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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/21 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Based on how the company I'm working for is disappearing our special "COVID PTO" on January 3rd, I was under the impression the virus was going to evaporate into thin air in a couple days. >_>
  2. 2 points
    Sorry you have to deal with such ignorance, Anelle, holy shit. Like I can't fathom some folks rationality when it comes to Covid at this point. Today, I had my follow up appointment. Not gonna lie, the first week home was rough. I couldn't eat, sleep, move around comfortably, had no sense of time, and could barely see straight. But according to the doc, I am healing up well despite kinda pull the stitches earlier that week. I have to take hormones and iron/b12 supplements from now on and homebound for 7 weeks. I hope I have enough paid leave for that. Also, that surgery report is the stuff of nightmares and I really can't believe that I survived that condition for so long. Also, Galeigh's folks came by and dropped off a nice new years snack tray and sparkling grape juice. Love them! Hate not being able to have a nice glass of wine. But Jams and the oxycodone won't let me lol. Can't wait to be rid of the oxy; those side effects aren't worth it.
  3. 2 points
  4. 1 point
    I hope everyone had a wonderful christmas! I still have a box of gifts I couldn't open then and was too out of it to do so. But I will update when I get it open.
  5. 1 point
    So Apparently my parents surprised us with a new 55" in TV. So that was a highlight.
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