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Everything posted by Mera'din

  1. Mera'din

    E3 2019

    I honestly like Phil Spencer. Ever since he took over I've been impressed with how he's handled their progress over the years. The XBone went from "What a fucking joke, I would never touch one of these in my life." to "I would consider buying one of those, maybe." His work, if nothing else, has really been highlighting Sony's lack of forward momentum since they stole the show for the PS4. His stances on a lot of pertinent issues to console gaming in recent years are exactly what I want to hear, and he tends to be really candid on difficulties with what he wants to do and/or things that people want to see. Still don't like their controller though. XD
  2. Mera'din

    [Final Fantasy General]

    They probably honestly don't know depending on how much they add I guess. I see the rest coming out faster though once they have the main models and all the combat mechanics and everything set, it should speed up the pace a bit. You of all people shouldn't care anyway since you haven't played the first game. If what you're getting is a full game with a full story and you have no functional context for any more story beyond that, but are still complaining, then you're just being difficult. There's definitely some stuff going on in the trailer that was not in the original game, so it looks like they've certainly added to it. If they split this up too much it's going to be kind of dumb though the approach right now seems to be that any splits to it will be where there is a fully functioning story. I can see where that works during the first part of the game, but am not entirely sure how they'll play that out after that point unless they go all out bullshit cliffhanger type episodic stuff. I'm willing to buy a well rounded game/story even if I know it's not the "whole" story. I don't want some Telltale shit though. Really like how the gameplay looks though. Looking forward to that much at least.
  3. Mera'din

    Kingdom Hearts

    They say that now. That's literally how they described it. Not saying it makes a difference in whether you should play it or not before waiting, but and they will almost certainly sell another edition of the game with this as part of it after it comes out (they did this with FFXV as well. They added stuff to the core game as DLC thing and then also resold the game as "FFXV Royal Edition" or whatever it was. You could just get the DLC if you had the game or buy the game with everything if you didn't have it yet).
  4. Mera'din

    Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

    Saw that today. The person playing seems like he has no idea what he's doing half the time. XD
  5. Mera'din

    [Final Fantasy General]

    They said during the thing that the first part is JUST the stuff in Midgar but that they have expanded the story and everything there by a large amount and it functions as a full game story on its own I thought?
  6. Mera'din

    Kingdom Hearts

    That's basically what this is. Instead of doing a "Final Mix" type of thing like they always used to do, they're doing this.
  7. Mera'din

    [Final Fantasy General]

    Showed a new mini-trailer at the FFVII symphony thing that was last night I think. Also got a release date. March 3rd 2020. Should get more specific info tonight at Square's conference I would imagine.
  8. New story trailer. Also recommend actually watching the part of the Microsoft E3 presentation where it was shown. I don't think anyone is quite as hyped as Keanu Reeves. Edit: Here it is. There's a quick reel of gameplay bits at the end of it too:
  9. Mera'din

    Kingdom Hearts

  10. Mera'din

    Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

    Gameplay trailer from E3:
  11. Mera'din

    Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order

    Pre-Disney Star Wars games let you do shit like that too. Force Unleashed had some pretty insane shit too including pretty much everything seen in this with the exception of pulling the "stop blaster bolts in midair" thing I think. When it comes down to it, it's a game, and they're going to put anything cool seen in the movies into it whether it makes sense for this kid to be able to do them or not. Though likely it's not something you'll be able to do right away anyway and will have to level up and acquire the skill at some point to do a lot of that.
  12. Mera'din

    Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order

    If they insist on going that route, at least do more stuff between 6 and 7. They've shoved a plethora of things between 3 and 4 now but we've had minimal stuff showing the other and one of those was Battlefront 2 which was kind of meh ultimately in terms of story.
  13. Mera'din


    Okay, so they clarified some things a bit. Mainly, the fact that, though the Cataclysm event is 8 weeks long, that doesn't mean the content will go away after 8 weeks, and that it would be kind of weird to make a whole new area and all this other stuff, and then remove it 8 weeks later. Was rather vague on details, but there is more to this than just the 8 week event they were referencing.
  14. Mera'din

    E3 2019

    Finally. Really hoping for something impressive from Crystal Dynamics at this point. Edit: sounds like some details were leaked online. One such mentioned 4-player co-op. ?
  15. Mera'din

    What Amused You On The Net Today?

    I find that funny, because that basically IS a version of Spider-man.
  16. Mera'din


    Doing stream right now. Talking about the Cataclysm event and showing off the new area. - Cataclysm will be an 8 week event, 2 of which is a "pre" event period. - Will have leaderboards and support a repeatable, competitive element. - New story, missions, and high end cutscenes will be involved - This will take place in a new area of the game. - New faction has formed within the Dominion as a result of the main games story, their leader Vara will be the main antagonist from the sound of it. - Map contains various "arenas" with different events and objectives to score points. - Can only spend certain amount of time flying in the cataclysm itself before you take damage. - Gain points meeting objectives and completing arenas and things of that nature. - There will be a time limit that is extended as you complete objectives, as well as score multipliers and things of that nature. When time runs out you're given a score. - Event will have "Inversions" that give buffs to certain things each week. Things like 400% increased ult charge, half time on ability charge or double damage on certain weapon types. So basically like the things on Nightfall strikes in Destiny, but everything is a beneficial effect. - New weapons and masterwork gear - Melee equippable slot. Not DIFFERENT weapons for the javelines, but will have different effects. Example given was Ranger melee is a primer electric ability. Can change it to be a detonator instead. Plan is for all Javelin's to be able to swap between different elements and primer or detonator for their melee. - Masterwork and Legendary Support gear (FINALLY) - New items will have a higher power level than existing items (kind of expected, but it's probably good they say so or I might worry. >_> ). -Event will have currency tied to it and a special vendor you can buy chests from ( ). Items available in chests will change throughout the event. - Removing luck stat, all Javelin's will have set "luck" to what the max was when it was a stat so effectively more loot will drop for people unless they were try-harding the game already. Any gear with the luck stat is having it replaced by armor. - PTS will go up sometime next week and will be up for 2 or 3 weeks. They really want feedback on the systems they're putting in before it goes live. First week will be strictly testing for the event itself, and after they will patch the new loot in for feedback on that. Definitely looks good overall. Not sure how I feel about this being an "event" (even if it does go for 8 weeks). The only way this is going to work is if they keep their dev. cycle really strong and have shit progress consistently. So this event will finish and another of equal size/length will start within a week or two after and keep progressing the story/world forward. This is basically going to be end game content so they can't just end it and then wait a month or more before something else happens or people will lose it. Time will tell. Austin has a LOT of experience with online services and this style of development and whatnot so I have some hope that once they stabilize with what they're doing, we'll see some consistent stuff from them. PTR is PC only which sucks for me I guess. Might actually consider contributing feedback on this since they probably legit need it and will be hard up for people not just screaming "LOOT" over and over again which is usually what 75% of the stream chat is. It's already been clipped for anyone that might want to actually watch it:
  17. Mera'din

    Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)

    I'm REALLY leery of this. Linda Hamilton is a plus, and rumors are that Edward Furlong might be in it too (maybe not a good thing, but supposedly he went through rehab and was getting back into shape and was had gone to the place they were shooting it and everything), but the trailer doesn't really give me the best feeling.
  18. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2019)

    13.) What Remains of Edith Finch Interesting quick little walking simulator style game. Took maybe an hour and a half to get through. Pretty sad, but had some interesting mechanics to it at times and kept me engaged. Solid experience for something I got for free. Might have been annoyed if I had paid more than like $5 for this though. Not much else to say. This style of game is pretty straight forward and kind of hard to fuck up if you have a decent story. Side note: Feel like I missed an opportunity with the order I played these last couple in. Could have had the FFXIII game be my 13th entry if I had done this one sooner. Oh well. XD
  19. Mera'din

    Death Stranding (2019)

    At least we get some understanding of what the fuck is even going on now (kind of). Looks interesting. Want to see more game play before I grow too attached though. Could easily end up being the kind of thing I don't care for but time will tell.
  20. Mera'din

    Avengers: Endgame [SPOILERS]

    There is not a lot of time between the end of Ragnarok and the start of Infinity War. Despite the gap between movies for us, the timeline seems pretty narrow for the character. It was basically a cascade of events hitting one after the other in rapid succession from Ragnarok through to the first part of Endgame and they all kind of tailed off of one another. They're all part and parcel to fueling his insecurities. Also, Whedon implied the same thing that Russo said in like 2015. Someone asked him at Q&A thing about why Cap couldn't lift the hammer and his response was “Did he fail? Or did he stop?”
  21. Mera'din

    Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

    Yeah, I've heard a lot about it. My wife watches it. I don't have the time right now to commit to it though. 2+ hours per episode is pushing what my free time allows right now. X_x
  22. Mera'din


    Just because they're not saying anything doesn't mean they weren't working on it. In EA's quarterly financial call they had not too long ago, they flat out said they're still fully supporting the game as it sold incredibly well and fills a gap in their lineup. Say what you want about the company, but they're not going to lie to their shareholders. That's about the only thing they DO care about. The press on the game has been the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. When two of the guys started working on something else, people lost their fucking minds talking about how they were giving up on the game and all this other shit. They were two of the Edmonton team that had stayed on extra time to help with the transition to Austin taking over the game. They literally said months earlier that that was going to happen. Those two didn't have anything to do with the development of the game pretty much from the point it came out, outside of said transition, and the transition had finished. Still plenty of people playing the game. Unless I play at utterly bizarre times, I always have a full group when I do a random thing. Probably the only thing that would really be dead at this point would be the regular story missions since everyone would be done with them. Even if there weren't a lot of people playing, if they fix the stuff they need to it will be fine. There have been plenty of games that have had a resurgence after worse states than this.
  23. Mera'din


    Nope. That's one of their "big" projects so I'm assuming we'll see a complete overhaul (which it needs). Most people bitch about the drop rates, but there's not anything particularly wrong with that. RNG is a bitch, but I get Legendaries pretty regularly just playing on GM1 (like I said, I've completely maxed out 2 different javelins). So I'd expect something more profound. Hopefully alongside new content. Once they get a couple more strongholds in too, that will help. Have 4 now. New one was really fun, but definitely need some variety. 6 strongholds and some "higher" tier of content (some kind of raid style thing) would be much more well rounded.
  24. Mera'din

    Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

    Final clan for the base game is Malkavian. Disciplines are Dementation (ability to drive people mad) and Auspex (6th Sense/Projection). Legitimately surprised they went went them. Using Dementation helps (in V5, Dementation has been rolled back into Dominate like it had been in a couple previous editions), as it gives them something unique. At this point I was honestly expecting Nosferatu or Gangrel since they both have unique disciplines (Obfuscate and Animalism/Protean respectively), but I guess not. Malk's also have Obfuscate traditionally, but with the 2 discipline thing they're doing I wasn't expecting them to get it since it's the least defining part of the clan and Dementation and Auspex are far more signature for them. Malkavian is easily my favorite clan and I really enjoyed them in the first game (though some people didn't). The experience playing as one changes the game pretty heavily and it sounds like that will apply this time though a lot of people should be happy with it. Sounds like they're trying to move away from the "goofy gibbering idiot" sort of crazy, and into more of a darker tone and pushing more of a paranoia angle. Should be interesting. Not much else to say really. They said there would be gameplay revealed June 10th (there will be a playable demo at PDXCon), and they said they will continue doing streams going forward, just covering different topics obviously. I'm expecting the first DLC clan we'll get will likely be Gangrel at this point. The title of the first "Season" they're doing (Season of the Wolf) kind of leans in that direction for sure. Stream was kind of shitty this time around. They had video conferenced in Brian Mitsoda from Seattle (streams take place in Europe) and there was some pretty horrendous lag so it was hard to tell what he was saying a lot of the time. Videos: