I got:
Monopoly GAMER Edition (basically a Mario version of Monopoly, with completely different rules)
New Dr. Martens boots These are for work mostly, my regular shoes are falling apart and I can't find any I like, so I settled for boots instead. Any pairs of shoes I did find that I like wouldn't work for work as they need to be all black. I found a pair that was mostly black with a small strip of brown near the bottom, and my senior manager was like "nope", so fuck that.[/Shoe rant]
Candy from the cat
A reindeer Pez dispenser (I didn't know they still made those)
One of my delivery customers gave me a Starbucks gift card
Clothes hangers. More practical than anything, we seem to be running out around here so it's nice to have some new ones. They're no-slip, so that's even better.
I gave
XBox Series S for the bf
For mom, I got her: a Google Nest video doorbell thing, and some stuff from Bath & Body Works. Shower gel, lotion, and a candle if I remember right.
Some XBox gift cards for friends
Some Steam games for friends (not saying here as I haven't bought them yet but am going to real soon
Ricki (my bf) is coming over for dinner with my mom and I later, and after that we're heading back to his place to spend the weekend. This morning was nice, I slept in until about 10AM (which I haven't been able to do in months) and then we opened presents.