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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/21 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    I'm sure that was the intent, yeah. And it's cool that it has the Ajah color for the stone on it, but if they're just going to color code how all of them dress it feels like a pointless feature at that point. XD Yeah, the books drag on in a few places and there is a LOT to follow by about halfway through. I personally loved them, but I can completely get someone having trouble getting through them. I liked what Sanderson did for the writing for the last 3 books though. Felt a lot better. The costume design is definitely really cool. I feel like they went a bit overboard stylizing some of the stuff (such as the White Cloaks) and I feel like that's going to hurt later on when there were some specific details to the styles of certain countries. It's still good though for sure.
  3. 1 point
    There is too much to start watching >_>;;; I got through episode 1 before i switch to finishing Arcane. It has been YEARS since i've read some of the books and i only gave up on that because the writing style was meeeh? But also too many things happening to keep teenage me's attention long enough to stick with it. That being said, for far i am enjoying it. Costuming is well, like the soundtrack. We'll see where this goes.
  4. 1 point
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