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Everything posted by Psycho666Soldier

  1. Psycho666Soldier

    Spy X Family

    The tension that comes from Loid and Yor trying to pretend they don't have feelings for each other is so heavy. Especially since I feel like if they found out the truth about each other, they'd probably just be relieved. Also, these came in a couple days ago:
  2. Psycho666Soldier

    What out-of-season anime have you watched recently?

    I actually just watched FLCL on Wednesday and Thursday. My first time seeing the last two episodes, too(I've seen the first four countless times on TV). The animation and just general stylization is insane. And I appreciated the soundtrack so much more now than I did back then. I also love that the whole show is basically a metaphor for puberty and sexual repression.
  3. Psycho666Soldier

    Summer Anime 2021

  4. Psycho666Soldier

    Today's Birthdays - MT AKA The Baddest Bitch of 'em all

    Happy Birthday!!
  5. Psycho666Soldier

    Today's Birthdays - Chel

    Also, Happy Birthday
  6. Psycho666Soldier

    Today's Birthdays - Chel

    I'm a WOT?!
  7. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    MHA has been hella intense lately. It's been a bummer that I've had no one to really talk to about it.
  8. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    That was a really enjoyable spin-off. There were a lot of theories when it first came out that Rei was Why-man or somehow connected to it, and that was a pretty fun ride until people started pointing out the inconsistencies with the theory. But the timing was coincidental enough that it made people wonder. I think it'll make a good filler episode or two, or even a nice between season special or something like that. Have you tried out Sakamoto Days at all, by the way?
  9. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    I just looked it up. Apparently chapter 2 comes out on the 29th.
  10. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    I also just read the new series that started today(The Hunter's Guild: Red Hood). Holy shit, it was pretty awesome. The art is incredible. Definitely interested to follow it and see where it leads.
  11. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    Just blazed through the rest of i tell c. Pretty disappointing end considering they never got deeper into the connecting storyline, but sometimes you can't do anything about that. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll do a big final chapter like they did for Agravity Boys.
  12. Psycho666Soldier

    Spy X Family

    Chapter 48 was well worth the wait
  13. Psycho666Soldier

    WWE General

    For better or worse, I hope it's a sale. At least it would be a shake-up.
  14. Psycho666Soldier

    E3 2021

    I'm excited for the Advance Wars remakes because I never got the chance to play the originals. Also super excited for Metroid Dreads and WarioWare.
  15. Psycho666Soldier

    Spy X Family

    I actually literally just skimmed through it before making that post lol
  16. Psycho666Soldier

    Spy X Family

    Chapter 47
  17. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    Dr. Stone Are you caught up on Candy Flurry? I still have like 3 chapters to be current.
  18. Psycho666Soldier

    What listen ?

    Just found this gem at my work. I copped it quick I also picked up some Ohio Players, Isley Brothers, DJ Shadow, De La Soul, Frank Zappa, and some Classical stuff, but that was the prized possession of the day
  19. Psycho666Soldier

    Today's Birthdays - Deszae

    Well, Happy Birthday anyway!
  20. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    I was kinda hoping it would be the proper end, too. But I think capping it as a Part 1 is a good way to go. They had a very satisfying ending to a story they started and ended without dragging out. So if they want to keep it going, at least they can move on to completely new ideas and toy around with that, rather than trying to milk a story that died a good while before.
  21. Psycho666Soldier

    What out-of-season anime have you watched recently?

    I actually didn't realize there was a movie, though I know there are little spin-offs. I'll see where I can find it!
  22. Psycho666Soldier

    Completed Games (2021)

    1?) Pokemon Alpha Sapphire (Completed Hoenn Dex) 2) Mega Man X(Legacy Collection) 3) Mega Man X2(Legacy Collection) Just beat it about an hour ago. Arguably better than the first one in a few departments. Bosses are mostly harder, especially without the weaknesses, and the inclusion of the X-Hunters and the side plot there made the game feel a bit more epic. Story-wise, the end is kind of meh, and Zero and the first version of Sigma are surprisingly pretty easy. But needing to hit the final form of Sigma with the full charge in order to do damage made that last part a pain in the ass. I think music is overall better, too. Might doodle around on X3, but it's not a priority of mine.
  23. Psycho666Soldier

    [Manga Chat]

    Fuck, the feels on the last Dr. Stone I told you about that animation lol. I had a similar moment of kind of losing the plot for a bit once the people you were growing to learn started dying and pieces started shifting a bit. That's about the same point I hit a wall with the series and kind of stopped reading for a bit. But the last leg of the story pivots in a direction that puts it back on track. The final 10 or so chapters are a fucking treat to read through, and I was on the edge of my seat with hype when I was reading it weekly. More reason I think the anime will do it justice as both clearer/more awesome action scenes and a second pass on the plot for manga readers.
  24. Psycho666Soldier

    Spy X Family

    Chapter 46
  25. Psycho666Soldier

    What out-of-season anime have you watched recently?

    Finished Haruhi. Pretty fun ride, but man, the arc where they show the filming of the movie just kinda proves Haruhi is kind of a piece of shit. Literally the only reason people put up with her abuse is because she's an unpredictable god and Kyon is hopelessly in love with her for some reason he can't quite figure out. Koizumi is the ultimate fuckboy and is one of the most depressed assholes I've ever seen. Yuki and Mikuru can do no wrong, though.