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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/20 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Made this lasagna, didn't do the "layer of basil" shit, just added some basil 18 confirmed "Best lasagna I've ever had" edit: every time he recommended a change, I did that
  2. 1 point
    Ye but the commentary were bigging up that there were now three titles and Hiromu gatecrashed that press conference so I thought maybe something could happen? Rewatched the 15 minute hype interview. So hyped. Have I missed something? Wasn't Tama Tonga getting pushed during the whole "Bullet Club is fine" era? It might derail tag aspirations but surely that's an option. Or.... is he also travel barred? I tried to catch up properly but a lot of shows have been taken offline already.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Mannnn Spoiler for a Dominion undercard match/not one of the title matches
  5. 1 point
    SoR4 is a $33 game and I only had like $15ish left on the combo gift card and my PSN wallet We do have SoR4 on the Switch but I'll probs just get the PS4/trophy version eventually so I haven't really played it
  6. 1 point
    https://www.hellofresh.com/recipes/cheesy-smothered-mushroom-chicken-5ecd4d622df2ac54db00c6d8 We just got our first hellofresh box and Lee made us this tonight! It's really really good. Shame we can't make the other recipes since they fucked our box up I mean, we can, but it requires a trip to the grocery. They only gave us 2 meats and one of them was steak and our box was supposed to be 2 chicken recipes and 1 fish so.... oops. They comped the whole box cost though so I ain't mad. I will report in here with other recipes that strike our fancy from there as we go!
  7. 1 point
    yeye I love Puck and Lia though so that's why I'm trying to decide if I should watch it now or hold off til after I get into S2 just so I'm current. I guess I can save it for a treat for after!
  8. 1 point
    it was absolutely filler but it was QUALITY filter and I'm on board with that. Don't hate on TWIN COBRAS UNLIKE THE UNFORGIVABLE FILLER RECAP EP ONE OF MY HERO ACADEMIA *hour long fart noise*
  9. 1 point
    OK Fire Force S2 ep 1 won me back because I love the sillier stuff. It also helped that I finally watched the last ep of season 1 but like I said... I was just burnt out after the whole never ending fight (HAHHAHERFDVGAERFGVA GET IT BURNT OUT OH MY GOD AERFBHAEFTGJNESZGDYJSXRFTHUMJND GHNBAGVWSFDC SZDfuckyou) Fire Force S2 E2
  10. 1 point
    Watched "I am not okay with this" today, pretty fucking good. Like really good. gonna be looking up the comic it was based on.
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