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Everything posted by Mera'din

  1. Mera'din

    Completed Games 2022

    3.) Haven This was a great, chill sort of game. Excellent co-op experience but plays well solo also. It has combat in it, but it kind of takes a backseat to the exploration and relationship of the two characters (you even get more experience from conversations than from the combat). Story was interesting, though the two endings you can get were both depressing in their own way. Was a great experience all around imo.
  2. Mera'din

    Famous Deaths

    Guess I spoke too soon about it just being people in their 90s so far.
  3. Mera'din

    Famous Deaths

    We already have another from just a few days ago as well. Sidney Poitier died on the 6th. At least the current string are people well into their 90s that have lived pretty full lives. Still sucks though.
  4. I'm actually kind of worried they'll do that with all the heavy leaning on Ned learning the other Peter's best friends tried to kill him considering his namesake in the comics. >_> For those unaware, Ned Leeds in the comics was (kind of) the original Hobgoblin. With the insinuation of magic with this Ned, I could see them rolling the original Ned Leeds in with the 2nd Hobgoblin character who eventually solicited a demon to gain magical power and became possessed. He ultimately freed himself from the demon which then became Demogoblin. On second thought, it might be fun to have Demogoblin in a movie. Could even finally pull out Ghost Rider at that point if they wanted to.XD
  5. Mera'din

    Completed Games 2022

    2.) Halo 4 (MCC) I actually really enjoyed this one. Was actively engaged in continuing the game to find out what was going on instead of playing a mission here or there when I was bored or didn't have a lot of time. Was super impressed that it was using stuff that was talked about in the first game too until I looked it up and found out that all those cool little terminal collectible scenes weren't part of the original two games and were added later for the anniversary stuff by 343. Kind of pissed now though. I actually feel a little invested in the games at this point and now find out I can't actually play 5 at all since they never put it on PC (guess that one came out before Microsoft stopped being giant assholes about everything?) When I have some time I'll just watch a video or something before I move on and if I recall that was the one everyone hated anyway, so
  6. I enjoyed it overall. Felt superfluous, but still enjoyable. The new Smith was trying too hard though. Definitely would have been 10x better with Hugo Weaving, though that character being in it is probably the thing that made the least sense in the movie overall. Kind of wonder how on the nose the bit about "You didn't want to do this, but WB is going to do it with or without you" was in terms of Lana Wachowski being on board for this. XD
  7. Mera'din

    Completed Games 2022

    Only completed 23 games last year. All the online stuff I've been messing around with is definitely leaving its mark. ? Played a much higher concentration of PC games than I typically have in years past though. Probably partly due to finally building a new computer and having to spend way too much on a graphics card. >_> 1.) Halo: Reach (MCC) Glad I didn't play this one first. Would have downright hated the way most of the rest played after this one. Story was actually interesting even though knowing how it ends kind of lessens the impact of characters dying and the writing wasn't good enough to make up the difference. Once again the vehicle sequences shine as the best parts of the game. Also YOU CAN FINALLY FUCKING SPRINT. Easily the most annoying part of the other games hands down. That takes care of all the Bungie-made games in the series. Time to see how I feel about the 343 ones. XD
  8. Yeah, it looked really weird in stills I had seen but actually worked out in action. He definitely has an expressive enough face for it to have worked, and the rest of the outfit leaning into the classic look was enough to make a difference otherwise imo.
  9. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2021)

    23.) Halo 3: ODST (MCC) This one started out kind of meh but really took off as it went. Some great sections in it. The side story that built up as you found the files was probably the most interesting part though. Was more invested in what was going on there than I was the main story. XD
  10. Mera'din

    Halo Infinite (2021)

    I played a bit of the multiplayer pvp stuff since its free. Was fun enough because of some of the game modes. Otherwise it just felt like playing slow motion Destiny for the most part. XD I do have game pass though and since I enjoyed that well enough I decided to burn through all the original games quick just to see the story and work my way up to playing the new one. It's been fine so far. On ODST now.
  11. I should really consider doing that too. Only thing I think I want to keep is my non-super hero stuff and maybe the Ms. Marvel and the Dan Slott Spider-man stuff I have since I have basically the full runs of those. I have way too many boxes in my closet though and I don't think I'll bother reading most of it again since its such a hassle to even go through them at this point.
  12. Does the Omnibus have the same stuff as that? I think I'm pretty well done collecting single issues and have moved more towards TPB and Omnibus style stuff like you did. Just so much easier to manage. I really need more book shelf space though. XD
  13. Mera'din

    Happy Xmas

    I worked both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Though getting double pay for 24 hours of my time worked is like its own Christmas present. XD Other than that, I got super nice leather-bound copies of the first Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. For the wife I got a board game and an expansion to another board game that she likes, a new coffee grinder, a nice looking all-in-one edition of the first 3 Vampire Chronicles books by Anne Rice, and a beach towel and coffee bean set that are Coheed and Cambria themed (also a hoodie but that's on backorder). For the kids: The 17-year old got a couple books, a Razer headset for the computer, and a $100 steam gift card. The 16-year old got a couple books, a My Hero Academia t-shirt, a Tokyo Ghoul hoodie, and a digital camera. The 8-year old got a few books, a bunch of Pokemon cards and a Switch copy of Breath of the Wild. The 2-year old got some books, an LOL Suprise doll (she's obsessed with these things), a little dinosaur that makes sounds and stuff from Jurassic Park Camp Cretaceous, and a big plushie of the baby Ankylosaurus, also from Camp Cretaceous (she's also obsessed with dinosaurs). They also got a wired pro controller and Pokemon Brilliant Diamond for the Switch collectively.
  14. Looks like there are some options. Individual volumes as well as a couple omnibus collections and what not. Is this what I'm looking for? Not sure if it has everything in question or not. https://www.amazon.com/Hawkeye-Fraction-Aja-Barton-Bishop/dp/1302932225/ref=sr_1_1?gclid=Cj0KCQiA_JWOBhDRARIsANymNOaNIbB5rSx7j2R2AHK_015xQuzuTXOoW9eTAjoWbRU9ubu0BNAO-RYaApoIEALw_wcB&hvadid=234063354625&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9019929&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=4803052139709810721&hvtargid=kwd-354898248165&hydadcr=24630_9648900&keywords=hawkeye+fraction+omnibus&qid=1640390086&sr=8-1 Looks like the same stuff the old hardcover one had (though that one is now going for like $200 at least on the listing on Amazon that I saw).
  15. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2021)

    22.) Halo 3 (MCC) This one was better. More solid game overall than the first two imo. Felt like it looked worse than 2 though just because that one had all the nice cut scenes and this one didn't so seeing characters that were only in cutscenes in 2 have normal character models for 3 was kind of jarring. XD The sequences where Cortana and/or the Gravemind (I think that's what it was called) would talk in your head were interesting and kind of fun, and the driving bits in the game were pretty entertaining.
  16. I don't know if they ever called Bobbi "Mockingbird" in Agents of SHIELD honestly, but yeah this really doesn't do that show any favors with its now questionable continuity (not that the last couple seasons would have counted anyway with all the weird time travel shit they started doing). Your idea about it being passed down is possible though. Fury removed her from SHIELD records so it's possible the codename was repurposed, or the MCU could designate things differently too and a certain level of agents have just a number, where as the higher end ones have the codename like Hawkeye did. It's a bit of a moot point though since neither Bobbi nor Laura are called Mockingbird at any point. Probably should read that run at some point. It definitely seems like its worth the time. Just need to find the time at this point. I've kind of fallen out of reading comics altogether again. XD Is there a readily available TPB or something for it, or is it ones of those things they disappeared at some point? Also, shout out to all the tracksuit guys yelling "Bro" throughout the episode.
  17. Mera'din

    [Gaming Chat]

    I played it a little over a week ago. Was definitely super impressive. Everything was practically photorealistic other than the people. The rendering speed was amazing too considering all the individual, AI controlled moving objects in it. Saw some stats on it after I played it. There are 35,000 people and 45,073 cars. Map stats were also given. There is apparently 160 miles of road w/ 1248 intersections. The destruction detail on the cars was pretty good too. I spent most of my time flying around and even zipping through the city at max speed, there was very little frame rate drop, and it had no real issues rendering everything. You can definitely see where they cut some corners to make everything run smooth (the water at the coast looks like shit, no weather, and the skybox was static with no animation to it outside of intentionally adjusting the position of the sun, etc. ), but it still bodes well for games going forward. Would really like to see it on PC to see how it runs there too.
  18. Yeah, Toby wasn't the best Spider-man but was a really good Peter. He suffered from the most dreary of the Peter writing though. It was honestly hard to rewatch the original movies again. They do not feel like they aged well. XD I will say on rewatch I liked Garfield's Peter better than I originally did, and they did a good job making him more science-y feeling but his interactions with other people as Peter always felt not quite right to me. A lot of my problems were honestly probably more with writing and directing than him though honestly. I would definitely be willing to give him another shot at this point. I just worry they wouldn't learn from their mistakes without some oversight. I would be happy to be proven wrong though no doubt.
  19. I honestly didn't think he made a terribly good Peter most the time but he was an excellent Spider-man. A lot of that could have been the writing though and probably also the direction he was given. If they were smart about it, it could definitely work but I don't trust them still to make the attempt. XD Would much rather see them push towards a live action Spider-verse type of thing instead where he could play off other characters a little more. He definitely has talent that got squandered in the ASM movies.
  20. Alright, this shit is marked for spoilers now so we can really have fun. XD Mostly just wanted to say that I agree with pretty much everything you said all around. Movie was basically non-stop holy shit all the way through. Like the slowest part of the movie was the beginning when his only problem was everyone on the planet knowing he was Spider-man which says a lot. Only thing that worries me is that now people are clamoring for them to make an Amazing Spider-man 3, and they're apparently considering it. That honestly sounds like a terrible idea unless they DRASTICALLY revise some of the background plot garbage they were manufacturing in the other movies and I don't know if Sony has the ability to do that by themselves. It's been a fair number of years since they've shit all over themselves and this seems like a formula for disaster waiting to happen. Maybe I'm wrong though and they've learned enough at this point from Marvel to not be awful? >_>
  21. Mera'din

    Completed Games (2021)

    21.) Halo 2 (Master Chief Collection) Well that was a bullshit "ending". Jesus. Glad I never played these before because waiting 3 years after that shit would have been annoying as fuck. Game was an improvement over the first one by a fair amount. Story was better overall and some of the cutscenes were pretty cool. The dual wielding functionality for smaller guns was fun. Still kind of floating in the realm of "this was fine". I think Destiny probably ruined these games for me since all the core gameplay just feels like that only slowed way down. XD
  22. That was insane. I'm really glad I watched the old movies before I saw it too because there's so many little call backs. Legit might need to see this one again. There was just so much going on. Curious how things will be going forward all around now though. There have been a lot of mixed messages about what is next for Spider-man. >_>
  23. Going tomorrow to see it. Super excited.