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Spy X Family

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Strong start to Spy x Family! I'm gonna like this one for sure.

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I've had no one to gush about Spy x Family to, so I'm looking forward to your catch-up.


I'm caught up on all the ones I'm following, so I started reading a bit more of Witch Watch.  Pretty amusing gag manga.  I'm not sure if it has strong legs to survive on, but it's a pretty breezy read that's got a few legit laughs out of me.

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I got to chapter 11 last night. The part where Anya drilled the Desmond kid right in the face was perhaps the most satisfying thing so far for me :shiny: Take that, shithead :fup: Of course, now he's probably got a thing for her because she actually stood up to him... 

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That's an excellent chapter.  Some of the best chapters are centered around Anya and her drama at school.  There's a very specific chapter and panel that's incredible that I'm looking forward to seeing your reaction when the time comes.  But you're pretty far off from it at the moment.

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Read a couple more chapters while I was eating lunch... Yuri's first encounter with Loid was funny, especially drunk Yor giving Yuri a beatdown :rotfl: 

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Last night, I decided to order some Spy x Family volumes on a whim to support the manga continuing.  All of the volumes are out of stock but expecting more from the site I ordered.


I feel like that's a good sign.

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I read up to chapter 23 of Spy x Family this evening. Some random thoughts...


I love a good dodgeball match! I was secretly hoping that Anya would somehow singlehandedly win the whole thing, but it was probably better that she didn’t. Oh well, she got her first star not long after that. 

The extra mission chapter, 15.1 IIRC, where Loid and Yor go on a date and Anya and Scruffy tail them was great :rotfl:


The whole dog bombers thing was good. Loved the panel where Yor is spinning in mid air, just about to wreck the dude who was threatening Anya :shiny: Yor reminds me a bit of Mikasa. 

The dog is cool :thumbs:

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That Dodgeball chapter is one of the ones I was thinking about when I was talking about some of the best chapters.  But I love when they have the little mini arcs that take place over multiple chapters, like the dog bomber chapters.


Also, the extra missions start becoming a lot shorter, which is a shame because they are really fun character development plots.


Commencing Dr. Stone hype :shiny:

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Spy x Family: The chapters with Daybreak and George Glooman were fun :lol: 

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Yep that’s the guy :lol: Pretty crummy spy 

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I like how this turned into a tennis manga for a few chapters. Don’t try to return Yor’s serve! :shiny:

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Chapter 35 - Drunk Yor is the best :love2:

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Yor really has some of the most endearing and entertaining character quirks.  That whole chapter is a really great moment for Loid and Yor.  The web of misunderstandings and secrets that unfold around that situation is just hilarious.

Also, Anelle the GOAT

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16 minutes ago, Psycho666Soldier said:

The web of misunderstandings and secrets

This is basically what I like best about this story in a nutshell. It's really fun watching Loid and Yor (and secondary characters like Yuri and other spies) trying to go about their business while also keeping their secrets from the other people. It's extra fun that Anya is in on all of it due to her special power. This dynamic reminds me a little bit of Cat's Eye (Hitomi being a member of Cat's, while her boyfriend Toshio, the detective who is always failing to catch Cat's, is completely clueless).

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I'm always left glad I read the latest chapter. There's plenty of series I love where sometimes I read a new chapter and am just like ok well I guess that's it for now moving on, but with Spy X Family I feel like I'm always like "yes, this chapter was also a treat and I can't wait for the next"


The whole comedy of misunderstandings is done so well and Anya's reactions and the faces she makes are hilarious

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25 minutes ago, Anelle said:

I'm always?? left glad I read the latest chapter. There's plenty of series I love where sometimes I read a new chapter and am just like ok well I guess that's it for now moving? on, but with Spy X Family I feel like I'm ?always like "yes, this? chapter was also a treat and I can't wait for the next"

I feel this so hard

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Well I am I officially caught up :cool:


Only a few days until the next chapter. What’s gonna happen on the boat :nailbiting:

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Chapter 45


Not a ton happened in this chapter I guess... but it looks like there will be some action in the next one! Lor, don't let the bad guys do anything to mama and baby


 Anya's reaction to their room was great :rotfl: 

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Chapter 46



Multiple assassins racing to the target and now somebody’s knocking on the door :uhoh: Yor’s got this though. She’s no pushover.


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Chapter 46



I always love the little moments where it's obvious Loid and Yor have fallen for each other but don't want to admit it.  I also thought it was cool to see how much of a badass that director is.


Unfortunate this chapter was quite a few pages short of the usual number.  Hopefully that was for cut-off point reasons and the next one will be a lot of action-packed pages to make up for it.  Really curious how Loid and Anya get mixed up in the chaos of this, if any.  Just seems like things always get entangled during this big moments where everyone's involved, but could make for some good gags otherwise.


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Chapter 47


I really get a kick out of watching Yor just dispose of assassin after assassin like it's nothing, all while making it look inconspicuous.  Also poor Loid stressing out about doing the most basic father shit only for Anya to get distracted and shit him down after building up this whole spiel.  Brilliance.


But fuck, I didn't realize there was such a long break between chapters this time.  Doesn't come out until the 27th, and dear God I hope it's an actual continuation, not one of the side chapters.


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Yeah the long gap between chapters sucks. I'll definitely have to re-read chapter 47 before the new one, my memory is terrible :rotfl: 

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I had to scan over it again to fully get what you were talking about in the spoiler :rotfl: 


I feel like I used to have a good memory... now my brain is like swiss cheese :fup: I'm gonna blame it on my kids and my terrible job (especially the way things are lately-- everything is a mess at work right now, I can't keep track of it all anymore).

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Chapter 48 was well worth the wait



I loved the fight between Yor and the chain scythe assassin.  I never get tired of Yor and Loid being oblivious to how much Anya tries to help them.


Speaking of which, I nearly fell out of my chair when Loid stepped out of the dressing room :lol:


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Well worth the wait indeed! Chapter 48 was fantastic. Anya can do it all :thumbs: Solid look for Loid at the end there too :rotfl:

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Bought the first volume for this because of the recommendations here. Enjoying it so far!

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# 49 — poor Yor :-/ The Director is quite the badass though for an old dude :cool:

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The tension that comes from Loid and Yor trying to pretend they don't have feelings for each other is so heavy.  Especially since I feel like if they found out the truth about each other, they'd probably just be relieved.


Also, these came in a couple days ago:




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Chapter #50 -- A short but amusing chapter.


Loid trying (and failing) hard at being a father figure :rotfl: And Anya continuously getting distracted from her plan to go help Yor :rotfl: 

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I am a little disappointed the last two chapters we're 17-pagers.  Both were amusing, but part of the two-week wait was alleviated by having slightly longer chapters than the average weekly manga.  I just hope it's not a permanent trend.  Even if it is, I'll still reading.


Seems like the conclusion to this arc might be coming in the next chapter or two.  I'm curious to see how, if at all, Loid ends up getting mixed into the conflict.


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Chapter #51

Yikes! How will Anya save the day, I wonder?

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I thought we were getting a little too lucky with how many proper chapters we were getting in a row.  Thankfully, this was a really enjoyable little mini-chapter, and I like that he decided to focus on a side character instead of the three mains who we've been getting a bunch of.


Yuri is an unhealthy dude :lol:


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It was a fun mini-chapter, but I was disappointed to see the ‘.1’ :-/ Oh well, two weeks until the next proper chapter. 

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Chapter 52 — the excitement begins!!

Yor ain’t messing around, totally wasting these guys. The director is no slouch either. I think this would be really cool to see animated, the juxtaposition of the fireworks and the bloodbath and the casino.

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Chapter 52


Super excited we finally got another 27 page chapter.  Much more satisfying digest, and what a chapter it was.  Really fun fight, and like you said, the juxtaposition if the fireworks/cruise noises with the sounds of the fight were really awesome.  Probably the most outright badass moment for Yor, and easily the bloodiest chapter.


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No new chapter this weekend though :-/ 

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Agh, I want chapter 54 now!



Of course Yor wasn’t going to go down that easy! Nice bit of self-reflection about why she’s doing the work she does.

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That's a bummer. Oh well, two weeks isn't that long of a wait. (Better not be a 'Special Mission' chapter though...)

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Chapter 54 was well worth the wait!


Some smooth moves from Anya

:rotfl: :shiny:  


There’s another bomb though? :uhoh:

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Well agreed!


Some really cool action panels in this one.  I loved the fact that Anya not only saved the client on accident, but succeeded in getting the weapon to Yor.  I wonder if Loid has a suspicion about the extra bomb?  That's actually a really tense cliffhanger where I'm not exactly sure what the resolution will be.


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Very cool news!

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I am SO pumped to see Anya's faces and reactions animated :rotfl:

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I legitimately didn't think we'd be getting an anime so soon, but I'm beyond excited.  I really grew attached to this one and it feels so sentimental and wholesome while being truly engaging.  So it'll be awesome to hear it with audio and motion.


Also it'll be a lot easier to trick friends into watching the anime over reading the manga :lurk:

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