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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Notes from Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose's appearance on Talk is Jericho Putting it here since it talks about his WWE stuff.
  2. 1 point
    There is not a lot of time between the end of Ragnarok and the start of Infinity War. Despite the gap between movies for us, the timeline seems pretty narrow for the character. It was basically a cascade of events hitting one after the other in rapid succession from Ragnarok through to the first part of Endgame and they all kind of tailed off of one another. They're all part and parcel to fueling his insecurities. Also, Whedon implied the same thing that Russo said in like 2015. Someone asked him at Q&A thing about why Cap couldn't lift the hammer and his response was “Did he fail? Or did he stop?”
  3. 1 point
    Yeah, the album's real good. I usually check out on their full albums about halfway through, but this one I like all the way.
  4. 1 point
    Welp. Just hire this guy.
  5. 1 point
    Who said he was terrible? People said he's never dealt with loss and defeat, not that he was a douche bag. He was a douche bag at the beginning of the first movie. Other than that he was great. I don't think he "found redemption" here and I don't think anyone said that? He didn't do anything wrong. Also I read that the writers said Cap could actually move the hammer and when he realized this, decided to not pick it up out of respect. https://www.screengeek.net/2019/05/08/captain-america-thor-hammer/
  6. 1 point
    Thor doesn't and hasn't needed "redemption" he needed and got emotional growth. Yes, a whole bunch of shit has happened to him, but he has never really dealt with any of it until now. There was always a fight to go to, a world to save, or some other incident that kept him busy. Post snap was the first time he was forced to stop and reflect on everything, and having to deal with it all at once while not knowing HOW left him a broken man. That talk with his mom helped him organize it all to the point that he was able to realize he just isn't ready to lead his people until he is truly at peace with himself so he left someone he knows is capable in the spot while he does just that. He failed tp contribute to the final fight effectively because he spent 5 years on a couch wasted 24/7. No one is gonna be in top shape after that, asgardian or not and it showed. He was sloppy and uncoordinated like someone in his position should. His final scene with Quill showed a bit of the old him hinting that, while not 100%, he is getting back on his feet now.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Saw it today, cried in the theater during the funeral, cheered when cap took up Mjolnir. Wild ride, loved it all. My thoughts on the Thor arc: He spent 3 movies losing, but only one actually coming to terms with the fact that you can fail and keep going. That was the whole point of his Endgame arc, he finally accepted that he has failed, and will probably fail again, but that doesn't mean it's the end. He NEVER failed until Dark World events. He never learned how to process failure. So Endgame was the single largest step for him as a character. As for the Cap comparisons. Just stop. Steve lived a life of constant failure, rejection, and loss before he was transformed. He learned how to deal with and process it all a long time before he even entered the super soldier program. So flipping hos arc with Thor would be a MASSIVE breach of character for him. There is a reason his favorite saying is "I can do this all day" As for the Hulk thing. Yeah, I wanted to see him go ham the whole time. The thing is, by basically merging himself with the Hulk Bruce cut his power significantly. Thats probably why his arm hasnt healed yet and why he didn't bring the usually oomph to the final fight. Without the savage rage the Hulk is just a big green guy who happens to be stronger than most people instead of a force of nature. I think this will be a big plot point in the future, and I really wanna see where it goes.
  10. 1 point
    Mostly i was like.... wtf is nezuko gonna do next during this conversation...
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