dr. b 492 Posted March 26, 2021 Haven't done this in a while What is your pick for Anime of the Season, Winter 2021, and why? If you can't pick just one, then give us your shortlist. ISO Share this post Link to post
Psycho666Soldier 286 Posted March 26, 2021 I mean, I feel like my selection of shows this season hasn't been nearly as wide as everyone else, but of my sample size, I'd say Higurashi Gou all day. ISO Share this post Link to post
Anelle 794 Posted March 26, 2021 As a diehard When They Cry series fan I'd have to say Higurashi Gou just because of my genuine excitement for it each week and how excited I've been for it for so long That said though, I was very pleasantly surprised by Wonder Egg Priority! I'm very very keen on seeing ep 12. Horimiya has also been just....lovely. A pleasure to watch each week. It's something I'd gladly recommend to just about anyone because it's just...refreshing and fun. ISO Share this post Link to post
Tassifox 418 Posted March 26, 2021 Pretty much agreed on Nelle's list. ? ISO Share this post Link to post
dr. b 492 Posted March 26, 2021 This season I watched (in no special order) Neverland Dr. Stone Jujutsu Kaisen Back Arrow SK8 Horimiya Attack on Titan Kemono Jihen Wonder Egg Priority The final season of Attack on Titan has been really cool to see animated, but I would not say it's anime of the season. It might actually be a toss up between Horimiya and WEP for AOTS for me. Every week, I've looked forward more and more to these shows. Though I won't pretend like I haven't been looking forward to Attack on Titan every week too. WEP has been pretty messed up at times, and the subject matter is pretty heavy, but it's been very compelling. And Horimiya is just a fun and enjoyable, feel-good, kinda show. I'll give an honourable mention to SK8, which is by no means a life-changing great anime, but it's fun and I love the enthusiasm for skateboarding in this show. Lots of feel-good vibes every Saturday when I watch Horimiya and SK8 back-to-back I'll miss both of them ISO Share this post Link to post
Anelle 794 Posted March 26, 2021 Jujutsu Kaisen is also high on my list but I thought it started in fall so i didn't list it ISO Share this post Link to post
dr. b 492 Posted March 26, 2021 I don't think I would differentiate between new series and continuations when thinking about AOTS. This part of Jujutsu Kaisen was pretty darn good. I think the episodes that aired during the Winter season were stronger than what it start with in the Fall. ISO Share this post Link to post
Anelle 794 Posted March 26, 2021 That's a good point. Slap Jujutsu Kaisen up on my "absolutely recommend" and "keeps me excited every week" categories then! 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
Vic Boss 612 Posted March 27, 2021 Dr Stone - Stone Wars was probably the most consistently good of anything I watched this season. Close by was JuJutsu Kaisen for the action and characters (still not big on the overall plot) and Yuru Camp for the COMF ISO Share this post Link to post