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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/28/19 in Posts

  1. 2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    The whole DC TV universe is apparently in Vancouver.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    AT LEAST WASH YOUR HANDS god i cannot fucking wait to experience it with y'all though ;;
  7. 1 point
    HUP BORF plz enjoy hastily done new birf art plz enjoy to be old plz enjoy plz
  8. 1 point
    Heath Ledger's Joker is one of the finest performances put to film. I can agree that the BATMAN aspects of the Batman film maybe aren't that great, or that the movie takes a downturn in quality when Harvey Dent becomes the focus, but still.... The Joker vs Infinity War is not even a contest. The best of Marvel can't hold a candle to The Joker, and when we talk about drops in quality you really think Quill's jealous jibes at Thor or the side mission with the giant dwarf are gonna hold up over repeated viewings? Shoehorning in the Red Skull? The opening disregarding Ragnarok entirely? The Hulk doing fuck all? Come on.
  9. 1 point
    I love this place, just sayin '
  10. 1 point
    *floats in* Touch me, for I have seen something holy So, first of all, PEOPLE LOVE THIS SERIES BECAUSE THEY HAVE SOULS AND FEELINGS, YOU HEARTLESS MONSTER. But ye, Slix sums it up real well. The first anime kinda ends right before you start really getting into those deeper human stories, but it definitely dips its feet in the water. The premise sounds cute and there's a lot of humor in the series, but for a story involving people turning into animals it really is a very human bunch of stories. The characters have real flaws and issues and learn to address them. It doesn't just happen, you watch them struggle. Second---wab, simulcasts have been a thing for a while now keep the fuck up. MOST IMPORTANTLY---hErE CoMeS sOmE ThOuGhTs Don't worry these are non spoilery: THOSE SLY BASTARDS DID NOT SHOW US THE OPENING OR ENDING THEMES. I will be going into those just as blind as y'all ?? The Japanese cast is all new, as per the author's wishes, but eng dub fans will be pleased to know a lot of the original dub cast are returning. We saw the sub version, and O.M.G. they are already bringing it. Definitely a refreshed feel to the characters. The art and animation is just as lovely as the promos lead you to believe. This premiere consisted of some nice little interviews with some of the VAs, both Japanese and English and the first 2 eps. You can really tell they are passionate about this series. That's about it, really... it's Furuba, and oh man are we all in for a treat. Fun bonus fact--- they had absolutely no ending for this event. Like, last scene and BOOM lights went up and screen went dark. Unceremonious AF, I'm still laughing about it
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