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dr. b

Spy X Family

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I swear I'm gonna try and make "SOOO ELEGANT" a thing now in however form I can. :rotfl:

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Another great episode. 

No more Anya crying though please :bawling: :bawling: :bawling:

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Episode 5 is HILARIOUS, I loved it

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oh my god this episode was so so good!



All the earnest kerfuffle from the other spies :rotfl:

drunk Yor :rotfl:

the quiz :rotfl:

top notch action sequence.... in a giant ball pit :rotfl:

god the action is so good


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Seriously this ep was so fucking funny!



Absolutely loved how the other agents weren't fully 100% sure of what the fuck was going on. Only knew 2 things.
1. Part of Operation Stix
2. Get a chance to "fight" or 1 up Twilight who is the #1 agent they have.

and they were ALL IN for #2

Seriously Anya will be more dangerous than Twilight and Yor put together when she gets older.


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This week’s episode was drunk :rotfl: Fantastic stuff. So much happening. 

Anya is of course the best—several great moments for her— but Franky was a bit of a show-stealer too. Scruffy, scruffy, scruffy, scruff! Very good action sequences to boot. And I love drunk Yor.

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Episode 5



They're really pushing the bar of making these chapters come alive so much more in the anime.  Like I still recommend checking out the manga, but so far, I'd easily recommend the anime as the prime way to enjoy it.  A lot of really good animation in this episode, as well as voice-acting, and it made all the small moments so great.  Every time Anya was looking at Loid with wonder and happiness, wanting to see him be the spy hero she sees him as...it's so sweet and touching, and everything from the motion to the acting to the color just makes it all pop and come to life.  I absolutely love it.


Also, yeah, this was just such a hilarious episode.  The other agents taking it 200% seriously and understanding the assignment by the end was so great.


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Ep 6. This one was super cute!



Seamstress: There's been a lot of bullying and kidnapping lately for students!
Also Anya: I'm gonna go run outside because I'm bored! *almost gets kidnapped*

Yor channeling her inner Mama Bear
Rich snob kids. This is gonna get interesting.


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ep 6





Anya smirk and ANYA PUUUUUNCH


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EP. 6


That punch really is epic and satisfying.  Even moreso with the impact of sound and animation.


I actually forgot that the smirk was her attempt at trying to smile through the bullshit :lol:


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Chapter 62.3



oh COME ON not fair

The moment his friends reappeared I was like welp ok NOW they're dead >=( 


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22 hours ago, Anelle said:

Chapter 62.3


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oh COME ON not fair

The moment his friends reappeared I was like welp ok NOW they're dead >=( 



Yeah unfortunately that felt super obvious. Bummer for Loid to finally get his friends back and then they're actually gone.

I'm already a fan of Franky, but this chapter made me like him even more.


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ep 7


Anime continues to deliver :rotfl:  Fuckin' school time is so good, Damian's anya-vision is perfect. They're all such adorable lil dorks.


sneaking in an edit to put the side by side I saw on twitter because it made me laugh out loud all over again



The family gets closer! ENTER YURI! 


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Seriously all of that was win.




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whatever the fuck chapter this was, something .4 i left my phone in my room fuck you



You did your best, Bond! You'll find a girl that likes caterpillars one of these days. Franky, be better.


That's it bye


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:rotfl: I think Franky is great, but maybe don’t take relationship advice from him :fup: Bond will learn. 

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Episode 8!


Of course Yuri has a sister complex, OF COURSE
Fuuuuuck Twilight knows who he works for. I'm not surprised since it's so close to his line of work in general but I wanna make a chart now for all the who knows who REALLY does WHAT!
Aww Anya doesn't get to meet Uncle yet. I feel like Yuri will melt when he meets her.
Dude shits gonna get real now.


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We watched episodes 8 and 9 tonight :nod:  


The first encounter with Yuri was great all around. Drunk Yor is the best Yor :heart: :fup: 

I'm really looking forward to next week's episode, going back to school with Anya and her buddies.

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Ep 10



Omg all the dodgeball shenanigans ???

I was really hoping Anya would be able to pull it off too. 


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A marvellous ending to the dodgeball episode! :rotfl:

You’ll get ‘em next time, Anya..!

At least a Stella wasn’t actually on the line.


New manga chapter yesterday — #63

Handler is the real deal! It was neat to get more of a glimpse into what she does and what she is capable of.

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ep 10


jfc i forgot about bill lmfaooooooooooooo


chp 63


I agree! We've been getting fed a lot of background info lately and I love it!


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Forgot to post ep 11 reacts 


I don't know how i feel about a school system that gives gold stars for acts of heroism.....i feel like that just asks for stupid choices and trouble for validation.....


Omg Anya you try so hard. And you're starting to think more like Twilight when strategizing how to use mind reading for grades. :sweat:


Of course rich kids be fucking jelly and snide.....


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“Eheh!” That face :heart:


Bond is coming soon! :shiny:

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1 hour ago, dr. b said:

“Eheh!” That face :heart:


Bond is coming soon! :shiny:


Idk if it's a manga spoiler i gotta know, new doggo we see has the same powers as Anya doesn't he?!?!? 


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doggy spoiler


sorry, i refuse to fully spoil it because it's so delightful but he does have a power all his own.... :3


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Yeah no spoilers here :shh:  You'll see eventually in the anime... though maybe not until the fall..? I think this first part is 12 episodes, ending next weekend, and then part two doesn't air until the fall season :-/ 

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I dunno if it's correct or not -- I assume it is -- but MAL says 12 episodes running from April 9 to June 25, and then part two is 13 episodes to begin airing October 2022. I'd rather it run across two consecutive seasons, as I'm really enjoying the anime, but at least a 3-4 month break for a split cour isn't tooooooo long of a wait.

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Pretty sure it's 12 eps for this run atm. Anichart says the same thing. And while would hate that wait, i'd rather they have time to mold it out to keep it at the perfection it is so far. 

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In Oct!!!!!


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Episode 12 was a great wrap to the first part of the anime! Several laugh-out-loud moments. My kiddo loved it. 

Today’s new chapter (64) was also stellar. 

Spy x Family can do no wrong right now :nod:

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I finally got lee to watch it, the dub is pretty good! I'm still sub all the way but he prefers dub so at least he's watching XD

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64.1 :twitch:

Sure, it was a nice special illustration, but I was hoping for a bit more than that...

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Interesting development in chapter #65 this week!

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Curious to see if Melinda is actually nice or if she turns out to be evil. Feels like a coin flip right now :thinking2:

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Really enjoyed that chapter



I was fully expecting it to just be a meaningful character development chapter where Yor just happened to find a group she could relax and be herself around.  And then that BOMB at the end of the chapter!  Hadn't expected this is how Loid might make contact with Desmond.


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1 hour ago, Psycho666Soldier said:

Really enjoyed that chapter


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I was fully expecting it to just be a meaningful character development chapter where Yor just happened to find a group she could relax and be herself around.  And then that BOMB at the end of the chapter!  Hadn't expected this is how Loid might make contact with Desmond.


Same. That last page caught me totally by surprise. When it was apparent that there was a school connection, my first guess was that it was Becky’s mum. Wrong! :lol:

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Wait, really??? I saw her face and was like she looks like Damia----THAT'S HIS MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA from the first glimpse! I was so excited for her to say it!


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12 hours ago, Anelle said:
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Wait, really??? I saw her face and was like she looks like Damia----THAT'S HIS MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA from the first glimpse! I was so excited for her to say it!


Not all of us are as smart as some wonderful possums 

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Yeah I was oblivious :lolgrin: I was probably focusing more on the words than the pictures, and reading fast... but even if I had been more attentive, I doubt I would have picked up on a resemblance. 

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Man, the eyes sold me immediately! I WANT THE NEXT CHAPTER NOW, DAMNIT

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Chapter #66 — Several great Anya moments this week :rotfl:


Plan C… does that make me expendable!? :rotfl:

I love the idea of a friendship showdown. I don’t think I like Anya’s odds to win it though :lol: The encounter with Damian at the end there was classic. 

Also, Melinda looked rather scary in some panels :shudder: She’s not good people, I don’t think so anyways...


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Part of me wonders if Twilight is valid in suspecting the meeting wasn't just a chance thing.  But I also don't know that they'd go so far as the Desmonds being on to Twilight.


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More fun times with Anya and her school buddies is always good! The jealous boss is an amusing addition. I’m curious to see how Loid deals with this situation next time!

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Ahhhhhhhh! Season 2 begins today!!!!!! The new OP and ED are bangin!


Puppy day! Today is get a puppy day!

Assholes! How dare you dogs as kamikaze bombs!

Starlight Anya!!!!!

Oooof that satisfiying crunch of the kick to the face!!!!


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Gonna watch the new episode tonight :nod:


Chapter 68.1


A short one, but it was very good! That last page, I died :laugh: :rotfl: 

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