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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/21 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    For sure. From what I saw they actually did really well with cleaning between showings and making sure there are options for sanitizing yourself like wipes for the seats and hand sanitizers in locations. I didn't see how the food was handled since one of my friends paid for it while we went to our seats but I'm sure it was similar. Idk if I'd go for big movie releases like upcoming Marvel movies and other ones though. Things are threatening to roll back to phases 2 in more counties around here including Seattle area (which no surprise because people be dumb). Or I would probably do it similar with certain friends at low popular theaters and weekdays. Idk. While I would love to just ease back into things we still gotta long way ahead of us.
  2. 1 point
    Getting my second shot tomorrow at 11AM, grabbing some Tylenol and a bunch of gatorade while i'm in the store. Fingers crossed for a non-terrible reaction.
  3. 1 point
    Just did this tonight. Same movie. My friend and I figured it would be fine because it was the middle of the week, and it was a subbed anime movie so figured there wouldn't be too many other people around to worry about. Definitely felt weird being in a theater, but there were only like 8 other people there and picking the seats cleared out all the seats around what you picked with ours as well so didn't have to worry too much. Was really fun though. Have definitely missed going to the theater. It was in South Dakota so I was worried they would half ass some of the typical protections, but the theaters there are doing a good job at least. Figure it's probably mostly the businesses that are nationwide that actually bother doing anything. Most of the stuff local to that state not so much from what I saw. ?
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