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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/21 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I do wonder if they're going to make Zemo actually a gray kind of dude who legitimately wants to do what he says and isn't just going to do evil shit for the sake of being evil. That would make me happy. I really like what they're doing with him so far and if he legit sticks around to help them then peaces out without hurting them but just to avoid jail, that would be a good little romp. Of course with the Wakandans showing up...that might go very sideways. I am liking this show. It's a lot more straightforward than Wandavision haha but it's like they just continued on after the Winter Soldier movie and I like it.
  2. 1 point
    I thought the final course was a little too over-the-top but it was pretty rad anyway. Love the emphasis on how fun skateboarding is I agree that the side-story about the investigation into Adam seemed unnecessary, but it was nice to see...
  3. 1 point
    Reserving thoughts for when I catch up because I'm lazy but been a while since a new opening! (or since we saw the opening at all, lmao! not gonna lie, I've been very down with them dedicating OP and ED time to more story)
  4. 1 point
    I need to do Horimiya fan art just to express my love T_T i'm also finally gonna start into SK, i've been meaning to but pain levels have me so unfocused lately. But I wannaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i'm also finally catching up on re:zero only *checks* SEVEN episodes behind now jesus I have been distracted
  5. 1 point
    Horimiya is 100% my anime of the season for the winter, no doubt about it. That was a pretty fantastic final episode. I would have appreciated just a liiiiiittle bit more of the silly stuff, but that's only a minor complaint. The more serious parts were great too. And at least Hori's dad made one final appearance
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    I was really not expecting to see Madripoor brought up without the X-Men. I feel like every time I see that city it involves either Wolverine himself, or the X-Men as a whole. It was even cooler to see it realized in the MCU. I was really hoping they'd bring up Tyger Tiger while in Madripoor too, but maybe she's not in power yet at this point in the MCU timeline. I'm really surprised that Zemo stuck with Sam and Bucky after the explosion at the secret lab, I figured he'd be off doing his own thing from that point on. You know he's gonna try and bail at some point, although I gotta wonder if that Dora Milaje agent that Bucky ran into at the end (or another of them) will end up with their hands on Zemo. I'm hoping he gets away somehow, he's too interesting of a bad guy to get rid of this quickly (not that it's stopped other Marvel villians from dying). The theory on reddit is that Sharon is the Power Broker...could be interesting.
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