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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/21 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    If anyone for some reason objects to this being a spoiler topic lemme know otherwise, let's just talk normal. If you ain't caught up, GET OUT.
  2. 2 points
    Comic spoilers (probably tangentially related to the story of the show): Show spoils: I'm definitely intrigued by this show. It's cool. I do wish the episodes were longer though. Seem to just fly by. Wonder if they'll get longer and the short times are part of the theme lol.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Might give it another watch at some point. I don't remember much at all except crazy people doing crazy dance moves to do extra dimensional magic or some kind of shit. I liked it BECAUSE of how fucking weird it was tho.
  5. 1 point
    Promised Neverland S2E2 I'm still not so hot on the setting change, but there's been some really good character moments so far at least
  6. 1 point
    Yeah I wasn't meaning in a "possible plot point" manner, just in a "nod to the comics fans" way. If it was intentional, the acting was spot on.
  7. 1 point
    Great to have Jujutsu Kaisen back in the rotation after a short beak. Gojou kills me Back Arrow has still got my attention, I think it's gonna be a fun show. Protect Scard not so much. I'll give it another week but I still find it rather dull.
  8. 1 point
    I prefer a DH to watching pitchers hit because hardly any pitchers seem to take batting even remotely seriously. Ideally pitchers would hit and actually try to be kinda good at it. Roles in the game are so specialized now though that it's hard for a pitcher to focus on anything other than pitching. Lots of guys on the mound look like they could barely field a ground ball cleanly, forget about swinging a bat...
  9. 1 point
    Promised Neverland S2.2
  10. 1 point
    Haven't been able to play as much this last week, but I've still been putting hours into The Outer Worlds. Now that it's opened up, I've been a lot more engaged. I'm digging the setting, and while it's not really reinventing the wheel anywhere, I still find myself thinking pretty deeply about my decisions and thinking about how I want to handle the various factions. The combat is also a lot more manageable now that I've leveled up and got a solid weapon preference to blow things away with. I did find two Motion Plus attachments for my Wii motes along with Wii Sports Resort at my job and played a few hours of that with my girlfriend. I also went back in time a bit further and played some SSX Tricky.
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