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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/20 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Square has also long ago established that they will take money from anywhere they can get it and advertise literally anything in a game no matter how fucking weird it is (ie: the entire "Cup Noodle" questline, etc. in FFXV) and have already shown that they're doing it with this. A set of exclusive skins has already been shown that is only available to specific cell service carriers (Verizon in the US and Virgin in the UK I believe) and another set is rumored to be a promotional tie-in with Intel (possibly for one of their processors). All of which boggles the mind. This kind of thing is normally thrown at consumable shit like energy drinks or whatever. Almost nobody is going to change cell carriers or buy a new computer processor for a set of game skins. Sony is also getting a bunch of other exclusive or timed exclusive content including non-cosmetic content so there was clearly a bag of money involved in this whole thing somewhere. To reiterate, this is the same company, through which, you effectively had to pay $50 to get this:
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