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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. Lucy


    Any dog can be trained not to bite, I think Stinkfist just has a bit of a bias
  2. Lucy

    Co-op partner requests

    The only multiplayer game I play is Overwatch, but you're always welcome to join me on superlucyjin on the PS4! If you hit me with a group invite and I don't chat immediately it's because I need to change headsets to one with a mic, lol.
  3. Exactly this! No one's saying that hard modes shouldn't exist; if you want to play something on Terror Mode with a zillion handicaps because that's what gets your rocks off then you should 100% be able to do so. However, everyone has different abilities and skill caps, and it seems silly that a game would lock itself away from a potentially bigger audience by having Terror Mode Only as the default setting. A game can still be scary or challenging and fun on 'Normal'- or even 'Easy'- if that's where the player's skill cap is, and as they get better at that game or games in general, they may even move up a difficulty level or two! Anecdote mode:
  4. Lucy

    What Are You Listening To - 2019

    The Proclaimers - Sunshine on Leith
  5. Jesus, they made a Gerald's Game movie?? That one was dark as shit
  6. Lucy

    Fruits Basket

    I'm so happy tbh I never thought I'd see this adaptation and the first ep alone seems amazing, I'm looking forward to continuing this
  7. Lucy


    Not when she's drunk she cant But yeah Stinkwhatever your terrier is gorgeous, 10/10 would pet
  8. Lucy


    Terriers need to be trained and kept in hand, and are no more automatic assholes than pitbulls are automatically violent, ie they're not. On topic, the Beagle Doberman hybrid sounds interesting!
  9. Lucy

    Fruits Basket

    My body is ready. I don't know that my heart is but MY BODY IS READY ZODIAC-GOD TAKE THE WHEEL
  10. Lucy


    Terriers are actually the route you want to consider as a compromise! Medium sized, so small enough for sofa snuggles but large enough to be a "real" dog.. They're also loyal and brave pack and home defenders; 1 of our Smooth Fox Terriers saved mum from an attacking dog, another saved his babysitter from a mugger with a knife. An Airedale, a Kerry Blue, or a Fox Terrier might suit you - Airedales especially are 50-80lb so skirting that medium-large line, but still not too huge to put Wifeshift off hopefully. The other suggestion in the topic of visiting your local shelters to find a doggo that needs a home and appeals to both of you is also great!
  11. Lucy

    List Your Concerts

    Oh man how could I The most important of all: Queen + Adam Lambert in Dallas Went with Anelle and she tolerated me fangirl shrieking at Brian May, we listened to him do a like, 10 minutes astral projecting guitar solo (that proved in my mind that he's a time lord), and then swayed to We Are The Champions arm in arm
  12. Lucy


    I've not played Baptiste more than a couple of times yet, but I think I could grow to like him! I like all the healers except Ana (who I like aesthetically I'm just shit at sniping lmao). Fave heals = Moira, Lucio, Brigitte Fave tanks = Zarya, Orisa, D.va Fave dps = Symmetra, Mei, Soldier 76 Ones I'm shit with but want to get better at = Widowmaker, Pharah, Ashe, Sombra, Baptiste, Mercy, Zenyatta, Reinhardt, Wrecking Ball
  13. Lucy

    Been Awhile...

    HOLY CRAP, QUIKSILVER?? It's lovely to see you, grats on finally graduating and being a full-fledged doctor!
  14. Lucy

    Pet Time Party

    I love Ryoko, she's tiny and speckled and very cute! Pls give her a wee clap from me!
  15. Lucy

    List Your Concerts

    I'm not a huge concert-goer but I go to one when it's a band I really like, mainly if they come in range of me but occasionally going further afield for special occasions! Random list, not in chronological order because my memory is trash: * Status Quo * Turin Brakes * Shonen Knife * ZZ Top * The B-52s * Vocaloid/Miku Expo * Man With A Mission * Mànran Status Quo and Shonen Knife I've seen a few times; I've even seen Shonen Knife a couple of times with Hornet and Oneeight! Every event listed I've enjoyed, but the freshest in my mind is the Man With A Mission concert which was just back in February, and those guys absolutely slam live.
  16. Lucy

    What Are You Listening To - 2019

    Hell yeah my dude. I think my fave anime-featured songs of theirs are Database and Winding Road. As for now: Toadies - Heart of Glass
  17. Lucy

    Phone Wallpapers/Lock Screens

    Lock Screen: Home Screen: This has been my set up for literally like 4 months because I'm so excited for the Fruits Basket reboot lol
  18. Episode 12 shook me the fuck UP. Can't wait for the continuation in 2020!
  19. Lucy

    Ummm Hi.

    3 years to go for me Welcome back, Hikage!
  20. Lucy

    The OLD school forum (WAB and USSJ bday)

  21. Lucy

    Fruits Basket

    -places sticky fingers all over Anelle to try and absorb FruBa energy to keep my soul alive for the next 8 days-
  22. Lucy

    [Manga Chat]

    The Tomie stories are good n creepy, hope you enjoy!
  23. Lucy

    E3 2019

    So like, is just NO ONE from Nintendo or Sony gonna be at/allow their IPs to be at E3? Because if that State of Play was anything to go by that's a bad decision lol
  24. Lucy

    Fruits Basket

    The TV airing begins in 8 days, but there's limited theatre releases that happened/are happening yesterday/today; dub yesterday and sub today, I think. My envy knows NO BOUNDS