Chel 19 Posted May 4, 2021 Hullo I’ve been lurking around the various dark corners of the internet in search of a place to do a bit of potentially insightful shitposting here and there and happened to stumble upon this place. I haven’t had the best of luck with forums in recent years, but figured I might as well attempt to drown out my chronic crippling social anxiety and just register and give things a go. About myself... introductory threads have never really been my forte, but I’m a great fan of a lot of stereotypical nerd stuff - games, anime, cinema, collectibles, tabletop gaming, technology in general, and the like - alongside other slightly more mundane hobbies like cooking, camping, and cursing the pandemic. So, yeah. Hi. :V ISO Share this post Link to post
Anelle 794 Posted May 4, 2021 Hi there! What's your current fav anime? 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
Chel 19 Posted May 4, 2021 11 minutes ago, Anelle said: Hi there! What's your current fav anime? Hiii. And... good question. Probably - definitely - Twelve Kingdoms. Youko is an incredible character, and I loved her journey from overly-mild-mannered schoolgirl to supreme hardass. Beyond that, the art, music, and world lore were all nothing short of stunning. Requisite honorable mentions (as much as I love Twelve Kingdoms, it feels wrong not to list anything else ;_; ) would have to include Seirei No Moribito, Erased, Madoka, Clannad, Laid Back Camp, Spice and Wolf, and Haibane Renmei. Maybe that's too many? Probably? Ah well. 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
Anelle 794 Posted May 4, 2021 oooh, that's a solid list! I've not watched Twelve Kingdoms but it's one of those things I've had on a backlog list forever! Maybe it's time.... hmm. ISO Share this post Link to post
Chel 19 Posted May 4, 2021 1 minute ago, Anelle said: oooh, that's a solid list! I've not watched Twelve Kingdoms but it's one of those things I've had on a backlog list forever! Maybe it's time.... hmm. Thank you I definitely think it's worth a look at if you have any time available for some pandemic binge watching - while it's not as flashy as a lot of newer shows and may look a little dated by comparison due to originally coming out in 2002, it does tell one hell of a story. ISO Share this post Link to post
Anelle 794 Posted May 4, 2021 I've been going back and watching some older stuff from time to time during all this anyway! I still have a huge soft spot for anime from that era. This board is the great great great grandchild or something of a DBZ chat board that became more Naruto focused actually!! A lot of us met on there years ago and this particular iteration is us trying to having a chill place to hang out again Topics and chat are slow but we're glad to have you! ISO Share this post Link to post
dr. b 492 Posted May 5, 2021 Hello and welcome! Sounds like you’ll fit right in here ISO Share this post Link to post
Psycho666Soldier 286 Posted May 5, 2021 Welcome! ...does this mean I have to put my pants back on? ISO Share this post Link to post
Chel 19 Posted May 5, 2021 14 hours ago, Anelle said: I've been going back and watching some older stuff from time to time during all this a?nyway! I still have a huge soft spot for anime from that era. This board is the great great great grandchild or something of a DBZ chat board that became more Naruto focused actually!! A lot of us met on there years ago and this particular iteration is us trying to having a chill place to hang out again Topics and chat are slow but we're glad to have you! It can be definitely be interesting, seeing all of the technical and stylistic changes that have taken place from decade to decade when it comes to anime. Also that's good to know, regarding the history of this place by the way. To be completely honest slow doesn't sound bad - in my experience forums can easily become incredibly impersonal if activity levels jump up to crazy enough levels, which can kind of take the fun out of the whole thing imo. And thank you. ^^ 13 hours ago, little birdy said: Hello and welcome! Sounds like you’ll fit right in here Thank you! 2 hours ago, Psycho666Soldier said: Welcome! Than--- 2 hours ago, Psycho666Soldier said: ...does this mean I have to put my pants back on? 3 ISO Share this post Link to post
dr. b 492 Posted May 5, 2021 Pants wearing is always encouraged. 1 hour ago, Chel said: A large portion of the games I play don't necessarily have a clear-cut win condition So, what are some of your favourite games? ISO Share this post Link to post
Psycho666Soldier 286 Posted May 5, 2021 9 minutes ago, little birdy said: Pants wearing is always encouraged. Not in my circles 2 ISO Share this post Link to post
Anelle 794 Posted May 5, 2021 I mean, no one online can FORCE you to wear pants I guess but you don't gotta tell us all about it ISO Share this post Link to post
Chel 19 Posted May 5, 2021 57 minutes ago, little birdy said: So, what are some of your favourite games? Ah hell. Now that is a tough one. Lately a lot of the things I play are roguelikes and indies in general, but if I'm looking at things overall... Top five: • Sunless Sea and its sequel, Sunless Skies Beautifully done slow-paced narrative exploration games set in a fantastical world in which London was stolen by bats in the late 1800s, and pulled underground into a vast cavern. The writing and stories in both games are addictive. I've actually been holding off on completing Skies since I wanted to wait for the final content patch before getting too far into it. Only two weeks to go. OwO • Civilization Mostly 5 & 6, the latter of which my wife and I play a lot of together off and on. I typically tend to play with a focus on either science or culture. • Ys Excessively fun adventure series that is never ported to PC quickly enough. :V • Soul Calibur Seung Mina and Siegfried for life. • Star Citizen Say what one will, I've had more excessively memorable multiplayer experiences in this buggy mess of an alpha than in most games I've played. Honorable mentions: Tribes, Chivalry, Descent, Melty Blood, Tony Hawk, SSX, Necrodancer, Legend of Zelda, Project Zomboid. 47 minutes ago, Psycho666Soldier said: Not in my circles ^^ ISO Share this post Link to post
dr. b 492 Posted May 5, 2021 Nice selection of games I have very fond memories of Descent and Descent II, though I haven't thought about them in a very long time... Gotta be at least 20 years since I last played either. Ys is one of those I-should-play-more-of-them games for me. I had a blast with Memories of Celceta on Vita. Keep telling myself I'll get around to Lacrimosa of Dana one of these days. I'm mostly all about pick-up-and-play stuff these days, short bursts of gaming, and I've found I like rhythm games best. At times the lockdown has given me the chance to sink my teeth into other games again, but I'm stalled in a re-play of FF7 now and I don't know if I can be bothered to get back to it. I could just keep playing my favourite rhythm games instead I definitely back Crypt of the Necrodancer My #1 favourite though since I originally picked it up for Vita is SUPERBEAT: XONiC. I have put so many hours into it between Vita and Switch, and I still keep coming back for more. 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
webhead 519 Posted May 5, 2021 Hello! Love to see a new face and you actually posted and then came back the next day so we're off to a good start. 1 hour ago, Chel said: Star Citizen Say what one will, I've had more excessively memorable multiplayer experiences in this buggy mess of an alpha than in most games I've played. I started playing this a little with a friend and woof...this game is...complicated as fuck. Also yeah the frame rate is fucking awful most of the time. I love the concept though. Fun to see all the insane things they keep adding. It feels like this game has been in development basically forever. 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
Tassifox 418 Posted May 5, 2021 HOLY FUCK A NEWBIE WHO'S ACTUALLY POSTING IN OTHER THREADS AND NOT A BOT. Sorry had to get that off my chest. Because Web is bad at keeping bots out. Welcome!!! I hope you like it here! I think you'll be in good company with what we got here. @Psycho666Soldier the only time I will care if you have pants on is in the Zoom meets with your camera on, and even then I have little faith in you on that. 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
Psycho666Soldier 286 Posted May 5, 2021 45 minutes ago, Tassifox said: HOLY FUCK A NEWBIE WHO'S ACTUALLY POSTING IN OTHER THREADS AND NOT A BOT. Sorry had to get that off my chest. Because Web is bad at keeping bots out. Welcome!!! I hope you like it here! I think you'll be in good company with what we got here. @Psycho666Soldier the only time I will care if you have pants on is in the Zoom meets with your camera on, and even then I have little faith in you on that. You shouldn't... ...but I promise I will always have pants on unless requested otherwise. I find it hilarious that Tassi knows not a thing about me IRL, yet she has such good intuition about my natural state. 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
Tassifox 418 Posted May 5, 2021 I do tend to have that eerie intuition. Also it's weird to read my nickname on here even though I did recently put it into my username when I moved to this forum because my ren-faire and SCA circles are the only times I hear it. So I'm hearing it in my head when reading it here. ISO Share this post Link to post
Chel 19 Posted May 6, 2021 20 hours ago, webhead said: Hello! Love to see a new face and you actually posted and then came back the next day so we're off to a good start. And the next after that! :0 20 hours ago, webhead said: I started playing this a little with a friend and woof...this game is...complicated as fuck. Also yeah the frame rate is fucking awful most of the time. I love the concept though. Fun to see all the insane things they keep adding. It feels like this game has been in development basically forever. I know, right? x) It definitely isn't for the faint of heart at the moment due to all of its issues, but there does seem to be some method to their madness - particularly when they keep Roberts away from their PR channels, which they've gotten better at in recent times. The man is a visionary, sure, but is way too quick to blurt random shit out when on camera. Still, the game is pretty much a dream come true for me - I've been munching away at space sims all the way back since Tie Fighter an have always considered being able to . I poke my head in after major updates and keep up with the weekly development updates, which is entertaining in and of itself given how far out there some of the stuff they're working on is. 18 hours ago, Tassifox said: HOLY FUCK A NEWBIE WHO'S ACTUALLY POSTING IN OTHER THREADS AND NOT A BOT. Pleasure to meetcha. ^^ 18 hours ago, Tassifox said: Sorry had to get that off my chest. Because Web is bad at keeping bots out. Oh jeez. To be fair, keeping bots out of a forum is a lot like keeping mosquitos from slowly eating you alive and leaving you little more than a broken desiccated husk when camping. It's tough, and the best ways to do so tend to be inconvenient in their own right ;_; 18 hours ago, Tassifox said: Welcome!!! I hope you like it here! I think you'll be in good company with what we got here. Thank you, and so far so good! I appreciate the lack of... uh... 'ironic' swastikas everywhere. :V (not even joking - this is something that I ran into more than once while searching around for smaller, non-shite forums. ^^; ) 18 hours ago, Psycho666Soldier said: ...but I promise ?I will always have pants on unless requested otherwise. I have a strange, gnawing suspicion you may end up waiting quite some time for such a request. :B [Edit - I'm a derp and mised a post. This is what happens when I forum before coffee.] 21 hours ago, little birdy said: Nice selection of games I have very fond memories of Descent and Descent II, though I haven't thought about them in a very long time... Gotta be at least 20 years since I last played either. Ys is one of those I-should-play-more-of-them games for me. I had a blast with Memories of Celceta on Vita. Keep telling myself I'll get around to Lacrimosa of Dana one of these days. Ooo, a fellow Descent veteren :0 Have you heard of Project Overload? It's a Descent-like made by a number of the original developers, and it is pretty solid! Sublevel Zero is another good one, though it takes more of a roguelike approach to the genre. I think they both do a good job of capturing the vibe of the originals. (Sadly I believe Descent: Underground is dead in the water, though I confess the developers never really sold me on it >_>) Lacrimosa of Dana was absolutely delightful tbh. I was absolutely taken with it and played it more or less like a full time job. Highly recommended if you end up with a few spare moments! 21 hours ago, little birdy said: I'm mostly all about pick-up-and-play stuff these days, short bursts of gaming, and I've found I like rhythm games best. At times the lockdown has given me the chance to sink my teeth into other games again, but I'm stalled in a re-play of FF7 now and I don't know if I can be bothered to get back to it. I could just keep playing my favourite rhythm games instead I definitely back Crypt of the Necrodancer My #1 favourite though since I originally picked it up for Vita is SUPERBEAT: XONiC. I have put so many hours into it between Vita and Switch, and I still keep coming back for more. I love rhythm games! I'm just irreparably awful at them, myself . The only mobile game I have on my phone is also the only one I'm able to play worth a damn, which is Love Live - something about using a touch screen makes them more approachable to me, such that while I can barely complete anything on any difficulty in other games, I can occasionally manage to complete top level difficulty songs in it without any missed notes. :B Crypt of the Necrodancer, along with Cadence of Hyrule, though, are downright magical. (And yeah, I'm completely and utterly incapable of replaying JRPGs, though I confess that I don't really like many of them to begin with, which probably doesn't help) 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
dr. b 492 Posted May 6, 2021 1 hour ago, Chel said: Ooo, a fellow Descent veteren :0 Have you heard of Project Overload? It's a Descent-like made by a number of the original developers, and it is pretty solid! Sublevel Zero is another good one, though it takes more of a roguelike approach to the genre. I think they both do a good job of capturing the vibe of the originals. (Sadly I believe Descent: Underground is dead in the water, though I confess the developers never really sold me on it >_>) GABBAGABBAHEY I haven't heard of Project Overload or Sublevel Zero. Sounds like I should have a look at both of them... but pretty much the only gaming I do these days is on a Switch, so I'm out of luck if they aren't ported to it. Lacrimosa of Dana is coincidentally 60% off on the eShop right now... I think this is the best deal I've seen for it yet. Tempted If I keep waiting it out, there will probably be a bigger sale in the future... 70 or 80% off would be an even sweeter deal. I'm trying to spend as little as possible on new games because then I feel less bad if/when I never actually play them. That happens quite a bit these days. 1 hour ago, Chel said: I love rhythm games! I'm just irreparably awful at them, myself . The only mobile game I have on my phone is also the only one I'm able to play worth a damn, which is Love Live - something about using a touch screen makes them more approachable to me, such that while I can barely complete anything on any difficulty in other games, I can occasionally manage to complete top level difficulty songs in it without any missed notes. :B I did not know there was a Love Live! mobile game. Might have to download that one. Love Live! was so good. Can't say I've watched any of the anime that followed it. I think I didn't watch Sunshine!! because I wasn't sure it would live up to my expectations after having enjoyed the first series so much, which seems kinda dumb now looking back... I like to think I'm pretty good at rhythm games, but I hit my limit eventually. Doesn't matter how hard I try, I'll never beat the final few World Tour challenges in SUPERBEAT. Too hard. ISO Share this post Link to post
Tassifox 418 Posted May 7, 2021 9 hours ago, Chel said: Thank? ?you, and so far so good! I appreciate the lack of... uh... 'ironic' swastikas everywhere. :V (not even joking - this is something? that I ran into more than once while searching around for smaller, non-shite ?forums. ^^?; ) Nah I totally get ya and I'm sorry you had to wade through the black tar before reaching here. Things have definitely gotten vicious in the interwab. Most of us have known each other here forEVER from the other Center Forums, web and other decided to make this place branch off from there so we could get back to what made us have fun posting about things again. If it's okay to ask what chunk of this rock are ya at? Some of us are centered in AZ, me and a couple others are in the PNW, a couple of Canadians and then the rest we dub the Londish crew across the water. (And then there's Shade all the way in Australia ) ISO Share this post Link to post
Chel 19 Posted May 7, 2021 23 hours ago, little birdy said: GABBAGABBAHEY 23 hours ago, little birdy said: I haven't heard of Project Overload or Sublevel Zero. Sounds like I should have a look at both of them... but pretty much the only gaming I do these days is on a Switch, so I'm out of luck if they aren't ported to it. Oof. I don't think Overload is on Switch, though there are PS4 and XBOX One ports. Sublevel Zero, however, apparently did make its way over, though. :0 23 hours ago, little birdy said: Lacrimosa of Dana is coincidentally 60% off on the eShop right now... I think this is the best deal I've seen for it yet. Tempted If I keep waiting it out, there will probably be a bigger sale in the future... 70 or 80% off would be an even sweeter deal. I'm trying to spend as little as possible on new games because then I feel less bad if/when I never actually play them. That happens quite a bit these days. I can't blame you, tbh. Unless a game has a demo or beta of some sort available (or is a Nintendo game tbh), I don't tend to buy at full price too often - and when I do I not infrequently end up regretting it. A lot. Yes, I preordered Cyberpunk. ;_; (though to be fair I had a better experience than most with regards to bugs and stability) But yeah, it's worth looking into regardless of the specific timing. Thankfully I don't expect the world to end any time soon. Hopefully. 23 hours ago, little birdy said: I did not know there was a Love Live! mobile game. Might have to download that one. Love Live! was so good. Can't say I've watched any of the anime that followed it. I think I didn't watch Sunshine!! because I wasn't sure it would live up to my expectations after having enjoyed the first series so much, which seems kinda dumb now looking back... ?? I like to think I'm pretty good at rhythm games, but I hit my limit eventually. Doesn't matter how hard I try, I'll never beat the final few World Tour challenges in SUPERBEAT. Too hard. Two Love Live games, at that! You've got School Idol Festival, which is a pretty straight forward rhythm game, and Allstars which is... more of a rhythm... RPG? At least that's how they describe it. It's newer and looks a lot better, but requires a lot of stat micromanagement in order to get anywhere or do anything. Also only has two lanes which is maybe a little too cut down? >_>; Personally, I think I prefer Sunshine over the original anime... and I think I've come to appreciate Aquors in general a bit more than µ's overall. And yeah, there comes a point at which I'm just not able to physically keep up with the endless barrage of notes being flung at me. ;_; 15 hours ago, Tassifox said: Nah I totally get ya and I'm sorry you had to wade through the black tar before reaching here. Things have definitely gotten vicious in the interwab. Most of us have known each other here forEVER from the other Center Forums, web and other decided to make this place branch off from there so we could get back to what made us have fun posting about things again. Ugh, no kidding. As much as my forum experiences haven't been the best as of late, overall forums have always been the social medium that I'm most comfortable with, which makes the whole thing slightly awkward... especially given their persistent decline in popularity. Reddit tends to be too impersonal and harshly topical for my taste and I've never really been ethat great at keeping up with chats, which leaves me in a bit on an awkward place, lol. And that makes a lot of sense tbh. I've ran a couple branch-off forums myself in the past, and there does definitely come a point at times when the tone and tenor of a community bears little resemblance to what it once had. I actually stepped down as an admin at one place that had a few thousand posts per day for that very reason a few years ago for a similar - things had slowly shifted in such a way, both among the community and within the staff that the original spark that had drawn me to the place to begin with had long faded. 15 hours ago, Tassifox said: If it's okay to ask what chunk of this rock are ya at? Some of us are centered in AZ, me and a couple others are in the PN?W, a couple of Canadians and then the rest we dub the Londish crew across the water. (And then there's Shade all the way in Australia ) West coast reporting in. Northern Oregon, specifically, though I've bounced around a bit and recently returned here from a five year stint in the Seattle region which I was... not... particularly fond of. And that sounds like a decent enough geographic spread. 11 hours ago, MT said: I'm in none of the places you mentioned. On the bright side, your reign over California may well be undisputed if nobody else is over there? Failing that, we could perhaps name you an honorary PNWer. 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
MT 917 Posted May 7, 2021 15 minutes ago, Chel said: On the bright side, your reign over California may well be undisputed if nobody else is over there? 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
Chel 19 Posted May 7, 2021 11 minutes ago, MT said: I aim to please. ISO Share this post Link to post
Mera'din 308 Posted May 7, 2021 17 hours ago, MT said: I'm in none of the places you mentioned. Looks like I have another club to join. Also, hello new person. Since you actually kept coming back I figured I'd poke my head in here. XD ISO Share this post Link to post
MT 917 Posted May 7, 2021 Your topic has been graced by the illusive Mera'din, today you will have good luck ISO Share this post Link to post
Tassifox 418 Posted May 8, 2021 21 hours ago, MT said: I'm in none of the places you mentioned. See and here I always considered CA part of the PNW but I guess I'm weird thinking that. 9 hours ago, Chel said: West?? coast reporting in. Northern Oregon, specifically, though I've bounced around? a bit and recently ?returned here from a five year stint in the Seattle region which I was... not... particul?a?r?ly? fond ?of Damn, I have never lived in Seattle proper (I live about 20min or so north of it) and while I know there's a lot of good shit down there I know it also has its shitter side. I'm sorry it was the latter for ya. As for OR I have visited and done a couple gigs down there but not enough to truly appreciate it. ISO Share this post Link to post
MT 917 Posted May 8, 2021 31 minutes ago, Tassifox said: See and here I always considered CA part of the PNW but I guess I'm weird thinking that. Considering I'm pretty close to as South you can get in the state, yeah that's kind of weird of you ? ISO Share this post Link to post
Tassifox 418 Posted May 8, 2021 But we already knew I'm weird sooooooo But seriously you cover 2 parts of PNW. Pacific and West! ISO Share this post Link to post
webhead 519 Posted May 8, 2021 7 hours ago, Mera'din said: Looks like I have another club to join. Also, hello new person. Since you actually kept coming back I figured I'd poke my head in here. XD You're just displaced AZ crew. ISO Share this post Link to post
Hornet 114 Posted May 8, 2021 What's been your best experience camping? ISO Share this post Link to post
Chel 19 Posted May 8, 2021 17 hours ago, Mera'din said: Also, hello new person. Since you actually kept coming back I figured I'd poke my head in here. XD Hullo, old person! And yes, I seem to be a recurring problem at this point. :0 16 hours ago, MT said: Your topic has been graced by the illusive Mera'din, today you will have good luck I have been blesseded I could do with a bit of good luck atm. ^^; 14 hours ago, Tassifox said: Damn, I have never lived in Seattle proper (I live about 20min or so north of it) and while I know there's a lot of good shit down there I know it also has its shitter side. I'm sorry it was the latter for ya. As for OR I have visited and done a couple gigs down there but not enough to truly appreciate it. Aw heck, it's fine. I only lived in the city itself for about a year and a half, truthfully - apparently we came in right prior to one of the major rent bumps, since our landlords tried to increase our apartment's rent by around $800/month after our first year which was a bit of a deal killer. Our place was right on top of the Seattle Uwajimaya, which was pretty damn convenient... the apartment itself wasn't particularly awe inspiring, but the location made up for it. Other than that we mostly were in downtown Kent (couple blocks from an AMAZING cajun grocery store), and briefly in Tacoma. It wasn't all bad, but honestly I'm a Portland gal through and through. I need my casual weirdness, and unicyclists with flaming bagpipes that just happen to be cosplaying Scottish Darth Vader. 5 hours ago, Hornet said: What's been your best experience camping? I -love- Lost Lake. It's incredibly beautiful and super chill... if anything, a bit too chill due to being pretty much right at the base of Mt Hood... it gets cold as fuck at night, even in the middle of summer, to the point that it's on my RV only list due to how much my teeth end up chattering whenever I try to tent it. Other than that, while it's not the most out-there or incredible place on the planet, there's a decent size state park right outside of Newport, OR that I have a lot of incredibly fond memories of. My parents used to take me camping there as a pretty much yearly thing, with a stop at the local aquarium as part of the trips which was always delightful. I've actually recently convinced my wife to give camping a try and will be taking her there next month for her inaugural camping trip, which I'm looking forward to... and it'll be my first opportunity to do some camping in about six years now, which makes it all the better. But yeah, I love me some of that outside stuff. Hiking, boating, and fishing are all things I enjoy as well, though the latter only when I can leave the cleaning to someone else. :T 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
Tassifox 418 Posted May 8, 2021 I got friends in Kent and while I haven't been to that cajun store, it is true that they got some badass food places there. Also slightly jelly that you got to live above the Uwaji's. But I'm not surprised that the rent would be literally killer there. (Or anywhere in Seattle for that matter) I haven't been in Chinatown Dist. since my Bday of 2020 during the Chinese New Year's festival, and I miss it big time. One of my friends and I love going to Maekawa and a few other joints around there. And yes, Piper Vader FTW ISO Share this post Link to post
Chel 19 Posted May 10, 2021 On 5/8/2021 at 3:23 PM, Tassifox said: I got friends in Kent and while I haven't been to that cajun store, it is true that they got some badass food places there. Also slightly jelly that you got to live above the Uwaji's. But I'm not surprised that the rent would be literally killer there. (Or anywhere in Seattle for that matter) I haven't been in Chinatown Dist. since my Bday of 2020 during the Chinese New Year's festival, and I miss it big time. One of my friends and I love going to Maekawa and a few other joints around there. Honestly, even before they jacked up the rent it probably wasn't the most financially responsible place for us to get, but...... it was just too tempting. ? Honestly I miss being able to go down there myself, as well. While I didn't really like living up around there, I was looking forward to still being able to visit the shops and such somewhat regularly, until covid hit. Likewise with a lot of the places in Kent that I used to haunt regularly ;_; I never actually got around to trying out Maekawa, though I always meant to get over to it at some point or another. :T On 5/8/2021 at 3:38 PM, Galeigh said: Sweet Activity! Welcome aboard!??? Thank you 1 ISO Share this post Link to post