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Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) [SPOILERS!!]

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"Hello, Peter."



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Soooooooop much hyyyyyyyyyype!!!

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Yeah I don't have a lot left to say excited I'm fucking excited.  I have no idea what's really going on there...trailer is obviously misleading us on some things.  I REALLY hope it's actually Willem Dafoe as the Goblin....I might fucking die of happiness. :lol:


That moment at the end with Ock though.


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Even though I'm pretty sure I've had everything spoiled (because they haven't been shy about them) I'm trying to avoid any posters or trailers until I see the movie.

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I wish you luck. It's so hard to avoid full on spoilers anymore, nevermind the stuff that's just in trailers and promotional materials. X_x

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Honestly, just tonight alone i've seen more than I wanted to. I may as well just watch the fucking thing at this point.

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On 11/16/2021 at 8:45 PM, MT said:

Even though I'm pretty sure I've had everything spoiled (because they haven't been shy about them) I'm trying to avoid any posters or trailers until I see the movie.

Yeah it has been impossible.  I gave up months ago.  I'm just along for the ride I guess.  I am hyped to the max and hoping they don't let me down. :rotfl: 


Started watching all the old Spidey movies in anticipation of this.  It's been fun.  I watched ASM2 and started Spider-Man 3....they're still crap.  Though I think Spider-Man 3 is still better than ASM2.  Sucks because ASM had such potential and they just blew their load everywhere.

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I've been rewatching all the old movies with my 8-year old since he hadn't seen them. I honestly forgot how kind of bad ALL of them are. Like, even the originals as much as I loved them when there wasn't anything else are just depressing half the time. They're all just Peter being mopey and throwing a pity party for like 50 min. with a handful of Spider-man action sequences between. The villains are doing all the heavy lifting in all of them (which is part of why 3 is extra bad). :rotfl: 


We still have ASM2 to watch yet and I'm legitimately dreading that one though. >_>


Marking spoilers due to trailer related comments and some stuff from other movies:

I really like that they changed Jamie Foxx's Electro for the new movie, but still managed to reference the old school lightning bolt mask briefly on top of that. He also seemed excited to not be blue in an interview thing that I saw with him, Alfred Molina and Willem Dafoe.


Wondering if they're legitimately going to fit Venom into the movie. The entirety of the Let There Be Carnage after credit scene seems like it was meant to set that up. It tracks with bringing back all the old movie villains, except now they can leave out the shitty Venom. XD

Better yet, throw him in there and let the new Venom eat him. It would be mildly cathartic and then he can have the spider-symbol on his chest just because. :rotfl: 

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On 12/5/2021 at 7:36 PM, Mera'din said:

I honestly forgot how kind of bad ALL of them are

Hey, you shut your whore mouth! :pissed2: I  still think Spider-Man 2 is legitimately fucking fantastic.  Buuut....yeah I know what you mean about all the pouting and emotions.  They captured the feel of those comics a little too well sometimes. :rotfl:  


On 12/5/2021 at 7:36 PM, Mera'din said:

Marking spoilers due to trailer related comments and some stuff from other movies:


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I really like that they changed Jamie Foxx's Electro for the new movie, but still managed to reference the old school lightning bolt mask briefly on top of that. He also seemed excited to not be blue in an interview thing that I saw with him, Alfred Molina and Willem Dafoe.


Wondering if they're legitimately going to fit Venom into the movie. The entirety of the Let There Be Carnage after credit scene seems like it was meant to set that up. It tracks with bringing back all the old movie villains, except now they can leave out the shitty Venom. XD
Better yet, throw him in there and let the new Venom eat him. It would be mildly cathartic and then he can have the spider-symbol on his chest just because. :rotfl: 



Fucking LOL.  I love all of this.  They're 100% absolutely setting up Venom to be in this movie, no doubt and I would lol my ass off if they did that with Topher Venom. :rotfl: 


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9 hours ago, webhead said:

Hey, you shut your whore mouth! :pissed2: I  still think Spider-Man 2 is legitimately fucking fantastic.  Buuut....yeah I know what you mean about all the pouting and emotions.  They captured the feel of those comics a little too well sometimes. :rotfl:  


Spider-man 2 is absolutely the best of all of them because they balanced it better overall, but they doubled down on the other shit with the whole wedding thing and all that. Alfred Molina needed to be Doc Ock purely so he had enough arms to carry that movie. :rotfl:

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I'm going to spoiler my thoughts even though at this point I shouldn't have to. I don't want to accidentally ruin anything for anyone. All i'll say is that it may be my favorite Marvel movie after Endgame. There's also a mid and post credits scene.



HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. I loved loved loved this movie so much. It was so good, it made me forget the one thing i've wanted to happen for months now had actually happened in the first 30 minutes or so. Vincent fucking D'Onofrio AND Charlie Cox in the same week? It almost feels too good to be true. Even though I knew the old villains would be coming back, it was still such a treat to see them all on screen again, except maybe The Lizard. Ock still being crazy pissed at Parker, Osborn still going back and forth between crazy and not crazy, Electro being cool as fuck, even Sandman was good to see back. I was a little bit confused as to why Sandman was "evil" back at the end of the movie, it seemed like his intentions weren't really revealed. I know he wanted to go home, so why would he be against MCU Peter trying to get him home again?


I went into it being totally okay if Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield weren't back, but I was so happy to see them. They all felt like their old selves (even though my memories of Andrew's Peter Parker are much more hazy than with Tobey), and you could tell time had passed, and that they both had done great things with their lives. At first I didn't realize that it was Andrew Garfield when they showed him in that dark alley. The guy next to me before the movie started mentioned how happy he'd be to see Andrew back again, and once he saw that alley scene, he went nuts and I wasn't sure why until Andrew started stepping towards the opening, and it finally clicked. Seeing the three Peters interact with each other and crack jokes was AMAZING, and it fucking blew my mind to see all three of them in action at once. I remember thinking "I can't believe i'm actually seeing this happen." Edit: And how could I forget Osborn saying his "i'm somewhat of a scientist myself" line, Ock referencing the power of the sun in the palm of his hand (multiple times!) and Tobey calling Andrew "amazing". :mosh: 


This movie almost made me cry about 4 times. Once when May was killed, once when MCU Peter went to say his goodbyes to the other Peters and MJ/Ned, once when MCU Peter visited May's grave, and once when MCU Peter saw MJ again in the coffee shop for the first time since it was all over. I'm curious as to what exactly happened with Eddie/Venom in the mid credits scene. I'm assuming it took place while the final battle was happening, and him disappearing happened after Strange cast the spell that made everyone forget. The post credits scene was basically a trailer for Multiverse of Madness, and seeing What If? Strange at the end was just *chef kiss*. That is going to be one epic battle. Edit: Oh! And Shuma Gorath in the MoM trailer :drool:

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Duuuuuude saw it last night but between when i got home, passing out for like 3 hours before work and prepping for weekend plans. I can finally sit down and give my thought while i wait for the ferry in the rain. 


FULLY FUCKING AGREED. *chef kiss* Absolutely perfect!



The references they've been making between this and Hawkeye TV, i actually had an 'O' moment when you see the shield on the Liberty Statue battle which one of my friends said you see glimpses of it in the background but i was obvi oblivious to it. Now I'm fucking curious how Hawkeye will end on the last ep with what we've seen here. 

All of the moments with the villians. Willem Dafoe is still my all time fave because Ho-ly fu- Dafoe. I squeed so fucking much between him and Doc Oct.

Our 3 Spidey's, everything about their scenes from the moment Andrew-Peter comes through the portal gave me so many fuzzy lumpy feels and laughs. 

Ned- omg Ned being even more adorbs, especially when asking the other Spidermen abouy having a best friend and their stories. And Aaahhhhhh he got to do magic!! HE MASTERED THE FUCKING RING FASTER THAN STRANGE. :rotfl:

I was sad that Venom didn't get to meet Spiderman, i was seriously hoping, even in the cred scene and while i enjoyed it, i seriously hope that's not just a cock tease down the road.

Peek at Strange House of M. FUUUUUUCK WE FUCKING GET ELDRICH STRANGE they revealed a lot more than i was expecting for a post cred scene with Scarlet Witch and all that. 

I'm also curious with how the Forget Me spell is gonna work with some of the holes. Obviously people still remember the Liberty Incident, but how will it be affected for those that were at the actual battle and other moments where they're helping Peter but not remember him. Like, a facial blur sensor or something? Or does it just suppress chunks of those experiences? I'm legit wondering the details of how that spell works.


Fuck. It. Was. Just. So. Fucking. Goooooooood. I have little interest in the Mobius movie but after seeing that and the Spiderman references it makes in the trailer. I'm curious to the direction that movie will take.  

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That was insane. I'm really glad I watched the old movies before I saw it too because there's so many little call backs.


I knew he was still going to be in the role, but fully seeing Charlie Cox back was so nice. 

I legit can't believe they killed Aunt May though. That one caught me by surprise. Should have known it was coming after she gave Peter "the speech" though. X_x

One of the moments that nearly made me tear up besides some of what MT posted was when MJ fell and MCU Peter couldn't get to her and ASM Peter goes for her and it starts to play out just like in ASM2 when Gwen dies, but he manages to save her. The look on his face afterward and MJ asking HIM if he was okay gave me all the feels.


This movie was only the 2nd time ever that I've heard people legit cheer in a theater. First time was the last battle in Endgame when everyone came through the portals, and then this movie when ASM-Peter took his mask off after coming through the portal. Weirdly enough, Toby didn't get nearly the same reaction considering how much people say they liked those movies better (though having watched them again, I honestly think the ASM movies aged a little better than I thought they would -- outside of all the super forced shit they tried to do with it, they weren't as bad as I remember and only about half as emo as the original movies XD ). Was really good to see them both again though. Everything that happened in this movie was just so fantastic.


All the callbacks to the other movies too was so fun. The lines from characters as mentioned previously, but there were also some little things too. Sandman getting cured looked to be almost an exact replica of him getting his powers and all the other little references here and there. The conversation between the 3 Peters about how MCU and ASM Peter needing web shooters and how Toby just naturally makes it was great. XD

Conversations between all the villains too was excellent. 

Ned asking about the others' best friends though. I hope that isn't some fucked up foreshadowing considering who he was in the comics. ?


As far as Sandman's motivation for fighting against them at the end, it felt to me like he was just fed up with shit. He went along with everything at the beginning because it seemed like the easiest way for him to get home and the others were at least marginally accepting. Once shit went south he knew Peter wouldn't send them home until he tried to "fix" them and he was done waiting. Was still a little weird since Electro clearly wanted to destroy the box, but maybe he thought it was easier for him to go along with them and grab the box when he had a chance then to stick with Peter. Otto basically did the same thing since he was just biding his time to turn on them and help (though did he still have the arc reactor when they got sent back?? He didn't change sides until he had the opportunity to take it from Electro... Might have been SOME ulterior motive there. >_> ).


Wondering what they'll do from that mid-credit scene. Between the Venom 2 after credit scene and the way things looked in Morbius, it seemed like they were going to leave everything combined but this scene made it seem like that's not the case. Though universe hoping seems like it may not be done with so we'll have to see. Last I heard, Tom Holland is supposedly appearing in Venom 3, so maybe the symbiote makes it to him and is able to "connect" back to the original and it pulls him over or something? Not really sure how things are going to go there. :uhoh: 


Legit might need to see this one again. There was just so much going on. 

Curious how things will be going forward all around now though. There have been a lot of mixed messages about what is next for Spider-man. >_>

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We had all the arrangement of reactions at pretty much all the right timed cues. 


Omg the web shooters vs all natural convo was THE FUCKING BEST ? 

"If they come out of your wrists, does that mean they can come out.......elsewhere? :uhoh:"



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I personally loved "You're in the Avengers? That's awesome! What is that, is that a band?"

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Lots of cheers for Toby and Garfield (I think your theater having more cheers for Garfield may have been more a matter of everyone being excited at whoever was first lol).  I knew it was coming but it still nearly brought a tear to my eye (for both of them frankly).  I knew as soon as the portal opened and I saw that body language that it was Garfield (something I always loved about his Spidey).  Toby showing up was less exciting in part because he doesn't show up in costume and he's really not the most emotive lol but I still had the feels.


The moment where Garfield Spidey saves MJ seriously almost brought me to tears lol.  You can see tears welling up in his eyes and it was such an amazing moment of closure for him.  That was probably one of the best moments in the movie honestly.



Massive cheers when this dude shows up.  This moment was fucking gold.  "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?"  "I'm just a REALLY good lawyer." :rotfl:


All the stuff with the Spideys doing science together and shit was fantastic.  Something I really appreciated about this movie and the way it used these characters was that it wasn't just a bunch of shitty nostalgia fuel cameos.  They legit USED these characters (except yeah the Lizard was just there lol).  Their interactions were fantastic with each other.  You felt the how they were different but also the same and the on screen chemistry was awesome (which you would KIND of expect since they were all cast as the same character but still).


I love that Norman essentially becomes the main villain.  I honestly was shocked he killed May and it seems like May is the true Ben Parker of the MCU Spidey which I like.  Turn that on its head a little.  She finally says the line and you know right there it's over and that sucks.  But yeah, I absolutely loved all the shit with Norman.  God he fucking hates Spider-Man.  I was a little bummed when he said Oscorp did not exist in this reality though.  I was a little unsure about the no mask thing in the posters leading up to this but I'm glad they went for it.  Dude has such an expressive face and the new costume he was just killing it.  Dude is terrifying without a goblin mask. :rotfl:


Mid credits with Venom is kinda...well they obviously brought him over literally just to leave a piece of the Symbiote behind.  I was kinda hoping he would ACTUALLY show up in the movie but that's okay.  There was already enough shit going on.


I'm also really sad for all that Peter had to give up but also really looking forward to the possibilities in the future with them having cleared the board now for Spidey.  He's not going to be Iron Man Jr anymore, all that shit is definitively like done, and I fucking LOVED that new costume he made himself at the very end.  I'm REALLY looking forward to what comes next because it seems like they're really setting up something a LOT more grounded for him and that excites me too. :nod: 



I honestly cannot wait to watch this shit again.  Fuck it was so good.


Also this video was great (SPOILERS OF COURSE):


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Alright, this shit is marked for spoilers now so we can really have fun. XD


Mostly just wanted to say that I agree with pretty much everything you said all around. Movie was basically non-stop holy shit all the way through. Like the slowest part of the movie was the beginning when his only problem was everyone on the planet knowing he was Spider-man which says a lot. :rotfl:


Only thing that worries me is that now people are clamoring for them to make an Amazing Spider-man 3, and they're apparently considering it. That honestly sounds like a terrible idea unless they DRASTICALLY revise some of the background plot garbage they were manufacturing in the other movies and I don't know if Sony has the ability to do that by themselves. It's been a fair number of years since they've shit all over themselves and this seems like a formula for disaster waiting to happen. :uhoh: 
Maybe I'm wrong though and they've learned enough at this point from Marvel to not be awful? >_>

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I really can't say anything on that since i've never watched Andrew Garfield's AS version. At the time i was really burnt out from so many movies getting a revamp (i was also a bit biased for Toby's Spidey) and when i heard poor reviews on it, i never fept the need to watch them. Don't have anything against Andrew just......didn't wanna. ?

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4 hours ago, Mera'din said:

and they're apparently considering it

I have doubts that's actually real.  It would be fun to see Garfield have another go of it though....maybe let him tango with the villain verse they're building?  Or antihero verse?  Whatever the fuck it is.  It was clear from the movie from his own mouth that he had really let shit get dark so I could see that fitting a bit and maybe it takes place AFTER this movie when he is starting to crawl back out of the dark place?  I feel bad because yes, Sony can't do it for shit, but I REALLY like Garfield as Spidey/Peter.  He brought a lot to that role and gets unfairly shit on because of bad writing.


2 hours ago, Tassifox said:

I really can't say anything on that since i've never watched Andrew Garfield's AS version. At the time i was really burnt out from so many movies getting a revamp (i was also a bit biased for Toby's Spidey) and when i heard poor reviews on it, i never fept the need to watch them. Don't have anything against Andrew just......didn't wanna. ?

You should watch them just to do it.  The 2nd has a crap story for the most part but it's just....fun to watch Peter and Gwen honestly.  Would give you a little extra something to go with that shit in this movie too. :crying2:

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I honestly didn't think he made a terribly good Peter most the time but he was an excellent Spider-man. A lot of that could have been the writing though and probably also the direction he was given. If they were smart about it, it could definitely work but I don't trust them still to make the attempt. XD


Would much rather see them push towards a live action Spider-verse type of thing instead where he could play off other characters a little more. He definitely has talent that got squandered in the ASM movies.

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10 hours ago, webhead said:

You should watch them just to do it.  The 2nd has a crap story for the most part but it's just....fun to watch Peter and Gwen honestly.  Would give you a little extra something to go with that shit in this movie too. :crying2:


If it comes up somewhere in streaming, maybe, sure. 

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5 hours ago, Tassifox said:


If it comes up somewhere in streaming, maybe, sure. 

I think Sony and Disney are making a deal to eventually bring them to Disney+ so keep an eye peeled. :)


6 hours ago, Mera'din said:

I honestly didn't think he made a terribly good Peter most the time but he was an excellent Spider-man. A lot of that could have been the writing though and probably also the direction he was given. If they were smart about it, it could definitely work but I don't trust them still to make the attempt. XD


Would much rather see them push towards a live action Spider-verse type of thing instead where he could play off other characters a little more. He definitely has talent that got squandered in the ASM movies.

I thought that for a bit but after a rewatch, I think he actually did do a decent Peter.  It was just updated.  All 3 of them definitely have different takes and that keeps things interesting.  He's still smart, a little awkward at times, and I can see the fit.  Plus he's just such a good actor lol.  I LOVE his physicality in the suit though for sure.  Was always one of my favorite parts.  And he's actually funny whereas Toby was just kind of awkwardly shouting the jokes, Garfield actually made me laugh.

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Yeah, Toby wasn't the best Spider-man but was a really good Peter. He suffered from the most dreary of the Peter writing though. It was honestly hard to rewatch the original movies again. They do not feel like they aged well. XD


I will say on rewatch I liked Garfield's Peter  better than I originally did, and they did a good job making him more science-y feeling but his interactions with other people as Peter always felt not quite right to me. A lot of my problems were honestly probably more with writing and directing than him though honestly. I would definitely be willing to give him another shot at this point. I just worry they wouldn't learn from their mistakes without some oversight. I would be happy to be proven wrong though no doubt.

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I think people lean too hard into the Peter is a loser thing.  He's a little awkward and that's why he makes jokes but becoming Spider-Man gives him a lot more self confidence in the end. I've definitely softened to Garfield's interpretation over the last little bit.  I feel bad he got screwed by that terrible 2nd movie.  Nothing to do with him, just bad writing.

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I saw this today. Overall I thought it was fantastic. I think my biggest gripe was on how the movie ended on such a down note (though I think this was chosen because of Marvel and Sony’s need to renegotiate). After seeing this massive spectacle of a film where any fans dream is possible it was just brought it all back down to earth and the business side to it. I would have also loved to see Green Goblin get more of an individual fight, similar to how Doc Ock did (might be the best sequence in the movie). And maybe when he came back had an actual goblin mask and not the goggle thing.

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They kept his face open because quite frankly, Dafoe is terrifying without it and he wanted to be able to actually emote.  I actually was fine with it.  Initial reaction to posters was oh that looks weird, but I actually enjoyed that in the end.

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Yeah, it looked really weird in stills I had seen but actually worked out in action. He definitely has an expressive enough face for it to have worked, and the rest of the outfit leaning into the classic look was enough to make a difference otherwise imo. 

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Man this movie, so fucking good. Highlights:


- Shitting on "Brand New Day", always a win. THIS is how you pull a magic to remove memories without Deus Ex Machinaing shit and ruin years of story lines. Strange AND MJ called him out on it too.

- Garfields' Spidey getting a second chance for the save and actually making it. That face was pure gold.

- Tobey saving Norman from Holland, that LOOK man.

- The banter, holy shit the banter, it was one giant loved filled spidey therapy session and I want more of it.

- Ned's Ned comments actually having some truth to them for a change. Dude actually did have magic in him.

- The cameos in the dimensional cracks, holy shit.

- Tobey and Garfield Spideys not ONCE trying to pull rank or experience over Holland, and just followed his lead when he mentioned having to have worked in one before.

- Ock being saved, well and truly for a change. Even seeing his dream of a new, cleaner power source realized in his hands.

- Murdock is always a win.

- How fucking well the leaned into the second Chance/redemption theme in this movie as a whole.

- That song choice when the credits started was gold.

- Doors opened for Venom in the MCU too with that tease after Eddie blipped back to his universe and left a piece of venom there.


There is just so much in this movie that was pure brilliance.

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Yea, it's goood. Best live action Spidey film imo. So glad that the six villians got more screen time. I know the garfield films are considered bad but I kinda want to to watch them now. Maybe when our shitternet cooperates, I will. :spidey:

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10 hours ago, Galeigh said:

Ned's Ned comments actually having some truth to them for a change. Dude actually did have magic in him.

I REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAALLY REALLY hope they find a way for him to get magic back again! I was so stupid happy when he started getting the portal open AND THE FACT THAT HE COULD MASTER THE RING FASTER THAN STRANGE made me die laughing so hard!

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I'm actually kind of worried they'll do that with all the heavy leaning on Ned learning the other Peter's best friends tried to kill him considering his namesake in the comics. >_>


For those unaware, Ned Leeds in the comics was (kind of) the original Hobgoblin. With the insinuation of magic with this Ned, I could see them rolling the original Ned Leeds in with the 2nd Hobgoblin character who eventually solicited a demon to gain magical power and became possessed. He ultimately freed himself from the demon which then became Demogoblin.


On second thought, it might be fun to have Demogoblin in a movie. Could even finally pull out Ghost Rider at that point if they wanted to.XD

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