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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/20 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    All four opening round KOPW Gimmick matches were on the Korakuen show earlier today. The winners go on to a fatal 4 way in a few days at Jingu Stadium and the winner of that becomes KOPW 2020 Champion Okada vs Yujiro, Gedo and Jado in a Handicap Match (Yujiro will advance if the Biz Cliz wins) Yano vs Bushi in a 2-count match (This one will probably be fun) Kojima vs El Desperado in a No-Finishers match (Boooooo I love Koji's lariat) Sanada vs SHO in a Submission Match (this one's been built really great) @Garlic Junior This Sat, Naito challenges EVIL for the Double Titles
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