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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/19 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Source That would've been infinitely better!
  2. 1 point
    Maybe the official name will help make sense. It's the XBox One S - All Digital (or XBox One SAD).
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    eh, it was fine. You guys are way to serious.
  5. 1 point
    Oh man if you ever want a fucking treasure trove of memes or just some laughs please take a look at http://chryswatchesgot.tumblr.com/ They do image set reactions as they watch episodes, and a lot of it reminds me of how Ma does his recaps
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    So even though work was crazy and we had Corp doing a walk through. One nice thing did happen to give the feels. Earlier one of my regular customers came in with a stack of lost dog posters. My boss had to tell her that sadly we couldn't post it in our windows but we could take one for our break room if she wanted. She didn't end up leaving a poster with us but right about an hour before my shift ended today, One of my girls from bakery came over and told me these customers were trying to wrangle in a lost dog away from the parking lot and it had no collar. The dog followed behind her and surely enough it was THAT dog from the posters earlier. So I'm trying to wrangle the tiny thing, succeed (after it piddled from being terrified) And I'm trying to wrack my brain to see how we could contact the lady from earlier since she didn't leave a poster with us. Luckily one of the customers who were trying to help wrangled it offered to go to one of the posters she saw on a nearby street behind my store and called the number. Within minutes the owner comes to collect the dog and was in tears. Saying that he just moved here recently and that the dog saved his life once. Definitely made my day worth it when we get a lot of times where people will try to look for lost dogs but usually no one finds it that fast.
  8. 1 point
    CLAMP has made some of my favorite shit but they NEVER FINISH ANYTHING and at this point I'm kinda bitter about it all tbh
  9. 1 point
    Yup! Right now the one that I "swapped" for Grimy is in some dire straights so I've got my hands full making sure she pulls through. She's cute as a button though! I love her. The others I have have reached the stage where all their eyes are open and they're cranky about everything because they're not quuuuite big enough to leave the "pouch box" still so the moment they see me they start chitting and swarm my hand like "MOOOOOOOOOOOM WE'RE BORED"
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