Yeah, for me the parts when I have the deep sads for Kyoko are earlier in the story, and I guess at this point where her thoughts in her final moments are revealed I've already felt sad for her loss and pain and now I feel left with the absolute gift of love she had with tohru and knowing that everything is moving forward to better days. Her final wishes for love and for more for her child are coming true and when Katsuya fucking spoke I lost my shit. Been waiting to see/hear that animated for a long time. So for me personally, yeah, it's some sad shit, but it makes me think more on how special and beautiful it all is, and I don't find that depressing. It hurts, yeah, but ultimately love endures. Tohru is finding her way and her parents were reunited. Kyo doesn't realize it, but he's finally achieved what Kyoko asked of him. It grinds me to a pulp emotionally but doesn't depress me. I can see why it would depress others though, but again I was just so wrapped up in how I've felt about this part of the story for so long that it burst my bubble