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Everything posted by Mera'din

  1. Mera'din

    Marvel General

    @TV show stuff On one hand, I'm glad to see they're using the same guy from Agents of SHIELD, but on the other why the fuck are they not just putting all of this in one place? We had to go through all the Netflix stuff being cancelled so they could start shit on Hulu? I know they own a pretty large chunk of Hulu at this point but come on. Also, Helstrom? Isn't that a Ghost Rider character? Why are they getting their own show when they're also just doing Ghost Rider? XD
  2. Mera'din

    Avengers: Endgame [SPOILERS]

    I don't recall it being a thing in the comics. But Vibranium is likely only overly significant on Earth. It came from space and there are likely more interesting materials (such as Uru which Mjolnir and Stormbreaker are made from) to work with out in the Universe. They could really go anywhere as far as the movie universe is concerned. His shield is kind of a weird thing in the comics where Cap's shield is more unique than it is in the movies. It was originally made from Vibranium mixed with an unknown alloy and the guy who made it doesn't even know how it happened so it's one of a kind. When it broke at one point (from some planet shattering level occurrence or another) it was then reinforced with Uru. It doesn't necessarily have to be anything ultra impressive. The power of the user is going to matter to. Even in the comics, adamantium (which is indestructible) has been dented by the Hulk and by Thor w/ Mjolnir. We know it's stronger than vibranium, and at least the equivilent of Uru (but probably not Uru itself since we've seen Mjolnir used against the shield before). Likely the display was meant to show the full extent of Thanos' strength and, in turn, Wanda's. I was really happy when they showed that personally because it feels like they've been limiting showing what she is actually capable of in the movies so far before this and Infinity War. Actually, now that I think about it, it COULD just be made of Vibranium honestly. Black Panther was able to scratch the shield with his claws which are also vibranium so it could be as simple as that plus his strength?
  3. Mera'din

    Avengers: Endgame [SPOILERS]

    I can work with that.
  4. Mera'din

    Sonic The Hedgehog (2019)

    Kill it with fire. He's not human sized at least, but why does he have to have human proportions then? They had one fucking job and they fucked it up. The rest of it would still probably be bad too, but that's the one thing they needed to NOT fuck up.
  5. Mera'din

    Avengers: Endgame [SPOILERS]

    So 4 distinct timelines then and Cap did make another by staying in the past. Also, something else this made me think of when it was talking about the quantum realm stuff and Scott. Janet was stuck in the Quantum Realm for about 30 years, which based on Scott's time there should have only been a little over a day for her. I looked a little bit and basically the only reasoning I could find was pretty much just "Because sci-fi is weird and we wanted her the right age for when she reunited with her family." I suppose different points in the quantum realm could have different effects, but still. >_>
  6. Mera'din

    Avengers: Endgame [SPOILERS]

    He's still pretty messed up at that point and it seems like he's basically hitting on multiple things as he rants (most of which are actually his own failings). His vision being what Wanda made him see in Age of Ultron that fed off of his anxiety over the events of the first Avengers movie. The "suit of armor around the world" is what Ultron was meant to be. Didn't Cap express some sort of disapproval for the Iron Legion (or at least his ultimate vision for it before he and Banner secretly set up Ultron) before shit went south in AoU as well? I can't remember and it's been a while since I watched it. When he talks about losing and Cap not being there it's kind of a double thing. The "We'll lose together thing" was something he said to Tony in AoU about dealing with alien threats and Tony thinking it was something they couldn't win without something like Ultron to aid them. The reference to him not being there and thus them not losing "together" is because he wasn't around to help in Infinity War (at least not directly with what Tony was doing) because of what happened in Civil War. Once again, this is technically Tony's fault as well, but the implication is that if they had all been together when the attack happened then they could have won (or at least lost TOGETHER as it were). Mostly I think it was intentional that he wasn't actually making a lot of sense. He was just shy of dead and was doing a Tony Stark version of ranting incoherently.
  7. Mera'din

    Avengers: Endgame [SPOILERS]

    We need a short of Steve putting them all back imo. XD I miss them doing those. Even the ridiculous Thor ones.
  8. Mera'din

    Avengers: Endgame [SPOILERS]

    Think it's safe to say that Jane ended up having an even worse day than we originally thought during Dark World.
  9. Mera'din

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    Yeah, I think my exact statement at that part was "Dick move." Also, has anyone seen the posters for each episode that HBO commissioned for the show a while back? It's one per episode featuring a (usually) prominent death from that episode (at least until Season 8 Episode 2 XD ). The guy is doing them for this season too and they're really cool. https://beautifuldeath.com/ Beware if you haven't watched recent stuff. It loads in on the Season 8 ones. There isn't one up for Episode 3 yet, but I don't know when they're normally put up so as of now it's only up to Episode 2 of the current season as of posting this, but the new one could be added anytime.
  10. Mera'din

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

  11. Mera'din

    Avengers: Endgame [SPOILERS]

    Think it would have been cool if they could have snuck some new people in there too here and there especially since they've left potential for that already. We have a 5 year gap where things were bound to have happened, but I supposed they wanted this to be a solid 'wrap' on what there was so far without any lead ins for new stuff (thus not going with a stinger in the credits or anything).
  12. Mera'din

    Avengers: Endgame [SPOILERS]

    Yeah my friend said something like that. Was just like "Uhm... just fucking flying through them." My wife really enjoyed that part though. I did too if I'm being honest. Pandering or not.
  13. Mera'din

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

  14. Mera'din

    Avengers: Endgame [SPOILERS]

    Was looking at a similar article. So we're probably looking at (at least right now) 3 separate timelines like Matt was basically saying. I can buy the "Cap was the husband all along" thing. It's small potatoes compared to everything else. And yeah, Spider-man showing back up and Cap with Mjolnir were definitely the biggest theater cheering moments. Captain Marvel showing up to destroy Thanos' ship and when she showed up to save Tony being a close second to those.
  15. Mera'din

    Avengers: Endgame [SPOILERS]

    Speaking of Peggy and Cap, wasn't Sharon her niece (or something to that effect) so that wouldn't effect things with her. Also, alternate realities aren't a plot hole. They're just... alternate realities. Stuff they did split the timeline off. That doesn't mean anything for the primary timeline. It just gives them more tools to work with if they choose to use them. The only thing that really needs an explanation that I can think of in terms of the primary continuity is how does Thanos and Co. coming from the past and getting vaporized there not fuck things up royally? That's a shitload of "important" people that just disappeared out of their timeline (Thanos, Gamora, Nebula, the Black Order) and weren't put back. Unless Tony's use of the Gauntlet took care of that somehow and we just don't know. I don't think Cap going back necessarily affect the main timeline. As web said, they never show Peggy's husband or talk about him. Even at her deathbed, the pictures by her are her and her children so (at this point at least), I think the intention is that it was him all along.
  16. Mera'din


    Yeah, despite the intense bitching about the game that's still going on, they are steadily improving it. The loot thing is just whatever though honestly. Drop rate is fine. I've had a full set of Legendary stuff for quite a while and I rarely play above GM1 (only did 2 a handful of times and have never touched 3). Mostly they just need to fix item score on the shit to reflect difficulty and/or make the rolls less retarded (either tighten them up more than they have, or let you reroll specific things with crafting mats since they have NO use otherwise outside of making a new character). There's no real reason to go up in difficulty after GM1 because stuff doesn't get BETTER it just has a chance to drop more often which is almost unnecessary. The fact that you can get a Masterwork weapon on Easy that is the exact same item level as what you could get on GM3 is kind of stupid basically. I would say don't rush load it up again. Wait for some of their end game stuff to go in. The Mastery system at least should help a lot if it's what I think it is.
  17. Mera'din

    Avengers: Endgame [SPOILERS]

    God that movie was fantastic. Really good cap to this whole thing. That final fight felt really good overall. I don't know if they will focus too much on any alternate realities that may have formed off of this unless they DO go with the Kang thing and even then they won't be a focus. I also don't see them trying to find ways to feature people that are gone since the point kind of seemed like it was to get rid of them so they wouldn't be in movies going forward. Things can change obviously and maybe some of them will want to do a cameo here and there but I don't expect anything big. I think we will see some focus on the 5 year gap with the next phase they do though. I read an article at some point in the past month that mentioned that some of the next movies will be set "in the past" which could easily just mean that. Though it could also mean that you're completely right so who knows. I just think a heavy alternate reality theme might push it a bit for a lot of people in terms of movies. People like us would eat it up, but I know people that already have a hard time following all of this. Push any harder and they might finally break it. Maybe they'll use the shows they're doing to put some focus on this stuff? With Loki being a feature for one it seems possible. Mostly I just feel like too heavy of a focus on the alternate timeline stuff will be a too much for a lot of people, but if anyone can pull it off they can I guess. XD One thing I really liked about this movie is we got a bunch of little (or big) comic references that were really nice (thought they're usually pretty good about these). Hawkeye's daughter in training. Wonder if they'll use her for a Kate Bishop stand-in for the MCU?, Clint going full Ultimate universe Hawkeye, "Hail Hydra" , etc.
  18. Mera'din

    Monthly Comic Solicits

    God I fucking hate comics sometimes. Was catching up on some stuff I had piling up and saw an add for "Magnificent Ms. Marvel" in one and then it dawned on me that I hadn't seen Ms. Marvel the past couple months on my list. >_< STOP CHANGING YOUR FUCKING TITLES YOU FUCKS. Or at least do it in a way that doesn't fuck over the people that actually want to buy the shit. I had this problem back when The Dark Tower was still running too. Every story arc the 'subtitle' on the comic would change and it would count it as a COMPLETELY different title and I'd end up missing shit if I didn't think about it.
  19. Mera'din

    Rammstein - Self Titled

    Well now I HAVE to share one. Be warned, probably not safe for anyone.
  20. Mera'din

    Rammstein - Self Titled

    I take it you haven't seen any videos from Til Lindemann's other band then? XD Rammstein's videos (with a few notable exceptions) are almost tame compared to those.
  21. Mera'din

    Marvel General

    Saturday for me. Bought tickets like 2 or 3 weeks ago to make sure I got the seat I wanted. Between my family and some friends we bought out nearly an entire row in the theater. XD
  22. Mera'din


    Neat. Wish I had more patience for messing with this kind of thing. Side note for those that don't know, the Archive event is going now which is their yearly pve event that they add to each time. Fun if you're interested in the story at all.
  23. Mera'din

    Last Movie Watched

    However weird it looks from the trailer, you have no fucking idea. XD
  24. Mera'din

    Last Movie Watched

    Trying to catch up on a backlog of movies I have saved up and recently watched "Sorry to Bother You". Trailer made it seem like a relatively interesting standard comedy/cultural commentary sort of thing and it started that way but with a bit of an absurdist bend to it. Almost felt like a cross between Idiocracy and Scarface. XD And then the movie gets fucking WEIRD. >_> Was good overall, but they did a damn good job of not giving away much from the trailers. Was kind of refreshing.