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Everything posted by Hornet

  1. Hornet

    Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

    Finished watching this today. I started the season expecting very little, having hyped myself up for the videogame and found myself v.disappointed. It's a fun 1-seasoner... very kinetic and exciting. I liked it a lot.
  2. Hornet

    The Peripheral (2022)

    Based on the novel "The Peripheral" by William Gibson (2014) "Set in the future when technology has subtly altered society, a woman discovers a secret connection to an alternate reality as well as a dark future of her own." Loved the novel. High hopes for this, although I learned that GreatDismal wasn't able to be on set for a lot of filming owing to health issues. There had never been a truly good William Gibson adaptation. (I personally love Johnny Mnemonic tho.) Studios have been playing whiffleball with the Neuromancer rights since basically 1984. Here's hoping!
  3. Hornet

    The Peripheral (2022)

    2eps in and it's exceeded expectations (and I was pretty excited to begin with.) Excited to see if they make the future as weird as it is in the novel. Heavy recc. Ep 3 on Friday.
  4. Hornet

    Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

    Lmao broken product at launch. Sounds familiar
  5. Hornet

    Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

    I didn't really have a problem with the subs tbh. I'M BUILT DIFFERENT and just attributed the weird phrasing as being hacker cant. They're talking weird because they're future crims talking future crimes in argot. I might be wrong, maybe the translation was just shit and I parsed it anyway.
  6. Hornet

    Famous Deaths

    Some old white bitch wearing Hari Kondubalu's grandmother's jewelry, according to him.
  7. Hornet

    Work History

    -Dropped out of University -Applied at McDonald's -Rejected -Become care aid -Present
  8. Hornet

    What listen ?

  9. Hornet

    Komi Can't Communicate

    All up to date now! (Of what's on Netflix.) Good show, mayn. DAE notice that the girl's uniform is a skirt, a tapered blazer and a cravat... that the boy uniform is a boy-cut blazer, a tie and trousers, and Najimi wears a boy-cut blazer, a tie and a skirt?
  10. Hornet

    Komi Can't Communicate

    Fun little Naruse moments. I loved when he's looking at Komi and Tadano is depicted as semitransparent. (Doesn't even see him.) I also love how the Ending theme starts when Komi hands him the handkerchief, and the credits intrude... because in his mind that's like the Ending to the Episode in his mind... and then there's like 5mins of content left. The framing (flowers everywhere, credits at where the Ending would be if he WAS the series protagonist) intrudes on the show. It's a good technique showing narcissism as basically a kind of 'Protagonism'. The guy nearby explaining his self-world with doorbell sounds, basically the dude's translator/Tadano, his weariness cracks me up. And the use of *doorbell sfx* as "Red flag red flag red flag" is perfect also. I never expected to ever, ever cheer for Ren. Yoooo.
  11. Hornet

    Post Your Picture!

    On the Kop getting ready to watch the Rolling Stones
  12. Hornet

    Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)

    Loved Jobu Tupaki's villain entrance so much. I loved it as an expression of zoomer humour as nihilism. She basically memed herself Omnipotent.
  13. Hornet

    Komi Can't Communicate

    Not really reading poasts because I don't want anything spoiled but the episode with the Ch?niby? was bloody lovely. The way they sort of implied a commonality between Komi's selective mutism and the girl's fantasies/delusions was both sensitive and sweet af. Hope I can be more Komi in future.
  14. Hornet

    Komi Can't Communicate

    Postan without readan but I watch ep.1 with a supported person recently and it rules. I'll be watching it at a rate of maybe 2 per week and can't wait to catch up to yall
  15. Hornet

    What listen ?

    Cannot stop playing this
  16. Hornet

    Post Your Picture!

    Not a recent pic as such. Just found it browsing an album and wanted to post it somewhere
  17. A lesser range of emotional responses/reactions to posts available than OGcenter? Condescending really. Just agitating. I'LL NEVER STOP BITCHASSES. Give me shinykoff or give me death Also fuck autopost merge. What we asked for What we got
  18. Oh my god motherfucker chose to give me death, I wasn't prepared for this
  19. Same as chudcenter
  20. Hornet

    What listen ?

    Cool thx! My major reassurance at the moment is; often I'll play a song by like Grimes or Doja Cat or Kanye at work... which my backbrain is convincing me is normie shit, and then people object about half the time. Reassures me I still like music with sharp corners.