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Summer Season '23

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IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN! Let's see what Summer Season has in store for us!  https://anichart.net/Summer-2023

More Mushoku Tensei!

Sweet! Another Fate/ series!
Oooh more Part-Time Devil!

New stuff that looks interesting:
Ooku I'm a sucker for period pieces and this one might have an interesting take.
Hizukuri ....I'm not sure but the animation style is unique and the story synopsis has me curious.
Dekiru Neko It's a woman having a giant cat house husband......Good fuzzy fluff for something light to watch.
Undead Girl Murder Farce ....................head of an undead girl solving mysteries........yup gonna get the 5 ep requirement......
Dark Gathering  @Anelle we might have a new fucked up series to watch.....
Zom100 Okay I'm totes liking the vibe of the trailer, plus haven't had a good Zombie themed anime in a bit

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16 hours ago, Tassifox said:


I'm really torn on this because I love Kenshin, but any support the author gets sucks. 

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Fuck that's right i forgot about that fact........FUUUUUUCK

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More Part-Timer means I need to finally sit down and finish the first season and catch up.


Not a lot here that I'm really following or familiar with so I'll probably do the usual of deciding if I want to watch any of the shows you're all talking about.


I'm excited for the Sand Land adaptation, though


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If anything I totes say watch Bastard because that was a series in my teeny-bopper days that I loved and I'm glad we finally get more out of this story and series. Also if you liked Skip to Loafer, I think you'd love Horomiya. Both series only have 1 short season and are must watches in my book.

The one I think I'm most curious about is gonna be Zom 100 for new material.

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This summer I will definitely be watching Horimiya, JJK, and Stray Dogs. Whenever Bastard!! hits Netflix, I'll continue watching it too. Maybe not right away, but I'll get to it eventually. 


This season is looking pretty damn weak when it comes to anime originals. Good, single-season, original anime with a complete story == the Holy Grail that I search for in every new season :lol: It looks like Ayaka could be the only contender this season. I'll check it out if it's on Crunchyroll.


AI no Idenshi has also piqued my interest a little bit just from reading the synopsis. Maybe it will be trash. Maybe it will be good. I'm always up for a good sci-fi show, so here's hoping it's good. Madhouse isn't what it used to be, but I think they still do quality stuff, so hopefully the looks and style catch my eye even if the story is on the weak side. We'll see.

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It is def getting harder to spot anything good for original/new stories when isekais are still pretty much dominating. Thay's why Zom 100 feels interesting to me after seeing the trailer since we haven't had a Zombie apocalypse skit in a hot minute. It's giving me super fun vibes.


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I bailed on Ayaka after less than two minutes. It didn't grab me and I really doubt I will enjoy it. Bummer.


But I am thrilled to have Horimiya back in my life :heart: The new episode was fantastic with many LOL moments.


That one teacher who just wants to see the girls in their swimsuits :rotfl:

-Are you stupid?

-Yeah, I might be.

I know that feel :rotfl: :rotfl: 


Also the whole Miyamura-is-on-his-period bit :rotfl: 

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10 eps are up on Netflix for Ooku. I like the take the show did of the switching the gender roles during a pandemic (which isn't the first time I've heard this kind of story. I know there's a different more modern time tv show that does that based off a book) in the period of Tokugawa reign. Dunno if there's gonna be more added to this later but doubtful with how it tied off. Nice slow watch to take your time with if you like period dramas.

Fuuuuuuuuuck it's so good to have Horomiya back! :love3:
Jobless Re-incarnation started back in an interesting new POV of the timeline.
And Undead Girl Murder Farce is funny enough, an alternate period piece. Meiji era in Japan but with a good supernatural spin to it. I like the animation, and I think this one is gonna be a good one.

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First episode back of JJK was very good! 


I also watched the first episode of AI no Idenshi last night and it was interesting enough for me to keep going with it.

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Jujutsu Kaisen S2


I find it interesting that we're starting on what looks like a prequel of the story. Back when Satoru was a student with the others before he became a teacher of the others from S1. I also am loving that the quality of the animation almost looks like it was made for more of a movie setup vs TV series and I hope they keep with that.
*squees* I've always been a sucker for pretty blue-eyed characters when they make them shine like that.


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Okay, Zom 100 is definitely gonna be a good one. Slight warning that the beginning of the first ep may be triggering for those who have been dealing with depression or intrusive thoughts. But how it literally splashes into the monochrome to colors from the shift is amazing and I'm looking forward to seeing how this series goes.

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First episode back of Stray Dogs was good stuff! Ranpo is the man :cool: Also apparently nobody ever actually dies in this show, I think they all came back :lol: 

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I mean I thought we already realized that from the last 4 seasons?

Still loving Zom 100 and can't wait to meet the other survivors in here. Jujutsu Kaisen is keeping up the ante and Dekiru Neko keeps up the wholesome front side by side with Horimiya for me! ??

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Horimiya is just a delight. I love this show :heart: 


I have also been enjoying the return of JJK. 


Haven't gotten around to checking out Zom 100 but maybe I will this week.

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I was surprised to see that both Netflix AND Hulu are streaming it (which for me, is interesting because they never stream a brand new show together at the same time. Usually one gets it and then eventually the other or just one of them).

But i seriously am loving this show so far.

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I have watched the first few eps of JJK though

  • Shiny 1

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JJK has been very good. So has Horimiya :heart: You gotta catch up on it sooner or later!


I decided last night when I couldn't sleep last night to Ayaka one more trying. I made it through all three episodes, and it does get a bit better than my bad first impression where I dropped it after like 90 seconds :lolgrin: But it's still not that great. I'm gonna keep watching to try to will a good original anime into existence this season... but it's not looking great...

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JJK #3 - Glad that I didn't have login issues with Crunchyroll last night!

Seeing this fight animated was awesome. Gojo got absolutely wrecked by Megumi's dad. What a vicious dude

:O.O: I am hyped for the showdown with Geto next week!

  • Shiny 1

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Bungo Dogs keeps being great! Big reveal was good and i can't wait for the upcoming fight!

Still happy with everything i'm keeping track of. Nelle don't push yourself too hard, i know it's tough keeping up when your body rebels against you.

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1 hour ago, Tassifox said:

Bungo Dogs keeps being great! Big reveal was good and i can't wait for the upcoming fight!

Yeah, I forgot to mention that one. Atsushi is in tough right now. The reveal and the end of this week's episode was very exciting to see and I am hyped for next week! Also, Ranpo continues to be awesome. Kinda mis-read the situation with Fukuchi though :uhoh: 

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Caught up to speed on Zom 100. It's pretty good! Various thoughts on the first three episodes:


- I love this dude's dedication to hating his job (but still doing it anyways -- I know that feel! :lol:)
- I really liked how they were playing with monochrome and then colour in the first episode
- Hey Akira, it's a bad idea to fall in love with every cute girl you meet! (But at least it's looking like the girl from the convenience store will pan out to be a good friend in the end)
- I love this notion of a bucket list of things to do before becoming a zombie, that's my kind of morbid humour :nod: 
- I have mixed feelings about Kencho, but I hope he turns out to be a cool dude now that Akira has saved him

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My main thought on Kencho



And after seeing that I'm slightly curious if they'll do that with the LA that Netflix is airing in the next week. (Yes I know the LA's are getting out almost neck n neck with the anime as soon as they air them)


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I didn't know there was also a live action thing coming out this summer. Huh. It must be a super popular manga.

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It's pretty much standard for anime to get a LA and probably because of streaming, they're popping them out a lot faster than normal. I wouldn't be too shocked if companies debate doing them both at the same time in contracts when making an adaptation from mangas or even webcomics because as we all know. There's not a lot of original stuff for shows these days.

Does that make them good? Hell NAW. I tried watching LA of Kakegurui and the attempt of the actors being that weird facial intensity that animated can only seem to pull off made me laugh my ass off and I couldn't get through at least the 2nd ep. :sweat:

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I dunno, I'm sure some live-action series are legit good, but I simply won't watch them. I am happy with manga and anime. Don't need no LA.

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Stray Dogs #3 (#53 overall I think?)


OK, this space-and-time bending sword is too OP. No wonder this guy is so damn strong, he can lose and then replay it and win. How the heck do you beat that!? Surely there is a way, and one of the good guys will figure it out before long... but fuck that's lame. Hope they beat him soon.


JJK Hidden Inventory #4


Goddamnit that opening... Riko :crying:

Fushiguro's dad is one mean bastard, but part of me can't help but like him. The fight with Geto, and then Gojo, were both effing rad. Got absolutely wrecked by Purple :fup: 

Totes should have wasted all those cultists at the end... :lurk: 

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Duuuuude the fights in JJK ep 4 were fucking tight!

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Iura's episode in Horimiya this week was goddamn hilarious :rotfl: :rotfl:

  • ROFL 1

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Bungo Dogs ep 4


Okay can we stop with the baddie God-modding persona? Like i know this will turn around and win the day but fucking HELL


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This week's Zom 100 :shiny: :rotfl: What a wild ride this story is. (Felt bad for the one girl though (Yukari IIRC ?) :crying2:)


I got the new Stray Dogs episode queued up for tonight :nod: 

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Okay, I am officially down :thumbs2: on this weeks episode of Stray Dogs (#4 of this season)

This episode felt incredibly random to me. This story has these Gifted characters with all kinds of cool and creative abilities, which I really like. I felt like Fukuchi's abilities and crazy sword were already pushing the limits of what was reasonable... (poor Tachihara). But now we're adding in vampires too??? That was kind of a "jumped the shark" moment to me. Didn't like it. I hope this turns around quick.

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Okay thank you, it wasn't just me who felt that part was weird to throw in. But *shrugs* maaaybe it may make sense later? Or maybe there was something missed from manga->anime adaptation that we don't know about.


Bastard!! S2 finally started so been slowly binging. And holy crap idk if it's just me but they threw in way more comedy/4th wall breaking and it takes me back to the days of Dragon Half :rotfl:

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I noticed that more Bastard!! was up on Netflix. Haven't gotten around to starting it yet, but I am looking forward to it! 

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It is all 1 season with what hints at a possibility for a 3rd season if Netflix so chooses.

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Horimiya -piece- #5

Usually Sengoku and Remi are my least favourite characters, but they both grew on me a bit in this episode. Sengoku was still pretty annoying during the first half of the episode at the sleepover, even if his pathetic attempts to look under Miyamura's shirt were pretty hilarious :rotfl: But the scene with them walking home from school was rather charming. And then Kono getting Remi the cookies at the end :heart: More excellent comedic relief from Iura in this episode too. Dude is low-key one of the best characters in this series :rotfl: 


In other news: I am *so hyped* for the next few episodes of MIX. I'm not sure if the boys are going all the way to Koshien this summer... but there are still enough episodes left in the summer season that their run isn't over yet. The next game against Seinan is going to be epic. 

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I'm assuming there was reasons for it. BUT FINALLY A NEW EP OF JUJUTSU KAISEN.

I know i've spouted my hatred for recap eps before. I still hates them.

Also not sure what was up with only getting a new ep of Zom 100 off and on the last few weeks. I'm hoping it doesn't keep that up because we're getting to a good point in story here.

Horimiya still fucking wholesome.

Most of the other new stuff i'm following is still good too.

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Yeah it was a long wait for another episode of JJK. I enjoyed the new episode.


Horimiya is probably AOTS.


A few weeks ago I decided to give Ayaka another try. Still not loving it, but this week's episode was actually quite good. Jingi :salute: 

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This week's episode of MIX was such a gut punch... :crying:

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Only one week left of MIX :crying2: And Horimiya :crying2: This week's episode of Horimiya was great. Loved the flashback to Hori's parents in high school.


I think Stray Dogs wraps up this week too (only 11 episodes). Very curious how it all comes together. 


JJK was effin' rad this week. Can't wait to keep seeing the Shibuya Incident played out in anime.

  • Shiny 1

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Yup Bungo ends this week. Andost everything else that isn't carrying over into Fall Season is wrapping up with at least 2 more eps between this week and next week.


I feel a liiiiiittle called out with ep 8 of Zom:100


I would be 'THAT' foreigner chick who would fight thru zombies for ?

WHY DOES KENSHO HAVE TO GET NAKED ALMOST EVERY EP?! (other than the hot spring part because duh)


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Kencho is the best :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Bea is a great addition to this cast of characters but Shizuka is still best girl. Gotta love that strong desire from Bea and Akira to pig out on sushi though :nod: Rather random that this sushi place is still in tact, but whatevs. Like, no shit of course they can drink all the sake in the house, the place is surrounded by the living dead and you're probably never going to see paying customers again anyways :laugh: Party like it's the end of the world! The dynamic for this story seems to be heavy / light-hearted / heavy / light-hearted / etc., so after this episode... I feel like it's gotta get dark again soon. Are they gonna show up in Gunma to find Akira's parents already turned into zombies? :crying2:

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The final episode of Stray Dogs was going quite well, I thought. I have enjoyed this story quite a bit, but at the same time, I feel like I've had enough. And this season in particular was getting a bit too random for me. It could have ended rather nicely. Then came the final minute or so with the brief time skip and mysterious bad guy and the dreaded "To be continued" text on the screen. Hopefully the show takes a break for at least a few season---maybe until next summer?---before coming back. Otherwise I'm just not gonna be able to get hyped up for it.

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Saturday night was a bittersweet one with both Horimiya and MIX ending. They were both very good. Part of me is sad to see them end, but the other part is glad to be left wanting more. I hope there will be a third season of MIX eventually... I'd really love to see the boys finally make it to Koshien... 


Not much left (for me) from summer season now. One more episode of AI no Idenshi, and the last few episodes of Zom 100... but it seems nobody knows when they're going to air yet. According to Crunchyroll: "Following up on Japan's episode 9 broadcast for the Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead anime, the official accounts commented on plans for the remaining episodes. The plan at the moment isa bit of a wait and see approach for the rest of us, as broadcast timing for episodes 10-12 has yet to be confirmed." So, after we get episode 9 (tomorrow I think?), who knows about the last three. That's kind of annoying.


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Netflix has ep 9 for Zom 100 and I'm assuming Hulu does too. I'm hoping they don't keep up with the breaks in between eps because it's LITERALLY 3 EPS LEFT. Especially now that we have a Dark Akira variant here it seems.

Ending of HoriMiya was adorable and the after credits stuff made me laugh so hard.

As for Bungo Dogs. S6, gonna be IN THE FUUUUUTUUUUUUUREEEEEE OOOOOOOOOOO! (I mean it would legit not surprise me if it's heading in that direction now after the post credit bit with new God Mod Baddie since we now have a weapon that basically defies time and space here).


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On 9/26/2023 at 2:09 PM, Tassifox said:

Netflix has ep 9 for Zom 100 and I'm assuming Hulu does too. I'm hoping they don't keep up with the breaks in between eps because it's LITERALLY 3 EPS LEFT. Especially now that we have a Dark Akira variant here it seems.

It sounds like the show has lost it's broadcast slot on TV in Japan going into the fall season because of some other show... and I guess it needs to air on TV in Japan before it goes onto the streaming services (there's a delay of like 12 or 24 hours from broadcast to when it goes live on Crunchyroll IIRC). Looks like it is basically in hiatus for now until the broadcasting situation can get sorted in Japan. Which is a bummer since there are only three episodes left. 

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I'm keeping current on JJK because, duh


I cluster watched in 2s and 3s all of the available zom 100 eps and apparently got to ep 9 on the day it aired, only to find out that it's on hold indefinitely.... still, it was a really fun take on the zombie apocalypse tropes and I love the animation! The "full" opening animation is so fun, it's a shame that it started with ep 9! Been rocking to the song the whole time though! Hopefully they manage to get a TV time slot sooner rather than later so we can get the episodes put up on streaming.


I'm actually in the process of finishing the last episode of My Happy Marriage tonight, but took a break to eat and came to slam myself back into convos here because I've done so much binging this month! I've watched this one in 2s or 3s too. A good friend of mine urged me to watch it when it first started up because he knew I'd love it from the first episode and he was right! I'm so predictable!


I'm still saving Horimiya: piece for a binge in the very near future since I just had too much going on to watch any of it... so I figure next time I'm looking at some bedrest days I'll have that in my arsenal to lift my mood!


Might watch the first ep or two of Dark Gathering tonight since it's spoopy month and I'm always keen to give horror titles a go!


I think there's still a few titles from this lineup I wanna try but I ain't got a particular list or order to report in on.

  • Shiny 1

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I think you're gonna really like Horimiya: Piece. Some of the episodes were SO GOOD. What a wonderful cast of characters in this story. I think Iura's episode might have been my favourite, but it's hard to pick just one favourite episode/moment from it. So much to choose from.


Were you following Bungo Stray Dogs before? This latest season was... a mixed bag (IMO)... but still worth a look if you were following it before.

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Bungo Stray Dogs is one of those things I've tried to watch from the first moment it came out and ALWAYS have some life shit crop up that distracts me and then I just forget about it until the next attempt.... rinse and repeat! Maybe next time I try it won't bring any big life events and I can FINALLY see if I actually like it or not lmao

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