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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Please enjoy this shitpost lee and I made together based on tonights ep---
  2. 2 points
    My dad randomly derped into GoT on HBO a few weeks ago. This fucking guy's seen maybe 4-5 episodes all together and three of them are last week's showdown with the Night King, Watchers On The Wall (Battle of the Wall) and I think he mentioned the Purple Wedding too (or he at least knows what happened in it)
  3. 1 point
    I came out a few weeks ago on Facebook as trans but still didn't bother to make a similar declaration here as well. So yeah, this is it. It's been about 6 months or so since I made this actual decision, and came out slowly to a few friends and family I knew wouldn't react negatively, until finally making it known to the world at large (at least my little section of it) on Facebook two weeks ago. I'm still not out at work, and am still not presenting female all of the time. I've changed my name/pronouns on Facebook, so don't be afraid to use those! This coming Tuesday i'm going to see a doctor and hopefully start hormone treatment. Other than that, and the fact that i'm growing my hair out, I don't really know what the fuck i'm doing in regards to my transition specifically. It's a slow process, but it's an ongoing one. Here's the letter I sent out to people better explaining where i'm coming from if anyone cares to read it. Also, here's a pic from last week. The hair is (obviously) a wig, but i'd absolutely love to have my actual hair at a similar length. So yeah, there's my story.
  4. 1 point
    Wonder Woman today
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Yeah I think the driving force behind going to the Knicks we be so he could be without-a-doubt the #1 guy there (unless they get Kyrie with their other max slot and they're #1a and #1b ) It ties into the legacy thing. And if he could actually win a title in NY then that would add even more to his rep. But that organization is a mess so I hope he doesn't expect to win there Or maybe he just wants to live in New York for other reasons. It's not like basketball was LeBron's #1 reason for wanting to be in LA. Wouldn't top the AD trade powerplay that blew up in LA and Clutch's face, but this would be a pretty juicy story too
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Fili has taken a turn for the worse, suddenly has swelling on part of her face. I hope she makes it long enough to get to my mentor since she has way more supplies and experience than I do so she can try some last ditch efforts, but in reality this lil baby was always a "failure to thrive" and I've been keeping her going. She's loved her tiny life though, so while I really hope it doesn't end now, I can know she was happy. Wildlife rehab is really hard sometimes. To not be a total sadsack--- went to a bunch of thrift stores today and got some stuff for the blog I help with and that was a lot of fun! sadsack update: Fili passed away tonight.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
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