's quick to label Wanda and this situation a terrorist attack, Wanda was all guns on him when she confronted SWORD, and during the briefing when they showed Wanda breaking in to get Vision, it was convenient that they cut the footage right after she barged into the room his body was in. 


While it does confirm that Wanda is manipulating Vision (to an extent now that he's become more aware even without his stone) there's something that happened in that room to trigger Wanda. Big time. 

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I cannot fucking believe they did the Pietro bit and didn't have him say THE LINE


like obviously that isn't that Quicksilver's catchphrase, but to have him awkwardly say it as if reciting a line would have been great


ETA so he's obviously Mephisto right??? 

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It HAS to be Mephisto. He has the ability to look like anyone he wants and other than Spiderman/Stark and specific other characters, Mephisto would be the only one who knows about the Multi-verses 

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I think it's just Quicksilver from a different (Fox/X-Men) Multiverse, pulled into this world. Though I could be wrong. Have been before.

Case in point, I was DEFINITELY wrong about Hayward. I thought people were going WAY too hard on him from the last episode. This one basically put a "He's an asshole" sign directly over his head. Eager for some kind of alias/nickname they can call Wanda (possibly to dehumanize her?). He's claiming Wanda's going against Vision's living will of not wanting to be turned into a weapon, but that sure as hell seems like what SWORD was doing with his body, which they had in pieces, when Wanda showed up and took it. AND trying to shoot her with a missile he had installed in that drone?

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This is what I was thinking too. If it just stopped at how he acted during the briefing that'd possibly be just him being a jerk. But every action he's done here and totally shooting down Monica and Wu's advice of "she's in grief/shoe's not doing this for a political agenda" means he is trying to cover something up and fast before anyone finds out. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if he gave the order to dissect Vision which might have been what was going on in that room when Wanda stormed in. 

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I figured the Monica being upset about Carol thing was because she basically fucked off for over 20 years to play space ranger, came back for like 15 min. (to Monica's perception at least) and then fucked off again immediately. So the last time she saw her was as a little girl who had been promised she would come back as soon as she could (whether her reasons for being gone were valid or not) and probably feels a bit abandoned, I imagine she's pretty damn disillusioned with her at this point.

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I saw someone else point this out, and I didn't notice it in episode 5. Look at Wanda's shirt, specifically the pocket.




Her pocket flannel is in the shape of an X. Most flannel shirts, as far as I can tell, don't change the pattern for the pocket. This has to be intentional, right?

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Wow, so this was a big one. I loved the Malcolm in the Middle-esque intro, and the shift in tone to more recent comedy was a nice touch. I was kind of hoping in the recap, when they showed the footage of Pietro dying back in AoU that they'd have replaced Pietro in that with the actor playing him now. I also wonder if he's actually Pietro, or if he's just someone SWORD sent in to keep tabs on Wanda, and for some reason she just turned that guy into a version of her brother. He doesn't seem to remember things the way she does (if at all) and is asking a lot of questions. 


I got a good laugh out of Vision's costume being a mexican wrestler, although it was kind of odd that he talked about fighting crime when he told Wanda he was doing neighborhood watch stuff. It was also pretty crazy seeing Wanda expand the hex, and seeing things change to fit the Westview narrative, although I feel real bad for those agents that got turned into clowns, that's a fate worse than death if you ask me. I was kinda hoping they'd show what happened to Darcy, though. I'm also wondering just who this person Monica is supposed to be taking Jimmy to see. My first thought would be Dr. Strange, as the rumor is that this sort of leads right into that movie, but she makes it sound like he's a scientist or something along those lines. 


I'm also wondering if Monica's multiple trips in and out of the hex are what are giving her the powers she'll have in the future?


Edit: Oh, and what the fuck was up with that ad? Creepy as hell. I'm starting to think the rest will be dark, too.

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The ad was fucked. I feel like the Pietro stuff is "playing it straight" he is technically her brother but from another dimension so would remember things slightly differently.

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At first I liked Nelles theory that Pietro aka Peter (which is this quicksilver name in Xmen if I remember?) Being Mephisto in disguise. But after seeing how he was I honestly wonder. He came clean that he knew Wanda was in charge (more or less) but that she didn't seem to be in the wrong, which would be something a villian would say to keep her at it.

Seeing Vision fall apart from trying to break out of the Hex crushed me. 

Kids have their perspective superpowers now

Creepy ad was creepy, I wonder if it was referring to the survivors of the Blip in that one

6 hours ago, MT said:

although?? it was kind of odd that he talked about fighting crime when he told Wanda he was doing neighborhood watch s?t?u?f?f

I mean that's kinda what neighborhood watches were like, they would be "fighting crime" in their community vs relying on cops to. But it could also be a subconcious thing for Vision because he is an Avenger (despite him not having any memories)

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1 hour ago, Tassifox said:

Creepy ad was creepy, I wonder if it was referring to the survivors of the Blip in that one

The theory i'm seeing is that it's a way to show that magic can't bring people back from the dead, which makes some sense but when I think about it, the kid in the commercial wasn't able to get the Yo Magic yogurt open and then he died. He didn't die after ingesting it, so who knows.


Edit: Just saw someone mention in the reddit topic who Monica's friend might be...Adam Brashear. Comic spoilers, I guess.


The Blue Marvel, who at one point is or was Monica's boyfriend.

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I mean, the Mephisto thing is good too, but I think it just makes sense that it is multiverse Pietro and this is more about bringing mutants in.


These episodes have been based in the 80s/90s, and we last saw Pietro in 1992 and 1983 before that. I dunno, it ties in to me. Guess we'll find out.

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I think the Fox deal is too new for that to happen. They could've done reshoots I'm sure, but I don't think they'd go that route just yet.

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Finally, the true villain of the show has been revealed!


Agnes is: Agatha muthafuckin' Harkness.


Also damn that cliffhanger!


Edit: ALSO there is a mid-credits scene in this one, between the fancy credits and the regular ones. I found that out from the reddit thread.

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Just a small thing, but I love how last week it was clear Darcy was saying "oh fuck" but it cut off, but this week the subtitles claimed "oh fudge" :lol: :lol:

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Okay so we were right that someone else was pulling some of Wanda's strings. Daaaamn so does that mean that Alt Pietro isn't real?

Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhb! Monica has powers now!:shiny:

Poor Darcy :sweat:

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I'm wondering what that book was in Agatha's basement. My first thought was the Darkhold, which I only really know of through Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and a run in the Carnage/Venom comics, so I'm not really sure.


Edit: Someone on reddit pointed this out during the Wanda credits


Edit 2: Stan Lee cameo....sort of.

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Agnes.... Agness.... Agathaness.... AgathaHarkness


Goddamnit, it was right in front of our very eyes this entire time!!

2 hours ago, Tassifox said:

Okay so we were right that someone else was pulling some of Wanda's strings. Daaaamn so does that mean that Alt Pietro isn't real?

Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhb! Monica has powers now!:shiny:

Poor Darcy :sweat:

Agatha still opens the doors for many of our theories - Fantastic Four, Mephisto, etc - but I'll be severely disappointed if this turns out to have nothing to do with Mutants :( it was a fun pop for the audience I guess, but damn I'll be supersad if that's all it was.

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Huge spoiler below!




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Daaaaaaaamn. That episode. Like, I knew she was potentially Agatha for a while now and that still got me. XD


Saw the mid credit scene just because I was sitting there processing that episode for a few minutes. :rotfl:


Think I may have to buy into the "alternate Pietro is actually Mephisto" theory I had seen.


Also, finally seeing some Photon/Pulsar/Spectrum/Captain Marvel action out of Monica (kind of wondering which name they'll settle on. Figure it's a toss up between Photon since it was her mom's call sign and Spectrum since it's her current name in the comics).

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Man, what a powerful episode this week. Not a lot of action, but still real great stuff. There's a mid-credits scene in this one as well, so stick around.


The scene with Wanda looking at Vision's torn apart body, and the scene where she rebuilds him had me on the verge of tears. I lost my dad when I was real young, so it was real hard to watch those scenes. Seeing someone you care about in a state where you can't do anything to help them, and then getting the chance to see them again...powerful stuff. It really hit close to home. So now we know Wanda didn't actually take Vision's body, SWORD had it the entire time. Seeing his body at the mid-credits scene was pretty crazy, can't say I expected that. There's no way that's actually him though...like, it's his body, but it won't have anything of what made Vision who he was. 


I think there's only one episode left, i'm wondering how exactly they're going to tie everything together. Also Kathryn Hahn is fucking amazing, I love her so much.


Edit: Something I saw on reddit just now made me think, Wanda's going to have to kill Vision again, isn't she? That's going to fucking destroy her.


Edit 2: Hayward is Mephisto, that's my prediction.

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She will probably have to kill Vision twice more: Her version and S.W.O.R.D. version. Having to kill both the body and spirit, separately.


I am confused at why Hayward said Wanda stole Vision.  Was that just for Darcy and Jimmy?



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Hayward manipulated the footage to lie that Wanda stole Vision. Idk how much of that army that was there in the beginning was all in the know about that truth but Hayward definitely did it because of Monica, Darcy, and Jimmy. I FUCKING KNEW IT. He probably used the footage manipulation as a backup plan since he so "considerately" let Wanda in at the S.W.O.R.D headquarters without much fight. He probably didn't know what Wanda was capable of fully but he probably purposely pushed Wanda to use her as a Test dummy for their Newly Made Vision. 

My question was, did Hayward give her that property deed? Or was it something Vision had in what few belongings they had when they were on the run?

Garage I'm no gonna be ready for the last episode. 

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I think it was a gift from Vision.


I have a new Vision theory.  What if Wanda's Vision and S.W.O.R.D. Vision get merged into old (new?) Vision?

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I think they just unwittingly created an Ultron.  Idiots.  I guess we'll see how that goes.  I'm thinking...not well. :P

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@Peeve I was thinking the same thing talking with someone else about the options we have here

- Wanda gonna have to fight Nega-Vision (yes I'm calling him that). And somewhere there she'll either have to kill him.

- Nega-Vision and Westview Vision might merge in order to overall save everything

- Westview Vision might sacrifice himself in order to beat Nega-Vision

Any way this goes, Wanda is going to be even more royally wrecked than she already was. 

Also I like MT's theory that Hayward could be Mephisto but I still almost feel like it could be Alt-Pietro. Yes Agatha called him Fake but we saw him attack Monica, and Agatha didn't quite say she was the one who made fake Pietro. So part of me is still on the whole Pietro is Mephisto possibly. 

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I'm torn between this ending with Wanda's Spirit-Vision merging with the reanimated body and him being really alive again, and this just all going to shit and Wanda tearing reality apart. I want both. >_>


I like the idea of this being a way for Ultron to return in some capacity too because I feel like they severely underutilized him. They need fewer "one and done" villains and Ultron has the capacity to come back repeatedly to fuck with everyone.


I feel like they're leaning towards revival though. It really drove home the whole idea that the mind stone is behind both the creation of "Scarlet Witch" and Vision and when Wanda's version of Vision came into being, it didn't look like her normal energy. It was the yellow of the mind stone itself like some residual energy was reforming Vision from their shared connection or some weird thing like that so this is, for all intents and purposes, the REAL Vision, but without a true physical form. We've seen him acting on his own outside of Wanda's influence and thinking for himself and very clearly IS himself (just missing memories) so the idea of him regaining his real body seems like a solid course of action for the last episode.

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56 minutes ago, Mera'din said:

I like the idea of this being a way for Ultron to return in some capacity too because I feel like they severely underutilized him. They need fewer "one and done" villains and Ultron has the capacity to come back repeatedly to fuck with everyone.

I'm all for this if it gives us more James Spader.

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Lee said he wanted blank Vision or whatever the fuck it is to cross into the hex and be James Spader, but I countered that he should be his character from the Office because surely Wanda watched the Office and now that is the only thing I want

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Throwing my hat into the "they will merge" ring.


Disappointed at Fake-Pietro being fake but whatever. Was a fun pop.

I don't think Mephisto has anything to do with this. Maybe a post-credits scene. But there is ONE episode left. It is all going to revolve around Vision having to save his children imo.

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I was reading a theory about how Wanda's room at Avengers' HQ is different between Civil War and the flashback in Episode 8.  It made me come up with a theory of my own.



What if when Wanda causes the multiverse, it creates disruptions in the main MCU both forwards and backwards in time?  It could be the cause of Ed Norton Hulk becoming Mark Ruffalo Hulk.  Terrence Howard Rhodey becoming Don Cheadle Rhodey.  As well as many other so called "inconsistencies."

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On 2/27/2021 at 12:34 PM, Garlic Junior said:

Disappointed at Fake-Pietro being fake but whatever. Was a fun pop.

I feel like it won't be the last we see of him. We did see him (what looked like) taking out Monica at the house on the last post credit snippet before the end of scene. I don't think they would throw Alt-Pietro in there just for an episode and a quip cameo.

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On 2/28/2021 at 9:02 AM, Peeve said:

I was reading a theory about how Wanda's room at Avengers' HQ is different between Civil War and the flashback in Episode 8.  It made me come up with a theory of my own.



What if when Wanda causes the multiverse, it creates disruptions in the main MCU both forwards and backwards in time?  It could be the cause of Ed Norton Hulk becoming Mark Ruffalo Hulk.  Terrence Howard Rhodey becoming Don Cheadle Rhodey.  As well as many other so called "inconsistencies."


Oh that's good. I like that!

Only one problem:


we all know that it was Agatha All Along


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I don't have to work until 10 in the morning so gonna actually try and stay up for the finale tonight!

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......nope. Maybe eventually but NOT before tonight. Althought I haven't watched Legends, I thought that was a documentary?


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Legends is basically a series of shorts that recap info about specific characters. Kind of goes through everything they've done in the movies up to the current point. They're only a few minutes each I think.

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Only a half hour to go! ((Unless you're londish or the non West coast peeps))

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