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Everything posted by Mera'din

  1. Mera'din

    [Gaming Chat]

    I don't even know if that can be considered a LEAK. They flat out published the info on the site. With a link and everything. And then they had the nerve to call it a "website vulnerability". Even beyond that, the majority of the current problem lies in the fact that after they were notified of the issue (before the story was made public), all they did was remove remove the link on the site but DIDN'T FUCKING DELETE THE FILE so people who knew what to look for/how to look for it could still find it and download it. That's when the shit really hit the fan and the data got passed around. The ESA must get their knowledge of how the internet works from Nintendo.
  2. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2019)

    I refused to buy either and got them both free on PS+ so I'm not out anything if I don't actually play it. Don't think I could stand a full game of it being like that though considering I couldn't even make it through the glorified demo. Time to youtube the cutscenes I guess.
  3. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2019)

    19.) Day of the Tentacle Remastered Another old Lucas Arts adventure game I had never played. This one did NOT age well though. It was fine. Some interesting ideas in it, but I didn't find it terribly humorous overall. Later entries like Grim Fandango and the Monkey Island games were FAR better imo both in terms of story and humor (and of course gameplay). Didn't know going into it that this was actually a sequel to their first game, Maniac Mansion, but a short ways into it you can actually play a full version of Maniac Mansion so that was cool. Didn't actually go all the way through it though because it was awkward and clunky as fuck to play with a controller. These games set a lot of standards for what adventure games would be come so I appreciate the historic value of them, but I didn't much care for them otherwise. Before this and Hatoful Boyfriend I actually tried to finally play MGS: Ground Zeroes, but rage quite it after like 20 minutes. Maybe I'm just getting old, but playing it felt like shit compared to the older MGS games. Not having a radar or anything was mostly just obnoxious and I got bored with it really quickly. Does 5 feel like that too? Wondering if I should just delete it now and save myself the trouble. Also, Kiefer Sutherland was a fucking terrible choice for voice actor. Kept forgetting it was supposed to be Snake talking and couldn't get used to it at all even after listening to all the mission tapes.
  4. Mera'din


    Anyone heard of this game? I didn't see anything about it (don't think I caught anything during E3 even? May have missed it in the mass of other random shit), but saw a short trailer recently on youtube and it caught my attention. It's made by Remedy Entertainment (Max Payne 1 & 2, Alan Wake and Quantum Break), and looks really interesting. Also found a good preview of it done by IGN that shows off gameplay (because of course the trailer didn't have shit) and that intrigued me even more. Looks and sounds like they took what they were going for with Quantum Break but polished it up and improved the parts that didn't pan out in that game. Looks chaotic and crazy as fuck and is described as being pretty challenging, but a lot of the other stuff in the game piques my interest pretty heavily. Comes out on the 27th of August. Considering getting it. Might wait until I see some more concrete reviews though since I've never played any of their other games and am not sure I'll care for the combat style. Super agro run and gun has never been my preference. Story Trailer: Gameplay preview:
  5. Mera'din

    [08/01/19] Weekly What Have You Been Playing?

    Been working my way through Persona 4: Golden. My first Persona game and am mostly enjoying it so far. Have seen some of 5 when my wife played through it and it seemed decent so my friend let me borrow this one and it gave me a reason to actually use the PSTV that I bought like 3 years ago. XD Also started up Day of the Tentacle Remastered. Not sure how I feel about it so far. This one feels far more dated than some of the other remasters that were done of the old Lucas Arts adventure games. Was cool that they actually put in a way to play through Maniac Mansion itself (the game that this one is technically a sequel to) but I couldn't bring myself to play that one. Was ultra clunky. Also started The Occupation. Interesting so far. Set in the 80s in England amidst the fallout from a (fictional) terrorist attack that has stirred up severe anti-immigrant sentiment. You play as a reporter who is trying to find evidence against a political group that may have set up the attack to push their agenda. The game plays in real time and you have to gather evidence before you need to be at an interview. Some stealth to it and it's open ended as far as WHAT evidence you gather, how you gather it, and what you choose to use from what I understand (haven't gotten that far yet. Just played the opening).
  6. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2019)

    18.) Hatoful Boyfriend Well that was... something. Have had this one sitting in my backlog for quite a while and I've heard good things about it overall. At face value, for those who haven't already heard of it, it's a pretty basic Otome game where the male love interests for the main character are replaced by various birds, while the main character is human. There's a whole subplot you learn as you go through the game about humanity being nearly wiped out by a mutated strain of the avian flu, and a countermeasure causing birds to become sentient and what not to explain this, but the "real" game doesn't actually start until you've gone through it a few times (there are something like 8 or 9 potential love interests, some with 2 endings) and trigger an alternate dialogue near the beginning of the game that turns it from a satirical dating sim into some crazy ass, conspiracy fueled sci-fi/horror murder mystery visual novel thing that feeds of of little hints and clues about the world that you glean from the other playthroughs. I found the whole thing a tad bloated, and a little obtuse at times, and it probably could have used something a little more solid to make it more of a GAME than mostly visual novel, but it held my attention for the most part. Probably an acquired taste, but worth a play if you're looking for something truly bizarre and unique to kill 5 to 10 hours on.
  7. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2019)

    Oof. That name couldn't have done it any favors. Sounds like a cheap party game or something. XD Will look into it sometime though. Apparently the main character of that one is in the newer game made by the people who did the one I just played. It's an interesting genre honestly. Not nearly as cringey as I was expecting based on older examples from the 90s.
  8. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2019)

    17.) The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker Interesting FMV based adventure game. It's clunky, and the execution falls flat at times, but I enjoyed it overall. You're a psychiatrist who is just starting a new job, your predecessor having been murdered, and the patients being the prime suspects of said murder. Each "day", you question the patients, trying to help them as well as get hints as to who may have killed Dr. Dekker. Everything is done in live action FMV scenes, and you have an assortment of questions to ask, as well as being able to type in questions yourself (it uses a text parser so it can be a bit frustrating if you don't use the right keywords). The killer is random each time (out of 6 people), so there is SOME replay value to it, but the game is a bit bulky overall and could have probably used some slimming down in the long run. There are hundreds of questions between the multiple "sessions" and about half way through I just wanted to get on with it. Maybe half the patients were truly interesting and I looked forward to hearing more from them, but some of them felt like they dragged on for way too long. It was a pretty ambitious game, and I feel like they ultimately succeeded in what they were going for. Has a very strong "Lovecraft" feel to it which is wholly intentional (and genuine Lovecraft at that. Very slow burning, existential horror type stuff for the most part) and by the end you start questioning the sanity, motives and even identity of the character you are playing. The acting was surprisingly solid for what I was expecting, and downright GOOD at times. The particular company that made this apparently focuses on FMV games and this is definitely one of the better examples of the genre out of the few that I've played. Overall it was a really solid game for what I was expecting for the price I got it so I was pleasantly surprised. It stumbles in a lot of places, but it has a lot of charm that carries it through despite outstaying its welcome just a tad in the long run.
  9. Mera'din


    There's some good stuff with the role queue thing, but also some severe downsides, but this is what a bunch of people wanted so I guess we're stuck with it now. I don't even mind being locked to two of each in a group honestly, but not being able to switch out roles is frustrating at fuck. I do better with certain roles on attack than I do on defense and people I play with and I regularly switch out between rounds but won't be able to do that anymore. Also, you REALLY don't need 2 healers all the time depending on what you're running. There's still ways for people to be assholes with this too so I guess we'll see how it shakes out. The split SR will be a comfort in that at least that will help shuffle some of the asshats down to lower ranks. Sigma sounds cool thus far. Going to try him out soon. Seems like he may have a high skill requirement to play really well, but we need more tanks like that in the game anyway and he'll be good at contesting bunker comps which is definitely needed with the direction things are going.
  10. Mera'din

    The Witcher (Netflix)

    That would honestly probably work out. This is supposed to follow the book, and all the games take place after the books ended. XD One plus for this too is apparently Henry Cavill is a huge fan of the games and has been pushing for this to be made for a while so he's super into it. One of the actresses too, after she auditioned, ended up reading all the books (had only heard of the games before then) and got super into it as well. Kind of wonder where it's going to be set during the story though because stuff shown in the trailer is from all over the damn place. Like, scenes that would have been from near the beginning of the books, and one from the end of the last book (or at least one that looks like it would be from that part) along with stuff that would have happened even before the books were set. Wondering if it jumps around a bit or does a lot of flashbacks and stuff or how they're going to do this. Seems like they're skipping the earliest books (which were just a bunch of short stories put together into books) at first but will maybe use them for flashbacks since some of the stories are super important later on. Seems like they're going for the bigger "epic" storyline right off to hook people. The short stories would be perfect for a TV show setting, but there's not a lot of cohesion to them at first so it's probably a smart move.
  11. Mera'din

    Marvel General

    Would be nice if they covered it. Even if just in another short. I miss when they used to do those and 'All Hail the King' was a giant tease they've been sitting on for like 6 years now. Would like some payoff finally.
  12. Mera'din

    [Gaming Chat]

    No, the 2nd was "Thanks for your Kickstarter money. This game is also funded by 2 massive corporations. "
  13. Mera'din

    The Witcher (Netflix)

    Having read the books I was worried about the direction they might go with this, but I was really impressed when I saw this yesterday. I recognized a lot of what was going on, it looks like they expanded on story points that were only mentioned in the books and I only saw a couple things that look like they may have been changed/added that I wasn't sure of the purpose for. Looking forward to it.
  14. Mera'din

    What Amused You On The Net Today?

    It seems like basically the same as the original musical. Just, you know, higher end visuals which makes it fundamentally and unequivocally more terrifying to behold.
  15. Mera'din

    What Amused You On The Net Today?

    Do news anchors troll now? Because I know people who have never read a comic or watched a super hero movie in their life that wouldn't fuck that up THAT badly. Maybe whoever writes shit for them wanted her to look stupid or something. >_>
  16. Mera'din


    They're going to have a queue bonus for roles that aren't getting picked often enough so that should help a little. Mostly it'll be dps that has a longer queue time if anything so if you play tank or support more it should be fine. Beyond that, if you really only cared about quickplay anyway, they're moving the current version of quickplay into the arcade as 'Quickplay Classic' so you can basically not worry about this unless you wanted to do comp.
  17. Mera'din


    This is the end result of people being toxic assholes and everyone bitching about comps they don't like basically. They've had 3 years to stop being douche bags and now everyone's fun is being ruined. Honestly I don't see this as a BAD thing. It's just different. Annoying because I LIKE running none 2-2-2 comps, but enough people were complaining about things like the 3 tank 3 support meta for so damn long (even after it stopped BEING the meta) that they're putting their foot down I guess? Now they need to severely re-balance some characters or they'll never be used again. Overall I feel like this is a really risky move. It COULD work out, and I absolutely love having separate SR in Competitive for each role, but this could also absolutely blow up in their face. Interested to see which direction it goes.
  18. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2019)

    Last of Us and SotC are two sore spots for me too. Even before DLC, the Last of US multiplayer shit was fucking grindy and obnoxious as fuck and I noped the fuck out of it without even doing anything other than what I got in one time through the main game so I'm basically sitting at like 14% or some shit. SotC I literally ONLY have the Hard Time Attack one to do but they fucked the controls on the port (PS3 at least. Not sure if it was better for PS4) and the gripping is buggy as hell so doing the one with the giant sword/pillar/stick thing that you have to run up at the start is complete bullshit and I finally gave up after multiple hours of fuck ups that weren't entirely my fault that kept me from getting it. Did the same as you on DuckTales. Made a couple attempts at it but it was WAY too frustrating and didn't feel worthwhile in the end.
  19. Mera'din

    Stranger Things

    I just watched Ep. 6 tonight. Completely agree. Rest of the episode was on point too, but those last few scenes were beautiful.
  20. Mera'din

    Nintendo General

    One of them took it out once and I went off on them bad enough that I think they're legitimately afraid to touch it, the dock, or anything in a 1 ft. radius of the dock. >_>
  21. Mera'din

    Nintendo General

    I'd feel more comfortable with a TV only option as well. I have to watch my kids like a hawk with the thing. It's mainly for them (I've used it all of once I think), but there is no way in fucking hell they are ever undocking the thing considering how badly they treated/treat the Wii U gamepad. >_o
  22. Mera'din

    Spider-Man: Far From Home [SPOILERS]

    This is something that would have been laid down in their original contract when they had no idea what they were going to do or how the movies would be received. Would hardly call it butthurt. Though 1 billion does seem like a bit of a stretch. To date, the only non-Avengers movies (including Civil War in this) that broke 1 billion are Iron Man 3, Black Panther and Captain Marvel I think? Seems weird this would pop up out of nowhere when this deal has been such a super secret to this point though. Can't help but wonder if it isn't possibly a BS marketing ploy to try and up the numbers while they can. Probably on Sony's side since box office money goes to them. It also seems just like them to hold an IP hostage. >_>
  23. Mera'din

    Spider-Man: Far From Home [SPOILERS]

    Good catch, not sure what is meant by it (if anything though). Checked and there doesn't seem anything terribly relevant to the movie in those issues. 134 is him fighting the Tarantula, Harry learning that Peter is Spider-man and Punisher showing up at the end, and 143 is the "Cyclone" (god they really tried everything for Spider-man villains... >_> ) . The only thing even semi-relevant is in 143 Peter talks to Betty Brandt about when her and Ned Leeds are getting married. Still a better catch at a potential easter egg than what I've seen some people throwing around. Literally saw an entire video talking about how Happy's "secret code" to Fury about the surf board must have been a Silver Surfer reference...
  24. Mera'din

    Spider-Man: Far From Home [SPOILERS]

    Yeah, there were definitely a few little hints throughout where he said things just a little off. Like I mentioned above, the reverence for Captain Marvel was definitely one that I noticed right off that I thought was weird but didn't actually think too much about it until the end credit reveal. Another thing I thought of that should have been a dead ringer for Beck's story being a fake was when he actually labeled the different Earth's. He refered to the the MCU Earth as "Earth-616" even though that's the comic universe designation, and the MCU has its own label already (Earth-199999). I noted it but wasn't sure if it just amounted to him trying to show off, or something else. Wasn't entirely expecting the WHOLE multiverse thing to be a straight up lie since it was such an easy buy-in because we know it's a thing in the comics. Web and I were talking the other day and said the same thing about Simmons coming back. I was pretty much like "he didn't even LOOK anything like JJJ, but it doesn't even fucking matter." XD
  25. Mera'din

    Spider-Man: Far From Home [SPOILERS]

    Fury wouldn't have had to tell him anything about the funeral if it's been after that point. They get recent memories of the person they shapeshift into as well so he'd probably have known that even if it wasn't him at that point and wasn't told.