And the next after that! :0
I know, right? x)
It definitely isn't for the faint of heart at the moment due to all of its issues, but there does seem to be some method to their madness - particularly when they keep Roberts away from their PR channels, which they've gotten better at in recent times. The man is a visionary, sure, but is way too quick to blurt random shit out when on camera. Still, the game is pretty much a dream come true for me - I've been munching away at space sims all the way back since Tie Fighter an have always considered being able to .
I poke my head in after major updates and keep up with the weekly development updates, which is entertaining in and of itself given how far out there some of the stuff they're working on is.
Pleasure to meetcha. ^^
Oh jeez.
To be fair, keeping bots out of a forum is a lot like keeping mosquitos from slowly eating you alive and leaving you little more than a broken desiccated husk when camping. It's tough, and the best ways to do so tend to be inconvenient in their own right ;_;
Thank you, and so far so good! I appreciate the lack of... uh... 'ironic' swastikas everywhere. :V
(not even joking - this is something that I ran into more than once while searching around for smaller, non-shite forums. ^^; )
I have a strange, gnawing suspicion you may end up waiting quite some time for such a request. :B
[Edit - I'm a derp and mised a post. This is what happens when I forum before coffee.]
Ooo, a fellow Descent veteren :0
Have you heard of Project Overload? It's a Descent-like made by a number of the original developers, and it is pretty solid! Sublevel Zero is another good one, though it takes more of a roguelike approach to the genre. I think they both do a good job of capturing the vibe of the originals.
(Sadly I believe Descent: Underground is dead in the water, though I confess the developers never really sold me on it >_>)
Lacrimosa of Dana was absolutely delightful tbh. I was absolutely taken with it and played it more or less like a full time job. Highly recommended if you end up with a few spare moments!
I love rhythm games! I'm just irreparably awful at them, myself . The only mobile game I have on my phone is also the only one I'm able to play worth a damn, which is Love Live - something about using a touch screen makes them more approachable to me, such that while I can barely complete anything on any difficulty in other games, I can occasionally manage to complete top level difficulty songs in it without any missed notes. :B
Crypt of the Necrodancer, along with Cadence of Hyrule, though, are downright magical.
(And yeah, I'm completely and utterly incapable of replaying JRPGs, though I confess that I don't really like many of them to begin with, which probably doesn't help)