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Everything posted by Psycho666Soldier

  1. Psycho666Soldier

    FUCK 2020

    Nope. We're still probs fucked until like September.
  2. Psycho666Soldier

    [20/12/28] Totally Weekly Gaming Thread

    The combat in Outer Worlds is kicking my ass. Part of it is probably because I'm not the greatest FPS player, so not having the RPG benefit of something akin to V.A.T.S. is making me get slaughtered a lot. It probably doesn't help that I'm on hard, but fuck. I've died multiple times at almost every encounter so far. I've heard this gets easier as you level up and get better gear soon, and I've still had a blast with the work I've put in so far. The victories feel satisfying, that's for sure.
  3. Psycho666Soldier

    Winter Anime 2021

    I actually really enjoy her as a character element, and chances are your opinions will soften on her. But just saying, I was at peace with her character in the manga and was actually telling my girlfriend to chill out on the Gabi hate when we started this season...and a couple episodes later and I'm feeling the hate train all over again.
  4. Psycho666Soldier

    [20/12/28] Totally Weekly Gaming Thread

    Christmas Haul -Ghost of Tsushima This is the main one I've been playing. Started out kind of simple and felt like maybe the game was over hyped. A couple hours later and I'm getting distracted from distractions. I'm probably putting a lot of time into this one -The Outer Worlds Just started this one today. Haven't gotten very far, and I've heard mixed opinions since it's release, but I love the Fallout games, so I have decent hopes with what I've played so far. No VATS is gonna take some adjusting, though. -Spyro Reignited Trilogy Started the first game on Sunday, but I'm largely saving this one to play with a partner who loves this series, especially since I've played 1 and 3 in recent years. Might tear into Ripto's Rage, though. -DOOM Eternal Haven't popped this one on yet, but I've been hyped to get my hands on it. -Trials of Mana Same as above but more so -Persona 5 Royal Got this one for myself with a Black Friday deal. Same as above, but I don't know if I want to get around to this until I finish my playthrough of Persona 3. -Katamari Reroll Bought this as part of Nintendo's holiday sale. Loved the originals when they first came out, and I no longer have my ps2 copy, so this was a pretty easy buy. Have only rolled up a couple stars so far, but it's as satisfying as ever. I also bought a bunch of games on the PSN recently, but I don't remember what all of them were. I know MediEvil, Control, Hitman 2, and Dark Cloud were a part of them.
  5. Psycho666Soldier

    What out-of-season anime have you watched recently?

    Been rewatching the original Higurashi and planning to go through Rei to refresh myself on everything for the new series.
  6. Psycho666Soldier

    Winter Anime 2021

    AoT @ Tassi
  7. Psycho666Soldier

    The Expanse

    My girlfriend and I literally had the same reaction when we were browsing Amazon Prime. About to watch the first episode after I finish dinner.
  8. Psycho666Soldier

    AEW General

    You've got to be kidding me
  9. Psycho666Soldier

    WWE General

    I swear that man could have a goose shitting out golden eggs in front of him, and he'd still run from the money.
  10. Psycho666Soldier

    AEW General

    Also, after watching the Kenny segment, I'm seeing how much of Impact I can get through without skimming. It seems like Josh has toned down his voice recently and sounds a bit more natural. His first few years in Impact were hard to sit through, like he was trying to add bass to his voice. I know he was heel through part of that, but that also wasn't a great excuse.
  11. Psycho666Soldier

    AEW General

  12. Psycho666Soldier

    Winter Anime 2021

    At times, there can be a disconnect between the scientific and the shonen aspects. I think the manga starts finding better ways to pin the action and the science together. But the superhuman abilities don't exactly go away.
  13. Psycho666Soldier

    Winter Anime 2021

    I'll say Dr. Stone gets even better past the point where the first season left off. Some really intriguing discoveries and some more characters that are introduced that become pretty vital(one in particular I'm thinking of). But I'm also the resident Dr. Stone mark, so take my words with a sizable grain of salt
  14. Psycho666Soldier

    Winter Anime 2021

    My girlfriend and I have recently been catching up on Slime Datta Ken. We're four episodes away from finishing the first season, so this is perfect timing. Will be watching AoT and Dr. Stone, of course. Really excited for the latter more than AoT.
  15. Psycho666Soldier

    Fall Anime 2020

    Welcome to the club
  16. Psycho666Soldier

    Fall Anime 2020

  17. Psycho666Soldier

    Fall Anime 2020

    I've heard the opinion before, so maybe not particularly unpopular.
  18. Psycho666Soldier

    [2020/12/03] Totally Weekly What Are You Playing?

    Fun story, my dad actually loved Space Harrier and played it all the time when I was a baby. I kept trying to pick up the controller and play, so on my third Christmas they got me a SNES. And the rest is history. My Dad will actually be passing through town in a couple weeks and I'm gonna let him play Space Harrier before we start going all out on Mortal Kombat.
  19. Psycho666Soldier

    [2020/12/03] Totally Weekly What Are You Playing?

    I've managed to squeeze in a bit of game playing between homework assignments over the last couple weeks. Shadow Hearts (PS2) - Damn, I fucking love this game. Traditional JRPG that tends to get swept under the rug(probably partially to do with it being published by Midway). Has a cool Judgment Ring system that allows you to have stronger attacks, which I feel might have been inspiration for the Lost Odyssey battle system. This game costs a lot to get online nowadays, but managed to find a version without the case/manual for like 30 bucks. I've been sinking as much free time as possible into this since it came. Now to save up 100 bucks to get the sequel(which was PSM's Game of the Year when it came out). No Man's Sky (PC) - Mostly to play with my girlfriend. She loves this game, and I think it's pretty fun, but I have other games I'd rather sink my time into if I'm doing single player. It also feels like it'll take forever before I ever actually know what I'm doing in this game. Genesis Mini - picked this up like three weeks ago now? Haven't played too much other than testing some games out and getting brief flashes of nostalgia. But I definitely put a good chunk of time into playing Valis III one day.
  20. Psycho666Soldier

    AEW General

    I wasn't including Saxton or Vic at all in my praise I get what you're saying with Graves, but I still think his delivery comes off natural, whereas Josh sounds like he even tries to force a tone of voice that isn't really his. I dunno, I've always found Matthews annoying whether it's WWE or TNA, whereas with Cole and Graves, I at least enjoy them when they're not being shouted at through the headphones.
  21. Psycho666Soldier

    AEW General

    I find Cole, Graves, and Phillips to be far better than Josh Matthews. Especially Impact Josh Matthews where he sounds forced as fuck. The thing I don't like about WWE Commentary mostly comes from the production end rather than the individual talents of the announcer.
  22. Psycho666Soldier

    AEW General

    I heard another option that I think has me more intrigued
  23. Psycho666Soldier

    AEW General

  24. Psycho666Soldier

    Black Clover [Anime]

    It's kind of weird when the average animation of the filler has been considerably better than the average canon episode. There are a lot of tiny moments where you can tell the animators are taking advantage of the freedom.
  25. Psycho666Soldier

    Black Clover [Anime]

    So I've actually read a couple chapters ahead in the manga. The whole 6 months is completely skipped(unless they cover some of it in flashbacks) and it jumps right into invading the Spade Kingdom. So I find 153 and 154 to be excellent ways to use filler. Really, once they got past the Devil Believers arc, the filler became enjoyable again.