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Everything posted by Mera'din
One of them took it out once and I went off on them bad enough that I think they're legitimately afraid to touch it, the dock, or anything in a 1 ft. radius of the dock. >_>
I'd feel more comfortable with a TV only option as well. I have to watch my kids like a hawk with the thing. It's mainly for them (I've used it all of once I think), but there is no way in fucking hell they are ever undocking the thing considering how badly they treated/treat the Wii U gamepad. >_o
This is something that would have been laid down in their original contract when they had no idea what they were going to do or how the movies would be received. Would hardly call it butthurt. Though 1 billion does seem like a bit of a stretch. To date, the only non-Avengers movies (including Civil War in this) that broke 1 billion are Iron Man 3, Black Panther and Captain Marvel I think? Seems weird this would pop up out of nowhere when this deal has been such a super secret to this point though. Can't help but wonder if it isn't possibly a BS marketing ploy to try and up the numbers while they can. Probably on Sony's side since box office money goes to them. It also seems just like them to hold an IP hostage. >_>
Good catch, not sure what is meant by it (if anything though). Checked and there doesn't seem anything terribly relevant to the movie in those issues. 134 is him fighting the Tarantula, Harry learning that Peter is Spider-man and Punisher showing up at the end, and 143 is the "Cyclone" (god they really tried everything for Spider-man villains... >_> ) . The only thing even semi-relevant is in 143 Peter talks to Betty Brandt about when her and Ned Leeds are getting married. Still a better catch at a potential easter egg than what I've seen some people throwing around. Literally saw an entire video talking about how Happy's "secret code" to Fury about the surf board must have been a Silver Surfer reference...
Yeah, there were definitely a few little hints throughout where he said things just a little off. Like I mentioned above, the reverence for Captain Marvel was definitely one that I noticed right off that I thought was weird but didn't actually think too much about it until the end credit reveal. Another thing I thought of that should have been a dead ringer for Beck's story being a fake was when he actually labeled the different Earth's. He refered to the the MCU Earth as "Earth-616" even though that's the comic universe designation, and the MCU has its own label already (Earth-199999). I noted it but wasn't sure if it just amounted to him trying to show off, or something else. Wasn't entirely expecting the WHOLE multiverse thing to be a straight up lie since it was such an easy buy-in because we know it's a thing in the comics. Web and I were talking the other day and said the same thing about Simmons coming back. I was pretty much like "he didn't even LOOK anything like JJJ, but it doesn't even fucking matter." XD
Fury wouldn't have had to tell him anything about the funeral if it's been after that point. They get recent memories of the person they shapeshift into as well so he'd probably have known that even if it wasn't him at that point and wasn't told.
Apparently Epic is offering refunds to Kickstarter backers who don't want it through them, so that's SOMETHING at least. ? Very specifically, THEY are paying for it so it doesn't deprive the dev. of funding for the game. They also said that if this happens again (read: WHEN it happens again) they will either attempt to coordinate with other storefronts so that keys will still be available to those who backed said game, or will offer the same refund deal. Seems like they're doing a lot of extra work and bending over backwords while chucking giants wads of cash at everything when all they really need to do is not make their service fucking awful so that people might actually WANT to use it? >_>
16.) Darksiders 3 I'm not entirely sure I liked this game. Story was solid, but something about the game didn't feel right. I know a lot of people were complaining when it first came out because they seemed to take it in a sort of "Dark Souls" direction apparently and ended up patching in a "classic" mode later on but even playing on that it felt like enemies hit 2-3x harder than they should and you pretty much had to figure out how to dodge everything or go fuck yourself. I enjoyed the story though I'm getting really sick of these games re-treading more or less the same time period for 3 games now. It's like they're in a perpetual holding pattern because they didn't actually know WHAT they were doing with the story so this one is another half-assed prequel to the original (as was 2) that only fills in 1 or 2 more pieces of the puzzle without actually making things all that much clearer. Probably not going to bother getting the platinum for this one. Seems like a huge hassle when I have other stuff I really want to play right now. And of course the side game that's coming out next is ALSO a prequel. Not only that, it's a top down Diablo-style game, but it only features 2 of the 4 Horsemen and as such, only supports up to 2 players. Talk about missing a fucking opportunity.
Whether they had enough funding from the Kickstarter or not, the game was ALSO being financially backed by Shibuya Productions AND Sony and has for years. If they seriously need more than that for what's being presented and it's not just pure greed at this point (or even if it is), then I'm glad I never cared about this series at all. >_>
I have been too, but there was no way I was going to type all of that on my phone. @h2ojunkie I dont' know if I just get that into movies or what, but I never notice shit like that anymore. See complaints here or there throughout the various Marvel releases and I honestly don't think I've ever notice any until after they're pointed out to me. Lucky me I guess? XD
Apparently Konami had no idea that Sony was pulling PES 2019 and it was done last minute by Sony who still hasn't given any real explanation for it: https://kotaku.com/konami-explains-sony-made-the-decision-to-change-ps-plu-1836128623
Hey look, I finally have a day off work so I can reply. THANKS FOR BEING SO GOD DAMN PATIENT. It's like you're a saint or something. ANYWAY. Movie was fucking fantastic. I love how they did Mysterio. Anyone who knows the character at all probably called everything being some sort of setup right away, but it was still beautifully done. They carried the con long enough that I was honestly just starting to doubt myself. Then that bar scene. As soon as they started talking about the glasses I was like HERE IT COMES. The actual set up was really good too. It actually being a whole group of people who had been jilted by Stark (more or less) and giving examples of when and where it happened was cool to see and made for interesting motivation. I liked that they actually worked the angle of humanizing Stark a bit. Setting the world in this "Iron Man as a martyr" sort of state, and then working throughout the movie to really humanize him and remind you of his flaws. Between Happy and then these guys showing that he wasn't always the most stand up person and didn't always handle situations the best was a good dynamic to work with. Guess that means the whole 'multiverse' angle is a no-go for now though. I had my suspicions when he referred to the MCU Earth as "Earth-616" since that's "main" continuity for the comics, and the MCU has its own number. Really liked all the characters. MJ really grew on me with this movie. Such a different version of her character (reminds me a bit of the Ultimate Universe Gwen Stacey more than anything I think), but I like her. All the characters felt solid even when they were practically just there for background or for comedic value. Then there's the after credits scenes. Holy shit. Both of them just flipped everything upside down. Soon as they showed Jameson the whole theater blew up. Getting Simmons back for the role was one of the best things that could have happened. And then they took that so much farther than I would have expected. Painting Spider-man as the bad guy made sense. Continuing Mysterio's obfuscation and putting Spidey in the hot seat is a great set up to move forward. But full out revealing his identity was definitely not something I was expecting. Shit is going to get ridiculous. They could potentially even lead this into bringing Miles in and killing Peter if they really wanted to. Excited to see how they'll move forward from this point. And then the last one. Damn. So many implications. I actually had this one spoiled for me right before the scene because I was looking to see if there was another scene quick and the article I found flat out gave it away. X_x Was still different than I expected though. What I had spoiled was just that they were Skrulls so I was like "OH SHIT SECRET INVASION", but that wasn't necessarily the vibe it gave out. Even so, pretty much had the same thoughts that MT put down in his spoiler tags in the other topic: How long has Talos been Fury? Has it just been since the Snap (Blip? XD ) or has it been much longer? Is Hill even a real person if the former? ? What is the purpose of Fury being in space with the Skrulls? I get the impression it hasn't been the WHOLE time (he at least must have known Stark himself, Talos was reporting to him about giving Peter the glasses and the general feel of everything he was saying made it feel more like he would have had a connection with the characters involved) but it could still have been longer than just since Endgame potentially. Maybe anything with him since Winter Soldier at least? He had to go into hiding after that and where better than in space? Soon as they showed it though, there was a part from earlier in the movie that made SO much more sense knowing that. When Peter is freaking out about helping and starts asking about the other Avengers, and he brings up Captain Marvel, Fury responds with something to the effect of "Don't you dare invoke her name!!" and that seemed really weird coming from him, but knowing it was Talos the whole time it made a lot more sense. Think there were a couple other things too that I'm not remembering. Including the fact that Mysterio was able to fool them so thoroughly. Get the impression that the real Fury might have been a lot less trusting. I honestly feel like I need to see this again. Seems like there may be a lot of subtle things throughout that will be much easier to spot after seeing it once.
Watched first episode so far. I missed this show.
Oooh. May have to get that Annihilation one. That was one of my favorite events by far and is the reason Nova is one of my favorite heroes now.
I could have, but it was 4am and I needed to sleep. Also, YOU'RE NOT MY REAL MOM, YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO.
They gave Heavy Rain for free already last year I think? Bonus for anyone that missed it though I suppose.
Might be a good idea to do a spoiler topic for this one. There's a lot to unload. ?
Playstation Plus games for July are: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 Horizon Chase Turbo Also, apparently Sony is discontinuing the trophies = rewards point with their Sony Rewards thing in early November. Cashed mine in about a month or so ago and was able to add $60 to my Playstation account so free game for me. XD
Apparently it takes an "Ethics Department" to tell the FFVII devs that Tifa would probably wear a sports bra? https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-06-19-square-enix-has-an-ethics-department-and-it-told-the-final-fantasy-7-remake-developers-to-restrict-tifas-chest
Only sales I've seen since Black Friday have been around 25% off or so (so about $45) and I DO have it on alert on Slick Deals.
15.) Borderlands 2 Finally got around to finishing this now that the game has been out for like 7 years and I've owned it for around 6. XD Still have a bunch of shit to do in it though with all the DLC and if I go for all the trophies.
$45-50 is the "normal" sale price. $40 or less is Black Friday level sale price.
My understanding is the main reason Gaimen did the writing for the show is because it was basically Pratchett's dying wish that the show be done right and he started writing it the day after his funeral so that was a big reason why he went that way I'm sure.
Newegg is selling 1 year PSN codes for $49.99 and there's a promo code to get an extra $10 off. Code is: EMCTBVT44 Sale is good through Wednesday. Not sure how long the code is good for but it still worked as of a few hours ago. Good through March 2022 now I think. >_>
Show was phenomenal. Not sure how it compares to the book as I've never read it, but I've heard good things on that end too. Also, if the show itself weren't good enough, there's this: https://comicbook.com/tv-shows/2019/06/20/thousand-petition-netflix-to-cancel-good-omens-even-though-it-ai/ They've since admitted to the error and redirected the petition, but holy hell.