I feel like you'll enjoy the 3rd game a lot more. Potions are more meaningful (maybe not up to par with 1 still but I know I used them a fair amount vs. never using them in 2 basically), and the plot is a LOT more interesting between the Wild Hunt, the search for Ciri, and the crazy antics of Dandelion and co. There's a lot more interesting side stuff too and the monster hunting is more prominent and has more of that feeling that being a Witcher MEANS something and you actually have a job to do instead of being some pawn in weird political machinations the entire time. Even the DLC is really good (Blood and Wine especially).
12.) Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
This was... a lot better than I was expecting if I'm going to be completely honest. To a point. I finally bit the bullet and got it because I found a new copy for like $7, and I really enjoyed XIII-2, though I heard horrible things about this one so just stayed away from it until I could get a price I was comfortable with. The core mechanics of the game are garbage. You're basically on a time limit (world ends in 13 days, time counts down as you play. every 5 sec. or so is a "minute" in game) and I swear every single quest in the game is designed to waste as much time as possible. Would have been the most frustrating thing in the fucking world going into it blind. However, I had a fucking phenomenal guide I found and it turned it from a garbage heap into a halfway enjoyable experience from a gameplay side. Combat is reminiscent of X-2, with an outfit swapping mechanic that alters you stats and abilities, but is fully customizable which makes for a semi-decent experience for what it is.
Story is where I was honestly surprised. Heard terrible things, and though it's rough around the edges, they wrapped up all the story threads from the first two games decently and I didn't hate it. Game starts out feeling like it should be called "The Book of Mormon: Final Fantasy XIII" since the basics of the story are you're literally doing peoples chores to save their souls before the world ends. Part way through though, the story shifts into some sort of acid trip Atheist wet dream about murder god and setting everyone's souls free to live their own lives and shit like that. They even kind of explain why Lightning is so deadpan monotonous all the time (I know it's not because of the VA, she's the same one that does Liara in Mass Effect). Side quests were fucking awful both in terms of writing and voice acting, but the main stuff was decent outside of the words "chaos", "hope" and "light" being uttered so many times it was starting to feel like someone was copying Kingdom Hearts' homework and just swapping out key words. This is especially awkward sometimes considering there is a character named Hope, and everyone calls Lightning "Light". >_>
Overall I didn't hate it, and didn't feel like I wasted my time with it. Between XIII-2 and this, I feel like I hate XIII itself SLIGHTLY less now, so that's something I guess. XD