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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Thank god. Someone finally did a good one. This is the 4th "metal cover" I've seen for the song and all the others were not that great. Was hoping Skar Productions would do one finally so there would be a good one floating around, but this will work. Forgot to post again after I finished the season. Overall I was really happy with it. Only part that bothered me that much was the Battle of Sodden Hill. They kind of butchered that whole thing and it was gimped pretty hard. Wondering if it wasn't a budget issue honestly because it was kind of blah compared to what I was expecting after the rest of the series. X_x With the attention the show is receiving though, they'll hopefully have a nicer budget going forward.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Might've just been Hiromu's whackjob delivery. In the Jan 4th after-match press conference, he screamed for like a minute or two about how pro wrestling is dangerous but it's also really fun. One can only hope
  4. 1 point
    Wasn't that going to be the GoT guys that completely fucked the last season beyond all expectations? If it was them, good riddance. https://variety.com/2019/film/news/game-of-thrones-creators-star-wars-trilogy-exit-1203386590/ Granted the first 7 seasons of GoT were obviously great (well more or less) but that last one makes me never want them to take on something I like again. Rogue One was good I think primarily because like I said, the trilogy thing is cancer for creativity (though like you said, one director for all 3 movies or at least a fucking PLAN would have helped obviously). Probably easier to make one good movie than try and spec out a trilogy. Things can be like little stand alone stories. They can also be trilogies with a fucking plan. Or quadrilogies. Honestly they should just start adapting book, game, and comic story lines since those are fully fleshed out. Less chance of them doing something completely retarded. Yeah if she's the one in charge and the movies are bad, she needs to not be in charge. They need to pull from the EU because there is a shit load of very creative shit going on there. I just feel like the movies stay in this tiny little safe area where it's the exact same shit over and over again and they never branch out into something actually different. Like imagine seeing a movie where force users actually use all kinds of crazy powers like all the time instead of like barely at all. Wouldn't that be fun to watch?
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    1) Watched it all and loved it. 2) It didn't hit me until a day later. But I knew I knew the actor that plays Jaskier (The Bard) from somewhere... and it hit me. It's because I actually know him (Well, have met, at the very least). And gotten rather shitfaced with him. Every year Cambridge University does a tour in America performing Shakespeare and they often stop at my alma mater because we're awesome like that. He was part of the 2009 production that rolled through. When they come through, we watch their show, then us theater students throw a big ass party that's usually shut down by the cops where there's US v UK drinking games and flirting and all that fun stuff. I spent a lot of that night on a patio a group of us having drinks, smokes (regular and weed), and singing together while one of us played an acoustic (Jason Mraz "I'm Yours" was played a lot).... Don't recall if Joey was apart of that particular group or not, as it was 10 years ago... but we definitely have partied together.
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