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Marvel Studios' She-Hulk: Attorney At Law (Disney+ 2022)

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They finally gave us a look at She-Hulk. Looks like it might suffer a bit on the CG budget end and looked a little hinky in places, but still seems like it will be pretty entertaining.



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The only real downside is the wait til August to watch it IMHO.

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There will be other stuff until then though. I really like the way Disney paces their stuff (assuming you're all in on both the Marvel and Star Wars stuff anyway) since it seems like there's never a huge wait before something pops up. Moon Knight just finished up not long ago, Obi-Wan in less than 2 weeks, then Ms. Marvel in June, which should carry us to less than a month to wait for She-Hulk.

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I like the sassiness of her personality and it reminds me of the cartoon She Hulk growing up.
Right now my only tiny complaint that we've pointed out in the Discord is that the CG on her is bad/crap. I feel like it makes her look more cartoonish especially when you have her next to Banner so I hope that they clean that up some.

But right now I look forward to it.

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Yeah the way she looks as she-hulk is not good. Very odd, because it looks beautifully shot. I think Disney+ is very hit and miss so I’m hoping this is a hit.

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I think they fixed the CGI a bit, but it still looks off somehow.



Also, was that hints at Absorbing Man? That looked like Titania, and that glowing purple ball reminded me of him...or was that just the Wrecking Crew?


Oh, and that HAD to be Daredevil at the end, right?

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I think it may have been, yeah. Seems like they could just throw in a ton of B and C list villains for something like this and it would be great. XD

And that was definitely Daredevil. No way they have a show about a superhero/lawyer and not put in the other superhero/lawyer. :rotfl:


Really looking forward to this. Seems like they're going for the 4th wall breaking they used to do all the time with her so that's gonna be fun. CGI definitely looked like they had improved it some more. I'm not expecting it to be perfect though. This probably didn't have the kind of budget some of the bigger names/things do so it's fine. I probably would have been fine with the worse version ultimately. 

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I want to be excited about this but after all the bitching about the VFX I just feel sad for all the overworked and burnt out artists on Marvel project duty, since that's what my lil twitter scope largely shows. Hopefully I'll just be able to put aside my sadsack act and enjoy it when the time comes

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Watching the first trailer again and then this one, it seems like they made the CGI smoother in movements. Because otherwise I can't see too much difference in the quality right now.
And I agree with Nelle that I can't help but feel bad for the artists that have been working hard, not just for this but for Ms Marvel and all the other upcoming projects for the next couple of Phases. I don't even wanna think about what kinda deadlines they have.

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It's BAD as far as conditions go. Constant crunch, insane requests and expectations and the pay does NOT match the work. I would not be shocked if there was a disruption to Marvel works in the near future due to strikes. 

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I sincerely hope they do. Especially with as much money as these things tend to make above and beyond their budgets, they should definitely get paid properly.


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Agreed. It's not like they aren't rolling in it, even if some projects aren't as profitable as other ones. They still fucking make more than enough to be stable and can easily pay them proper dues. 

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Conversely, the studio could certainly slow the fuck down too. As much as I love the super hero stuff and am fine with the pace it's releasing at, I know there are plenty of people that are getting burned out by it anyway. Stretching the projects out a bit isn't going to hurt anybody. Especially if it avoids ridiculous work load and hours for people.


That seems unlikely though, so they should probably just strike. XD

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Yup. I have friends that are def getting slightly worn with keeping up with the latest Marvel stuff. Especially when a lot of them still have to catch up to what's out because life stuff. 

I'm fine with stretching out stuff if it means they get more of a break and not as stressed. BUT the masses will pretty much doling out the $$$$$ to see it if they role it out. And that's the bottom line in the end. Idk how the actors who have been a part of this from the beginning haven't gotten burnt out yet like how Hugh Jackman did with Wolverine/Logan. 

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To be fair, it seems like most of them did to some degree or another (ie: RDJ, Evans, and Johannsson). Some of the GotG people seem pretty much done after Vol. 3. 

There are only a few that seem to enjoy the role itself enough to be cool doing stuff in perpetuity (which seems to be the case with Hemsworth and Hiddleston at the very least).

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I've seen that Hemsworth has said he'll play Thor as long as they let him, and I remember reading something about how GotG Vol 3 is gonna be it for that specific team. I imagine a few will stick around, but I wonder if Pratt will be one of them.

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Yeah, I've seen similar comments from Hiddleston as well. As for GotG I think Bradley Cooper and Dave Bautista said they were completely done for sure. I know most of them didn't want to do more without Gunn otherwise (think he might be done as well? Don't remember if he said for sure).

Don't recall seeing anything one way or the other for the others there.

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apologies for derailing this topic, y'all! If anyone wants me to split this discussion into a new topic I'll do that but otherwise if anyone wants to go back to discussing the show please feel free to do so!

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Not like there's a whole lot to say about the show itself at the moment anyway. XD


Though they did put up a little featurette thing that was kind of interesting so I guess I can put it back on track with that? :P
It seems that was definitely Titania that we saw.


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37 minutes ago, Mera'din said:

Not like there's a whole lot to say about the show itself at the moment anyway. XD


fair point XD I just came in to read and was like "oh no I kinda shit on the excited vibe in here"

  • ROFL 1

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Real fun first episode, I like that they seemed to get right to the good stuff.


Wondering how quickly that Sakaar ship will come back into play.

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Yeah, that was really good. I kind of hope the whole show is her trying to avoid the super hero shit as much as possible and getting dragged into it against her will because that feels like the right way to go about it. XD


The Sakaar ship was definitely interesting though. Makes me wonder if the show won't end with that coming back into play and Bruce having to leave Earth (Planet Hulk time?? ? ) and convince Jen to be "available" if a Hulk is needed.


Was also kind of hoping her goading and being instantly better at some Hulk things than him was going to open the door for him loosing control again too though. Guess that could still happen.

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I really enjoyed it so far. I was surprised about the ship so it'll be interesting to see where this goes, especially when we know Daredevil is going to be added into this mix somewhere. 

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Oh shit, a Wolverine tease?






I had a good laugh when Bruce was saying "I'm a completely different person, literally." Good to see they're acknowledging the last solo Hulk movie. I know it's always technically supposed to be part of phase 1, but there hasn't been much talk about it outside of Abomination showing up in Shang-Chi. I was also real happy to see the actor who played Jen's dad, he used to play a character on one of my favorite 80s/90s sitcoms, Perfect Strangers.


Edit: I don't know why the paragraph I wrote underneath the tweet is in the spoiler tags, since I specifically put it outside of the tag. And now when I edit it, I can't select the text like normal. Fucking hate this software sometimes

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I keep seeing a bunch of videos bitching about the show, but I am enjoying it. The writing is just plain fun.

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Becauae as this episode makes fun of well. The universe has major case of butt-hurt of a women superhero and pointing out awareness of women being badass. I'm sure that's not the only reason but i think part of it is what we talked about with Ms. Marvel is that it's breaking out of the pattern we've seen with most of the Marvel storyline so far. 

I'm super enjoying the 4th wall breaking and candor it's doing. 

Very well done with tying in Wong and the Dr Strange 2 movie. 

Bukowski is a huge fucking tool. I am loving that he's getting floored with the Imposter case even if he ended up winning it. I'm seeing our new possible main villian? 

Lol fucking A Emile ???? He's starting a cult. 

Wow, mundanes with stolen(?) Asgaardian gear? Maybe I'm wrong about Runa?

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Man, fuck Josh. I was thinking that before the end reveal, but that just solidified it.

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Oh i know! Soon as that first bout of silence started it was all "awwwwww don't be that dick..." I KNEW his corny cheesiness at the wedding was laid on too thick!


Also anyone else find it weird that Jen didn't ask the guy who attacked her about the black market Asgaardian gear? (Unless i missed that)

Heheh "Abomaste" still makes me giggle. 

It's gonna suck if all this bad guy rehab farm stuff is just a front. 

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I just started watching the show a little bit ago. I think the Disney + content has been hit and miss but this is definitely a hit. I’m really impressed with how funny the show is. If I had to give it a genre it would be comedy first and then all the super hero/action stuff second. Really loving how it’s leaned into that. I thought all the episodes were out though so not happy I have to wait for the rest ?

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Emil Blonsky is treat every time he shows up.

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It seemed pretty obvious Josh was a plant like immediately especially with that episode ending. :xd:


I've been enjoying the series quite a bit.  It's just goofy and funny and I'm totally down with it.  I am loving Tim Roth in this.  He has been super fun too. :lol:

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It was soooooo fucking good to see Charlie Cox back as Daredevil/Matt Murdock. My one complaint is that they made him a little too jokey, but there's still plenty of time to turn that around. Also wasn't a fan of his fight with Jen having CG, but I also understand why they did it, being the first time he's fought another actual powered person. All in all it was a good mix, even if they did rob Charlie of a hallway fight scene somewhat in this, which bummed me out a tad.


The stuff with the villain finally starting to come more full front into the picture is nice, although it did feel a bit rushed. Will have to see how next week's finale goes before giving a final thought on it all. I'm wondering if, when she loses it at the gala and the red lights are going off, are a hint at her turning red for the potential appearance in the Thunderbolts movie. Pretty sure they don't have a Hulk equivalent in that line-up at the moment.

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Yeah, that was a fun one. I'm almost disappointed we're going to hit the inevitable "oh yeah, this is actually a super hero show" part since I could just keep watching her be a lawyer for dumb ass powered people forever. XD

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I fucking loved every bit of this episode. 

The frog client leading up to Matt representing.

The banter between Matt and Jen

Did NOT like Todd. EW. Just SHTAP IT

Jen teasing about how the end of the Ep may be

Woe....really? They gave them all awards?

Oh.....shit......sex tape?! Really??!!

Fuck that's fucked up. 

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Was kind of fun to see her really Hulk out for just a bit. It would be cool if they did a storyline similar to Hulk Vol. 4 at some point. Grey She-Hulk was scary.

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That ending was not what I expected, but I loved it! That 70s Hulk show intro was top notch. Her breaking out of her show entirely, to meet with Kevin, who turned out to be a GLaDOS style robot (complete with hat!). Her asking about the X-Men and for more Daredevil? That seemingly random drop of Skaar out of the blue? So much good shit! My only real complaint about the ending is that asshole Josh didn't get what was coming to him. Are they making a Planet Hulk movie at some point?


Overall I enjoyed the show, didn't love every bit of it, but I'll be damned if they didn't nail that ending.

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Not surprised about Todd being HulkKing


Omg the title menu 4th wall breaking was great

Lmao K.E.V.I.N.

Kinda wish they rewound that finale fixes to see it play out from when Jen's told Todd is HulkKing but i get it. 

Wait......Bruce got a son?????? Or was that a KEVIN move?

Agreed that Josh got nothing. Not even a mention about punishment for what he pulled. Even if he was hired to do it. 

What the hell Wong ?

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Yeah, a rewind of that scene would have been good. It was a pretty short episode all things considered so I don't think it would have hurt the pacing, but it kind of played in the the "that's too expensive" joke they set up with the scene transition, so I'm not super hung up about it. Everything about that was just fantastic though. I loved almost everything about this series and it's easily one of my favorite MCU entries at this point. Only a couple little things where I was like "...what?" that didn't really matter in the long run.


Wonder if we haven't seen the last of Josh since they kind of left that whole thing hanging. 

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On 10/13/2022 at 11:53 AM, Tassifox said:

Wait......Bruce got a son?????? Or was that a KEVIN move?


Nope that's a legit thing from the comics.

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Matt literally dropping out of the sky and just going "oh hi" made me laugh my ass off.  I really enjoyed the show and the finale really was just perfect.  It's fun to see them play with THEIR OWN TROPES now in this series.  Would be better if they actually took that to heart in the movies though. :rotfl: 

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