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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/20 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. 1 point
    after watching ep 2 today i'm almost tempted to tell you to go binge the originals. This series appears to either assume you've seen or are familiar with the originals or is trying to present the story in a whole new way, which will almost certainly be spoiled for you by casual reading of comments and stuff on this. SHIT'S CHANGED, GO WATCH THE ORIGINALS OR READ THE SYNOPSIS OR ASK ME TO EXPLAIN THE STORY BECAUSE THIS IS NOT A REBOOT THIS IS BASICALLY SEASON 3 Either way, keep watching this one shit's gonna get crazy quick and I am excited editing again to explain myself more but i will spoiler it just in case (i don't reveal anything except what changed my mind on my post!) I think people can enjoy this series going in just from this still, but now that I know what they're doing I VERY MUCH recommend you get a solid baseline of the original plot, because I'm not sure how straightforward they'll be with it since this is aimed at existing fans.
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