webhead 519 Posted March 24, 2019 So I saw this article about all the events coming from Marvel in 2019 and then as I read through saw something really cool. Hickman is coming back to do an X-Men event! https://www.marvel.com/articles/comics/marvel-comics-unveils-publishing-slate-for-2019 https://www.cbr.com/marvel-jonathan-hickman-x-men-house-of-x-powers-of-x/ https://www.newsarama.com/44443-house-of-x-and-powers-of-x-bring-mutant-mayhem-this-july.html I am psyched. If you're not aware, he's the guy that wrote one of the best runs of Fantastic Four, Avengers, and the new Secret Wars event a few years back. Spoiler HICKMAN IS COMING 1 ISO Share this post Link to post
MT 917 Posted March 24, 2019 I'm not really digging what's going on with the X-Men at the moment, the whole Age of X-Man thing. It's not terrible, but I just want things back to the way they used to be already. ISO Share this post Link to post
webhead 519 Posted March 24, 2019 I haven't really gotten into that at all yet. I'm way the fuck behind. I really should be reading my comics instead of dicking around on the computer reading Reddit. ISO Share this post Link to post
Psycho666Soldier 286 Posted March 24, 2019 I have this awful problem where I can not get into something without starting from the beginning. Unfortunately, as much as I've always loved comics, I didn't read them faithfully until I hit my teens, so I have some series I've read from issue 1, and others I've read certain runs, but for the most part, anything after 96 is mystery to me. I've been thinking about just picking up where the series' are right now and just running with it. Any suggestions for what's running well right now? ISO Share this post Link to post
MT 917 Posted March 24, 2019 The Immortal Hulk has been interesting, if a bit weird. Lots of body horror shit. I've been enjoying the current Uncanny X-Men, but it takes place after a rather large X-Men centric event, so it may not be for you. ISO Share this post Link to post
webhead 519 Posted March 24, 2019 What characters are you interested in? ISO Share this post Link to post
Psycho666Soldier 286 Posted March 24, 2019 Been a huge X-Men fan practically since birth. Super basic in loving Wolverine, but most X-Men-derived characters are up my alley. Other than them, I like Hulk, Daredevil, Spider-Man, and I grew up loving Punisher and Ghost Rider, but I don't even know if either are doing anything relevant these days as I never hear about them. ISO Share this post Link to post
webhead 519 Posted March 24, 2019 You really like Daredevil, you should pick out some good runs. I just went on Daredevil spree a couple years ago. Frank Miller run Bendis Brubaker Waid Then the new stuff after that looks decent. Skip Diggle's run because that goes into Shadowland and that's a steaming pile of shit. Daredevil right this moment is in a weird place I believe so you may want to catch up with the run before it (Soule). Spider-Man had a very polarizing run recently after they finally ended Brand New Day and moved into Big Time where it was solely Dan Slott writing. I honestly enjoyed the Slott run (especially Superior Spider-Man) because he did new things with the character. The current run with Nick Spencer just started though and looks to be a more traditional Spidey book. For Punisher, the best runs I believe are the older ones by Garth Ennis. I bought the omnibuses for that and still need to get to them but I hear they're the pinnacle of Punisher. That's the stuff I'd recommend right now. If you want want to jump into something new, the current volume of Amazing Spider-Man is probably your best bet and Uncanny X-Men is the start of a totally different direction for the X-Men I think, so that's probably a good place to jump on as well for jumping into new stuff right now. ISO Share this post Link to post
MT 917 Posted March 24, 2019 I will wholeheartedly second Superior Spider-Man. It's one of the few runs i've gone back and bought the trade when it came out. Same with Fraction's Hawkeye. If you've never read that, you're missing out. ISO Share this post Link to post
Galeigh 308 Posted March 24, 2019 Honestly, you should check Gwenpool. ISO Share this post Link to post
MT 917 Posted March 26, 2019 I can't believe I completely forgot about the Remender run of Uncanny X-Force. Love that shit. ISO Share this post Link to post
webhead 519 Posted March 26, 2019 Yes that run was fucking fantastic. Rick Remender is general is really good. Also anything by Hickman. Just shut up and read it. ISO Share this post Link to post
MT 917 Posted July 24, 2019 The first issue of House of X came out today and it's...interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about it just yet, but I am curious to see where it goes. The X-Men are probably my favorite group of comic heroes, so i'm definitely looking forward to reading more. Wasn't really sure if the man in the X helmet is Xavier or The Maker. I originally thought it was Maker because his first words were in upper and lower case, which in the past was used specifically for the Ultimate universe, but then I saw the rest of the text in the issue is the same way, so I imagine that makes it Xavier. Although last I read/saw anything of him, he wanted to just go by X (as his consciousness had been put into a Fantomex clone if I remember right), so I really don't know what to think. Also, a lot of what happened in this issue is weird, considering I don't really know how long after the Age of X-Man stuff it takes place. I imagine the talk about six months, five months, etc. in the beginning of House of X is supposed to mean that it's about 6 months after? It all just seems real sudden to make such huge changes to the world, but I guess that's how this Krakatoa thing works. ISO Share this post Link to post