I'm kind of curious what they're doing here for a couple reasons. For one, they've used Enchantress already (in Agents of SHIELD, unless they really are throwing it out the window). However, there is a comic character named Sylvie that is actually tied to Loki in the comics. She was given powers (and possibly existence) by Loki and ended up adopting the appearance and name of the Enchantress for a time so this idea still tracks despite Agents of SHIELD (whether it still counts or not). Will be interesting to see if they are playing with the comic story and adapting her to be a time-variant Loki to simplify things, or if there's something deeper happening (such as she's not the real Variant and they're yet to be revealed). With so little left to this however, (2 episodes? really? why is it so short?? ? ) the latter seems unlikely.