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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/20 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    1) (NES) Strider 2) (NES) Metroid 3) (NES) Super Mario Bros. Special 4) Black Mesa 5) Doom: Eternal 6) The Last of Us 2 7) (SNES) BS: The Legend Of Zelda (3rd Quest) ? Hades (1st Time) Beat the final boss with three whole health left. I thought I had died, but I was wrong. This game is fantastic, everyone should play it.
  2. 1 point
    Yeah, Gokushufudou sounds alright too!
  3. 1 point
    Welp, that's it for the City Hunter movies The most recent movie, Shinjuku Private Eyes, was done in 2019. Fantastic animation. I'd definitely recommend it for a little taste of what City Hunter is all about if you've never seen the anime or 90's movies. I think I'm gonna watch Shinjuku Private Eyes again this weekend I found a live action version of Angel Heart on Crunchyroll but not the anime. But! Crunchyroll does have all of the Cat's Eye anime, so next I'm going a little further back in Hojo's catalog to a mid-80's anime about three cute sisters who are art thieves
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