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Everything posted by Mera'din

  1. Mera'din

    Playstation General

    The only thing I can think of as a reason for the bulkier design is because of all the haptic response vibration shit they're supposed to be doing with it. Which hoenstly, as interesting as that sounds, I don't know that I care enough for them to alter the feel of the controller THAT much for it. Hopefully you can just synch a PS4 controller to the thing as an alternative if it feels too weird.
  2. Mera'din

    Playstation General

    ^ This. It looks like a modified design of what they originally said was going to be the PS3 controller (the weird batarang looking thing). This looks bulkier than I would want it to be, but maybe it'll be okay. Hard to tell how big it actually is without a comparison but it looks more like an XBox controller than a Playstation one as is.
  3. The regional grocery chain here is starting to get a bit more serious. They have plastic guards in front of the cashiers, and direction lines in all the aisles turning everything into 'one way streets' so nobody crosses paths and you're not allowed to put anything on the conveyor at checkout until the person in front of you is done and the cashier has sanitized the whole thing. They also have someone standing at the doors doing nothing but sanitizing carts as they get put back most the times I've gone through there. Everyone that is working there is also getting a 10% pay increase while this is going on as "hazard pay" which is better than a lot of places I've seen.
  4. Mera'din


  5. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2020)

    Part of it is I was never a fan of the direction the MGS games started heading in the first place. The first is by far my favorite, and I've been slowly losing interest since 3. I played 4 for the sheer spectacle of it, and had completely lost interest after playing Portable Ops and seeing Peace Walker and didn't have much interest in Ground Zeroes in the first place. Everything I saw about what they were doing with 5 put me off even before Konami went full retard and catapulted Kojima. Ultimately there's a lot of little things that rubbed me the wrong way for long enough that I eventually became unable to reconcile it and gave up.
  6. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2020)

    I tried playing it a few months ago and after about 30 min. I got mad and deleted the fucking thing. I was having absolutely no fun playing it at all and it just felt too different from what I remember enjoying from an MGS game that I couldn't get into it at all. Have no intention of playing 5 at this point either because of it.
  7. Mera'din


  8. Mera'din


    In reference to web's satan one: Also this:
  9. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2020)

    11.) Control: The Foundation First expansion came out for Control and I'm counting it because it had a pretty decent length and good amount of extra content and it did not disappoint. Some interesting hidden things too. Probably the most ridiculous being you can find these 8 hidden lucky cat statues throughout the expansion the require some puzzle solving to hunt down in a few cases, and as you find them they gather around another cat statue and unlock these massive stone slab doors that lead to a room: You get a pair of cat ears as a reward. XD The couple patches they've put out since I stopped playing seem to have really helped the performance too. The only stuttering I get now is coming out of the pause menu. The regular menus and map don't cause it anymore. Still some framerate loss when action gets really heavy, but not near as bad as it was at launch and better than I would expect it to for all the effects the game throws around. This is probably the first game I had played where I actually wish I had a PS4 Pro or an even better PC. Apparently the ray tracing and DLSS 2.0 support make it crazy good looking.
  10. Mera'din

    Nintendo General

    Fucking finally. Been waiting for this for what feels like forever. Will give me a good reason to finally make use of the switch. Kids are going to hate me in May. XD
  11. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2020)

    10.) Baldur's Gate Interesting game. Not entire sure I "liked" it. D&D stuff usually doesn't do much for me. Something about the setting has always managed to put me off a little, but the game had some cool bits to it and in terms of depth there is SO much to it that many other RPGs should have taken note of, both in the past and now. Story eventually got me interested, but I never quite managed to enjoy the game play. One part of the story NEARLY elevated it for me too, but it was more of a psych-out moment that ended up not being nearly as crazy as I thought it was at first. Managed to get nearly 90% of the trophies in one go, but one of the ones I have left is beating it on the absolute highest difficulty and considering how much trouble I had with the game on Easy in places, I'm going to nope the fuck out of that right now.
  12. They've extended our school closure at the very least it looks like. March 30th was originally going to be the last day and they didn't prep any schoolwork for anyone, but now they sent out a plan for 'distance learning' and we have to go pick up a packet tomorrow or Thurs. for my 7 year old. Rumors have been running about various people who work in the energy and agriculture businesses here in MN getting travel vouchers just in case we go into full lockdown. Our cases have been jumping pretty steadily (only like 5 or so nearby and none in our county yet though), but I'm hoping it doesn't hit that point outside of the twin cities.
  13. Pretty much same here. The state isn't in total shutdown, but schools are closed and non-essential businesses have restrictions (bars, gyms, and "public gathering" places/events are closed, restaurants are drive thru/delivery/take out only, etc. ). Even if we do shut down completely though, my job is one of the listed essential ones so I'll be working regardless of how bad it gets unless I get sick.
  14. Mera'din

    Do you still buy games as much as you used to?

    I don't feel as if my buying is TOO ridiculous (now that I've started avoiding Steam sales at least. XD ). I get a decent amount of build up, but when I hit dead periods like the past 3 months where I don't want anything that is coming out, I'm able to clear through a good number of titles. There's only a couple times in the past few years I felt like there are times when I shouldn't have bothered buying something.
  15. Mera'din

    Do you still buy games as much as you used to?

    Do you buy as many new (or new-to-you) games as you used to? More? Less? More for sure. More than I honestly need to considering some of my backlog. Do you play games as much as you used to? Roughly equal? I think? Hard to say with kids and work, but because I work overnights, my sleep schedule saves me here a bit vs. some people. On my days off I typically have a 5-6 hour free time after everyone goes to bed that I can use purely for gaming (though I go to the fitness center to work out for about an hour or so a lot of the time) and that's what I typically use it for. I get MAYBE an hour on days I do work if I'm lucky. On rare occasion I'll get 2. Do you now buy more digital compared to in the past when it was more or all physical? Do you stream games? Slightly more digital now. I still buy a lot of games new and can typically find them cheaper physical that way (Amazon will put pre-order games on "sale" randomly and I'll order them then if it's something I know I'll play. Have a number of games set at $50 when they release if I chose to get them). If there's no discount on physical I'll consider digital or if there's a better sale price digitally. It flip flops a lot on what I can get cheaper. If there's no difference one way or the other I've started getting things digital more purely out of convenience. If there's a solid collector's edition I'll make an exception otherwise. No streaming really. Done some in-home from PS4 to computer a few years ago that actually worked pretty well but typically don't need to do that. Stadia is a fucking joke. From what I've heard, Nvidia's option was pretty solid, but now that it's out of beta, some of the publishers are being weird about it.
  16. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2020)

    It was fine for a once through. There were some legitimately cool scenes in the game, and a couple decent story bits. Most of the rest of it was throw away though. I don't regret playing it, but would definitely not play it again. Might be a while on Bioshock Infinite though. The massive quantity of RPG releases this year is about to start, and I made the mistake of starting Baldur's Gate in the dead space I have left.
  17. Mera'din

    The Witcher (Netflix)

    Probably better that way honestly. All of it happens before the games, and there are a few details (especially from Witcher 3) that would spoil some things.
  18. Mera'din

    [Gaming Chat]

    Yeah, 75% of the time, best case scenario is it becomes so weirdly unobtrusive that it's almost not there and you miss the feel of the original. Worst case it becomes a legitimate distraction (looking at you FFX). I legitimately bought the PS4 version of the FFX/X-2 collection after already having it on PS3 because it had the added feature of being able to switch back to the original music. Some have been good, and not everything I heard in the demo was like that (the opening music was great and the initial battle music was solid) but I think it's going to be a mixed bag. It bothers me most because they've already DONE orchestral releases of the music from the game before that sounded great. Why not use those? Why go overboard and do a NEW orchestral arrangement that ends up being less good? Seems like a waste of time, money and effort.
  19. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2020)

    9.) Pony Island Man this got trippy. Was pretty interesting though. Went into it kind of knowing what to expect (Stanley Parable-esque mind-fuck game), but still got surprised a couple times. Mostly that 3rd "core" encounter is what got me a few times. That was some inspired shit right there. XD Don't even remember how I ended up with this game, but am considering checking out some of this guys other games at some point because this was an all around interesting experience.
  20. Mera'din

    [Gaming Chat]

    Played through it a couple times now. Only real complaint is I'm not a huge fan of what they did with some of the music. It's almost over orchestrated at times and it loses some of it's impact (mostly the boss music and Shinra music). Hopefully not all of it is that severe. Really liked the combat and the "classic" mode was decent to though not exactly what I was expecting. Looking forward to it even more.
  21. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2020)

    8.) Bioshock 2 Not sure how to feel about this game overall. It felt partly unnecessary, but had some really solid additions to the story, and some great scenes here and there. Liked the gameplay less overall (except the hacking which was a nice change, and some of the new passive abilities were cool as hell). The combat and the system for gathering ADAM were clunky and annoying though a lot of the time. Was expecting worse overall so was pleasantly surprised in the end. Not going for the platinum for this one. Definitely don't have the patience to do it again.
  22. Mera'din

    Today's Birthdays - Meradin

    Not happening. XD Didn't actually do a whole lot since I worked the night before. Slept until like 3pm and spent the rest of the day not doing anything in particular. XD
  23. Mera'din

    Baldur's Gate 3

    Watched a bit of the full thing and was surprised to hear them say they're actually going to put it up on early access in a couple months. I never played the other ones but have been planning to get the collection for a while now so am in no hurry, but I wasn't expecting them to do that for a title like this. Figure the "real" release date will probably be around Christmas time if not early next year. It's looking good, but some of the animations were definitely a bit stiff and they talked about more races and stuff they will be putting in so there's probably still a bit of work to do.
  24. Mera'din

    Baldur's Gate 3

    Bunch of new stuff out about the game from PAX East I'm assuming. Opening Cinematic:
  25. Mera'din

    [Gaming Chat]

    That sounds even worse. XD