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Everything posted by Psycho666Soldier

  1. Psycho666Soldier

    Wrestlers In Movies

    He was actually in Fearless now that I think about it.
  2. Psycho666Soldier

    Wrestlers In Movies

    Assuming we're not including people who have only been in WWE Studios movies, JoMo. Jerry Lawler starred in that one cheesy thriller/horror movie Girls Gone Dead. Kevin Nash was also in The Punisher and Magic Mike. I'm refusing to include The Longest Yard just because part of its gimmick was having a bunch of wrestlers. Which is the same reason I'm not counting Ready to Rumble or The Wrestler. Triple H was in Blade Trinity. Nathan Jones was in a few movies. Mad Max: Fury Road being the most recent I can think of. Jericho in MacGruber(also starring smaller parts from Mark Henry, Khali, MVP, Kane, and Big Show). Andre in The Princess Bride. There's also that goofy ass Kaiju movie where Kota Ibushi and Minoru Suzuki turn into giant versions of their selves and battle.
  3. Psycho666Soldier

    Wrestlers In Movies

    Forgot about Batista
  4. Psycho666Soldier

    Indie Wrestling General

    Joey Ryan definitely started it
  5. Psycho666Soldier

    What out-of-season anime have you watched recently?

    Man, I need to watch Speed Grapher again. I burned through and finished Parasyte: The Maxim for the first time a week ago. Man, what a rollercoaster of a show. Didn't end quite how I thought it would, and managed to keep me guessing on some stuff towards the end. I also loved the atmosphere.
  6. Psycho666Soldier

    AEW General

  7. Psycho666Soldier

    AEW General

  8. Psycho666Soldier

    WWE OSF Pick 'Em 2020 Season - Stage 1

    Was gonna fill this out on my work break. Completely forgot. Damn near forgot SummerSlam was happening tonight
  9. Psycho666Soldier

    WWE OSF Pick 'Em 2020 Season - Stage 1

    I haven't watched any WWE product in like 2 months other than snippets. I assumed it had started, but it's not like it would be the first time they started at an odd time.
  10. Psycho666Soldier

    WWE OSF Pick 'Em 2020 Season - Stage 1

    Pretty sure I missed the start of Takeover. I'll have SummerSlam picks later tonight or tomorrow.
  11. Psycho666Soldier

    WWE General

    I dunno, she's talented enough that she could get a better job working outside of wrestling. Guess it depends how close she wants to be to Mox.
  12. Psycho666Soldier

    Dear Web

    What is your avatar, why is it so long, and where is it from?
  13. Psycho666Soldier

    Dear Web

    Never seen this video before. Thanks for stepping in where Web has failed.
  14. Psycho666Soldier

    Dear Web

    Ah, man, I love avatars, though. Message boards are weird without 'em.
  15. Psycho666Soldier

    [08/02/20] Weekly Wot're Ya Playin?

    Popped on Jet Set Radio in my PS3 the other day. Just picked up my save file and cleared a few stages. Absolutely love that game, and kinda getting myself hyped for the spiritual sequel. Been playing Minecraft with my girlfriend and a couple friends from online/the last town we lived in. Nothing particularly interesting to talk about here. And I finally picked Persona 3 back up. Wish I had the FES version, but it's still great. I'm mostly just trying to get it out of the way so I can finally play Persona 5 without guilt.
  16. Psycho666Soldier

    [Gaming Chat]

    @Vic Boss Probably won't be any time soon, but I've been considering checking out the Yakuza series after hearing a bunch of people say it's basically Shenmue but better. Whether that's true or not, I've heard enough good things that I'm interested. What game do you recommend starting with?
  17. Psycho666Soldier

    The best controller of all time

    Dualshock all day. That and the SNES controller are perfect, specifically SNES for its era. I've never been a fan of Xbox controllers and hate their d-pads. I guess the Xbone controller is fine, but never used it myself. But for me, Dualshock wins just for the longevity and it's ease of use for multiple styles of games.
  18. Psycho666Soldier

    Nintendo General

    Hooooooly shit
  19. Psycho666Soldier

    Completed Games (2020)

    1. Final Fantasy VII Remake 2. Death Stranding It's kind of crazy to think that these are the only two games I've beaten so far this year, but I guess I've been playing a decent amount of unbeatable games or ones that are online-focused. But I finally beat this game. Got the Platinum trophy, too, which I'm pretty sure is only my second one. It was actually fairly easy if you've already put all the time into it I did. Just tedious. Overall, I kinda compare this game to Final Fantasy XV. There's a great engine and gameplay style being employed, with a big open world that you can take a lot of time to explore. But there's not really enough in the world to make it consistently interesting. The difference for me is FFXV still made the open-world part feel satisfying and rewarding to explore. Death Stranding's world...kinda doesn't. Likes are useless when not for the sake of leveling a location up, so the lost cargo becomes an endeavor of diminishing returns in most cases. The memory chips and the lore is cool, but there's only so many mountain peaks and interesting areas where you'll find something like that to really make it worth your while. And I hate hate hate how cut and paste a lot of the game is. The distribution centers all reuse the same models and animations, with the same cookie-cutter dialogue templates, and it contributes to the "low reward" factor. I also feel like the stealth was only really engaging the first few times. After that it just became tedious. The majority of the boss fights offering little in the way of variance didn't help either. All of this became more painfully obvious when I came back to it after putting it down for a couple months. Before, I saw the shortcomings and was still pretty into connecting all the centers and 100%-ing everything. But it was almost enough to make me give up on the game when I came back. That said, I decided to plow through the story and...I ended up getting hooked again. The story was, surprisingly, pretty tame and coherent compared to the MGS storyline. Stuff that's still overly complex, but actually makes a good amount of sense and is told pretty straight-forward once the info is out there. You do need some of the interviews and reports to put together the whole story, but even without that stuff, the event of the last few chapters actually come together pretty clearly, even if you don't remember every detail from earlier parts. There weren't a lot of twists that you couldn't see coming in some way, but the big one definitely made me drop my jaw. While I feel the story wasn't spliced into the gameplay enough to really make you grow with the characters, the final moments end up being pretty emotional. Death Stranding isn't perfect, and definitely not for everybody. I think what Kojima has is an excellent engine and a base idea that could be expanded into future entries that really take advantage of the possibilities. The game feels a bit rushed as far as the actual content that fills up your game clock. But with a few more story moments mixed into the entire game and a world that's actually interesting and rewarding to explore, I could see myself falling in love.
  20. Psycho666Soldier

    WWE OSF Pick 'Em 2020 Season - Stage 1

    1. Drew 2. Asuka 3. Nikki 4. Wyatt 5. Mysterio 6. Crews 7. Shinsaro B1. No-Ropes Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match B2. Big E B3. Yes B4. ?No B5. No
  21. Psycho666Soldier

    [07/05/2020] Weekly What Are You Playing?

    Finally got back into the groove with Death Stranding. I started plowing through the story, and when I got to the part that I assume is the typical, "Finish all the side quests before you continue," point, I felt that itch to star zip-lining shit and going for all the trophies again.
  22. Psycho666Soldier

    [07/05/2020] Weekly What Are You Playing?

    Holy shit, you got some of the most fucked up endings.
  23. Psycho666Soldier

    [07/05/2020] Weekly What Are You Playing?

    It sounds like you've taken a very different direction with Cara than I did, but it's also been a minute since I played, so I don't remember every detail I did:
  24. Psycho666Soldier

    Completed Games (2020)

    I've been trying to avoid spoilers because I want to give this a shot on my own. But my friend was saying about 20 hours in, some big story moment happened that pissed him off enough that he put down the game for now. I'm assuming it's some kind of twist or something major that changes the scope of the game based on context clues. Do you have any idea what part he's talking about and if so, did you have a similar reaction?
  25. Psycho666Soldier

    Which Cheap Video Game Should I Buy?

    Any combination that includes Gunstar Heroes is the right combination.