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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I've been watching ID: Invaded the last few evenings once the kids are asleep. It's a fairly interesting sci-fi / crime thing from the winter season. Definitely getting some Psycho-Pass vibes.
  2. 1 point
    Like I said, I liked most of the music disc remixes. There were ones that were either too unrecognizable or just didn't really hit for me. The one's I really liked were Barrett's Theme, Lurking in the Darkness, The Battle Theme, surprisingly the Turks theme, Fight On(mostly because I'm a longtime metal fan), The full bossanova version of Costa Del Sol, and the Wutai theme. I think there is an element of me liking jazz on its own so I can appreciate more of it maybe? But since they were collectibles, I like that they took some approaches of framing it as a style based on music they would actually be listening to. The Hip Hop de Chocobo cracks me up every time. The uniqueness of each character has me excited to see how others play. Red will be very interesting. I can see Yuffie being a bit like Tifa but with probably more of a support role. Builds up ATB quick to use ninja abilities and probably be your command sponge. Maybe we can get Vincent's Dirge of Cerberus playstyle in a game that doesn't suck I pretty much agree with your spoilers word for word, down to the nitpicky parts about Wall Market and Shinra HQ and the small details you liked. As for the final spoiler
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